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I have to pause the patreon to deal with real life stuff, like moving to escape a roach infestation, spraying prep and etc. You won't be charged for the next month, and you'll still get all the pictures you paid for- just, slower. I'm sorry about this.

It might be paused for longer if my VR TF project is going well- after 7 years on it I feel like the engine is right on the cusp, and when it works VR porn will never be the same! (Pretty dumb to stay paused when I just cracked 2700 patrons, I know, but I've been dying to work on this.) You can follow along on discord or twitter

Thanks for your patronage. I hope this project makes it worth your while.




Cockroaches are the worse. Hope things get better.


Thanks. They already sprayed once and it put me like 4 days behind, from all the prep and cleanup. It didn't work and now they're spraying again >__<


stuff happens!


You’re a genius for being an amazing artist and at the same time knowing all this technical stuff to be able to develop a game engine! Most people can’t do either of that. You have my deepest respect for pausing your Patreon.


By the way, I wonder why this post is for patreons only? Shouldn’t it be visible for all people?


Roaches are a huge pain in the butt, no way around it. Hope things work out for you and best wishes


Thanks. The way i figure it, it's my career so i ought to work at it. And here's hoping pausing doesn't wreck my income when i restart


Cause boobies. Couldn't resist throwing a game engine GIF in there and now patreon will get mad if i make it public


Thanks, I'll need it. This is not the first time I've paused my income for months to work on this damned project. But it might be the last


They are, i am just praying they don't follow me to the new place. (Gonna pay experts to pretreat it). Thanks


Good luck!


Overly invasive bug waifu when. Shits a pain in the ass.


>bug waifu causing ass pain Sounds kinky. You don't see much pegging TF

André Öhr

Thanks for letting us know


Love seeing you be open about this, instead of just charging everyone while being dead for a month. One guy on Patreon announced he was going dead for a few years right after the month rolled over. I also love to see the VR game is coming along well. If you need playtesters, I have a Valve Index and a decently capable computer. Radeon GPU could be useful to test compatibility between Nvidia and Radeon.


Lol nah I'll get everyone the pics they paid for, don't worry. And thx. Hm i will need playtesters eventually. I'll put out builds on discord then Twitter then patreon, as things progress and begin to become sexy. Your gpu could be helpful


curious about the new VR porn.


Basically i want to make TFs for VR in addition to these comics. But 3D characters aren't very sexy atm. So I've been working on an engine to simulate fat and flesh down to the bone so that the characters animate right and look hot (like holywood does). Especially good for sex and VR groping, but also important for faces etc.

Jeroen van den Broek

I haven't been following the entire thing from start to finish but I have seen what you were working on frequently enough to be impressed. It's a pretty damn sweet job you did. Assuming this works well enough to have more than one or two characters on screen this could be really fun for porn games with actual gameplay. And even if it can't it'll be fun for some short experiences. Do you have any plans for when it's done? Will you be making the engine available for other people (free or for a fee) or would you prefer to keep it for yourself? Because I'd be interested. :)


Yo I'm just so excited for you to be somewhere doing something you want that's safer and better for you. I'll wait any amount of time to support your happiness <3


I'm not sure how much it can be optimized before it looks crummy. I feel like 2 characters going at it might be the limit of my 1080. But yeah it could be fun for gore shooters or horror eventually if you limit the amount of jiggle flesh per character. (Currently about 40k jiggle cubes per girl at 130 fps). As for licensing idk. I originally wanted open source, but I might keep it exclusive to me for a year or two after launch, since it took so long. We'll see


Thanks for the enthused support, I'll try and make it worth your while =)

Naughty Koonago

Take care of yourself and be safe.

Anime Guy

You take care of what you need to. We can wait. Hope the move with be smooth for ya.


I wouldn't mind, this expenditure is for pleasure, and is obviously very expendable. I wouldn't be here otherwise, haha, but I do Love your comics and the like. It's been a real pleasure to view them whenever I do need a midnight cap :D


Hope you are doing alright and I hope you make it through this you are great


Lol guys it's roaches and moving, not an illness. But thanks, it has been exhausting


not gonna lie, even if it isnt an illness, that sounds like a bitch and a half

Jeroen van den Broek

2 x 40k cubes at 130FPS on a 1080? That's super impressive as is, especially considering that card is two generations old now.


Thanks. It only uses 40-50% of my gpu too, with collision on. And there's more optimizing i can do, but i also have to build many systems yet so who knows. The GPU is super powerful, like 250x the CPU. It's just a bitch to code for


Thanks for the update! Not a problem at all.


Digi tiddies


We're just glad you're back, bendzz, and we hope you had a good time with everything! Welcome back!


that’s really cool please don’t let milked die though it’s my favorite of your series’ in my 5 years following your work

Handsome Doc

#-D is nice and all, but it shouldn't replace your 2-D art