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Generative.fm Work Priority Poll (For Real!)

  • User Accounts with data save/sync 1
  • Self-hosted streaming app 4
  • 2019-07-26
  • 5 votes
{'title': 'Generative.fm Work Priority Poll (For Real!)', 'choices': [{'text': 'User Accounts with data save/sync', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Self-hosted streaming app', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 26, 2, 28, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 5}


Now that I have a better idea of what's ready to be worked on, it's time to vote on how I should be spending my time.

Option 1 is to add user accounts so you can actually register and log in to the site. Your data (like play time and favorites) would be saved and synced to all devices you were logged in with. This would be a pretty large effort, but a good first step to adding more data-driven experience options like sorting pieces by popularity. Registering would be strictly optional.

Option 2 is a stream-hosting app for you to run on your own networks to generate music streams. This requires a bit of technical know-how to use, but basically this would be a small zero-config program which you run on a computer. Other devices (not just computers) could then access music streams via a url (like http://[SOME_IP_ADDRESS]/awash.mp3). Quite a bit of the work for this is already done, so this would be a small to medium sized effort. It also gets us one step closer to hosting the streams somewhere, assuming that's going to be financially viable.

If there's a different way you'd like me to spend my time, leave a comment and let me know! We can count "likes" as votes in that case.

Thanks again, I hope you're continuing to enjoy the site.



The far out thing that I think would be cool would be : Given the play time of an array of tracks (say, your 3 'favorite', where 'favorite' is time played) the page is able to generate a new track that is constructed as a 'crossbreed'


This would be really cool, but it would require a TON of reworking of the older pieces, and not all of the pieces are compatible with each other. But this reminds me of another idea I had, which would be to let you build a "station" of a selection of pieces, where it would cycle through them randomly. So say you select 5 pieces, it would choose one to start playing, and then after 20 minutes or so (configurable?), it would fade that one out and fade in a different one.