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Hey all!

We're here with the third batch of Pick'n'Mix 7 content, a double feature Vampire Hunters release, a poll result, and the reveal of next month's theme. Quite a lot for the last update of the year - Let's get stuck in!

The MAD Cartographer - Pick'n'Mix 7

The Grand Garden

The Grand Garden is a large outdoor map, which perfectly compliments the Petit Trianon map from our World Wonders theme, or any large noble gathering or public park. This is one of those maps that I really feel has to be zoomed in on to fully appreciate the detail - a huge amount of love has gone into the scatter, flowerbeds, and fountain details. This is the perfect location to run an outdoor soiree that your characters need to infiltrate, or identify an enemy agent! Foundry users will notice that several of the trees, and all of the lamp posts are overhead canopies.

Variants of this map are included for Day/Night.

Cultist's Manor

A mansion tucked away in a wooded copse shows signs of disuse - furniture covered in sheets, pantries lying empty, bedroom gathering dust. However it still has hints of being inhabited - lanterns burn, and noises can be heard coming from the basement. Perhaps an eccentric noble lives here by himself, having long since dismissed his remaining house staff. Perhaps the building has stood empty for years whilst the owner travels the continent, and somebody has broken in to make it their own. Variants are included for Day/Night - but we didn't talk about those noises coming from the basement...

For those who are brave enough to venture down either of the staircases (using the Levels module for Foundry users) they find themselves in a basement, where strange chalk runes are scrawled on the floor, and eldritch whispers can be heard drifting out of a hastily-excavated pit in the floor of the cellar. Where it leads, you decide!

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded. Additionally, the 300ppi maps are now listed on the Patreon store as a shop product free to All the Things tier Patrons!

Vampire Hunters

Werewolf Den & Werewolf Den Cliffs

The Werewolf Den is a large map location from Curse of Strahd, with the Den Cliffs serving as a smaller supplementary map. This month, we bring you both - as well as day/night variants! Foundry users can pass under the mighty wolf's head above the caverns entrance, and make their way through Barovia's fierce Werewolf can - either as a cautious friend, or a bloody foe.

Variants of both the Werewolf Den, and the Werewolf Den Cliff arena are included as Day and Night versions.

This month we've also teamed up with our friend LunchBreakHeroes, who has generously allowed us to share the fantastic Werewolf Den supplementary content from his Raising the Stakes guide. This has been loaded into Foundry and is ready for you to read and use in journal entries!

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

Poll Result

Our Patreon theme poll has come to a close, and the result is an absolute landslide. As much as I was hoping Endless Wizards 2 would clean up, it's Underdark that totally dominated the poll, with over 56% of the vote; Taiga coming in 2nd with 25% and Endless Wizards a shameful 20%

Underdark won't be in the next couple of themes as we work ahead so are already in progress, but it's now top of the queue and you should expect to see it announced soon! But for this month's reveal...

January will be Modular Madness, where we have an absolute haul of new content coming for you. Over 200 new Modular Caverns tiles, including underwater tiles and much-requested transitional tiles, allowing you to use Modular Caverns, Underwater Caverns, and Modular Dungeons tiles together without it being jarring.

We'll also be bringing you over 60 new Modular Dungeons tiles, all new feature rooms with exciting encounter and adventure locations.

Finally, we'll be releasing new, never seen before prefab buildings and adding them to our Downtown collection, as well as passing through previous themes, extracting a lot of buildings that were previously full map locations, and making them prefab buildings for you to drop and arrange into your own locations. 

This is a very labour-intensive theme for us behind the scenes, but almost tripling the amount of modular content you'll have available feels very much worth it. The team are also hard at work on the following theme, which we'll be excited to share with you in a few more weeks!

Happy Christmas from The MAD Cartographer!

Finally we just wanted to wish everybody a Happy Christmas, and to thank you all sincerely for your support this past year. We love getting to create this sort of content, and are excited to share what we've got planned for 2024.

See you on the other side!

Until then...

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!
Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD

Jump To Your Master List: All The Things™ | Vampire Hunter | Starter Bundle




Wow!🤩 your maps always remind me of how fantasy worlds are places you and your players as a DM have lived in and when you see the maps return again for another story. Maybe even with different players you will be reminded of those adventures. I just wanted to show my appreciation for the tons of amazing maps you make💜