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SCP-3434  -  "Pets Wait Here". 

Appears as a normal street sign outside of random entrances.

A potent cognitohazard, the phrase implants itself in the victim's subconscious; They're waiting here, so they must be a pet. The sentiment is strong enough to warp reality around them, largely transforming them into their notion of an ideal pet. While the victim remains fully aware, everyone else sees a normal animal and all evidence of their human existence gradually disappears. Even their new 'owner' remains unaware; The pet's waiting here and the sign says Pets Wait Here, so clearly nothing's out of place. The 'pet' remains fixed in their role, their rewritten subconscious preventing them from 'misbehaving', or acting out of place.  Due to the nature of this SCP, it's impossible to accurately estimate how many have been affected. Extreme caution and regular staff counts are recommended.

(Sorry for the 10 days of radio silence but I figured it'd be better if it were released all at once, instead of with little tease posts. 55 hours for this 40 second animation. I could do some more tweening, heck even add flat colors and shine, but it might cost a Milked page or two so idk if that's what you guys want.)




The transforming shifts here are so natural looking! Very smooth! And your expressive faces really shine here! I like the *poof* as the fur comes out!


Please o please go all in on this. I LOVE what you have here.


So I wouldn't fully animate it; body movement takes forever, it took 3 hours to do the 5 frames of her legs shrinking at the end. And there's 400 frames. But some extra tweens and some simple coloring... Yeah it could be pretty hot eh?


I like this but I also really like the milked content too. I can't wait for the next chapter


Haha got to be so difficult lol


I wouldn't mind losing a few milked to see this fleshed out


This is fine as is, please keep focusing on Milked!!


I so love this. I would love to see it coloured. I mean it would delay Milked and not remove two pages, right ?


Yeah I'm not gonna delete 2 pages, it'd just delay them. FYI when I say colored I mean 'plain solid colors with little white shine marks'. Real simple


Time for a poll, I think. As it is, I reckon both efforts are equally hot. I'm happy with either project!


I'd personally rather see Milked get done quicker, but this was sure cool!


Ever consider investing in your patron? Maybe hiring animators that could do the job? Relieve stress from you all the time lol


While I really like how this turned out, my vote would be for continuing Milked and potentially Bad Juju earlier. We're just starting to get into the good stuff for both of those comics!


I was planning on it when i can finally make VR TF content for patreon. But for art I'm wary for lots of reasons. My biggest concern is that I'm very picky and the hired help wouldn't make it quite how i want. This project only had about 12 hours of mindless tweening that i could easily farm out, the rest was drawing and tuning https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/711906607667347456/908241147590246430/unknown.png Also i think for art it'd be a net loss in income. So I'll probably wait for the VR


They are both sort of on cliffhangers... I'm currently thinking I'll come back to this in like a month or two for colors. Give the other series some time and make this feel fresh again

Kris P. Kreme

I like the concept of this, could work as a series of signs, different signs in different places, all with varying outcomes to those affected. I'd definitely be interested in you exploring the concept, even if you didn't focus so much on flawlessly smooth animations or anything. It's just a nice variety to your impressive work.

Ashley Rain

Well, since people are voting, my vote's on working on Milked.


The SCP thing was kind of added at the last minute tbh. But i could probably get a few more uses out of the idea. And thx

Toon Boy

This is sooooo good! Wow makes me excited for what else you’ll create :D


Thanks. I think this rough animation style could be a somewhat regular thing here


As much as I LOVE the Milked comic, I'd wait a bit for another page to see this colored. Odd question, why can I view the animations on my phone but not my computer?


That is odd. Idk, it's just a normal GIF. Try different browsers or apps

Robert Louis Stoll

I'd revisit it after Milked, at the very least. Whatever keeps you sane.


I love this as much as I love all of your other work, but SCP-3434 is already taken I believe. >.> Fantastic job never the less. <3


By something pretty unpleasant too. Yeah I was just trying to reference rule 34


SCP-6234 is open should you ever wish to write up a thing for it. :) Still amazing work.


Doesn't really stand out as a funny number tho. 80085 is of course pretty fought over https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1458855-scp-foundation So idk. 6934, 6334 (should probably save that for a TGTF though)...


Would love to see this colored


This is beautiful I love it! Just. Yes. Thank you, and great job. I would love to see it more finished.


Love to see as a colour comic


Well... it's an animation, it's already at "peak" format. But i might do some coloring


Might want to change the SCP title. 3434 is already created and quiet dark and unrelated. https://the-scp.foundation/object/scp-3434


I love watching her tail push out.


More like this!!!