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I finally got around to changing my patreon currency and it turns out it saves Canadians 92 cents a month! Aboot time eh? 

(Euro and USD are still the same, I dunno about the other 5 currencies. Patreon likes to round things weirdly.) Go and change your pledge to CAD before next month to get the new price https://www.patreon.com/pledges . This also seems to work for non canadians..? But your bank might charge you on the currency conversion.

I also culled the discord patron tag, so reattach your discord if you lost access to the content https://www.patreon.com/settings/apps . (This will be a monthly thing I think. There were 667 people in the patreon channels that the bot couldn't confirm, many who hadn't paid in months.) 




As a Canadian. This is quite nice, even though you do deserve $5 for your work.


I'm honestly not sure how it works, if I'm losing money on this or coming out equal. But $6.08 was as high as I could go before the USD pledge jumped to $5.50, weirdly, so Canadians get to reap the benefit =P


The docs were pretty bad tbh, they didn't explain the tier price differences at all https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048258772-Changing-your-payout-currency , why the USD tier is 26 cents pricier than it should be. I got blindsided by that while on a timer (no one could pledge during the changeover process) and now it's stuck this way for 6 months. Fingers crossed


Oh damn ok. This whole thing sounds confusing honestly.


Yeah money stuff is always more confusing than it needs to be >__>


Well whatever happens happens, either way, your art is usually worth it so thanks bruv.


That's awesome. Hope you upload more stuff.

Garrett Preston

Spoken like a true Canadian😄

Jessie Star

Been a lot happening in the US lately where this would just be yet another bonus to moving up to Canada!


Maybe don't count on it lasting... it's too soon to tell but it might be costing me like 7%... we'll see