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Hey all!

We're here with the second batch of Pick'n'Mix 7 content, a Vampire Hunter map, and an update on 300 ppi maps!

The MAD Cartographer - Pick'n'Mix 7

The Purple Shop

In a poorer part of a large city, an unusually opulent and gaudy shops stands out like a sore thumb. This marvellous store of magical oddities is a testament to the colour purple - right down to the dyed floorboards and roof tiles. Inside, magical lanterns cast violet hues around the store. In the back of the shop, a small staircase leads underground to the basement home of the shop's diminutive owner.

Day/Night variants are included, as well as a separate map for the basement.

Humble Monastery

A large monastery, deliberately designed to work either as an isolated structure, or tucked away in a leafy part of the inner city. These cloisters stretch around a central orchard and well, with a number of rooms dotted around the building providing facilities and plot hooks for the resident monks and scholars. This map is perfect for a dungeon crawl or infiltration!

Day/Night variants are included for this map.

Sorcerer's Subway

A magical travel network for those of an arcane inclination and their companions. The Sorcerer's Subway is filled with all manner of inter-planar portals and teleportation fields, as well as a ticket office, mail room, and café lounge for those not quite ready to travel yet.

For passengers who need to come and go to the station by more mundane means, a set of rail tracks are spanning the south of the map. Why not use our Cyre Lightning Rail or Concordant Express train to arrive or depart from a different MAD map?

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

Vampire Hunters

Jenny's Shack

Located just outside the Western Gates of Vallaki, Jenny is a dishevelled, eccentric woman with a mysterious background that may become clear to your players over the course of their adventures throughout Barovia.

This messy, overgrown hovel is found just outside the town gates, and includes a large sty/pen for Jeny's pet boar. This map can also serve as a Western Gatehouse to Vallaki, where guards can exit and inspect your party through the gates if they suspect all to not in fact be well.

Variants of this map are included for Day/Night.

The gallery has been updated with this content, as well as pCloud, which you can access through your Theme Master List and the Foundry VTT module is updated and ready to be downloaded.

300 ppi maps - update

For those of you who are interested in our 300 ppi maps, we appreciate that the access method for these has changed several times over the last 2 years, as we try to settle on a method that's both quick for you as users, and secure for us as creators. Currently we've been using airtable, but this can be frustrating for you as a user waiting for me to grant you access manually. For that reason, we've changed to yet another new method - The Patreon Shop.

Patreon recently added the ability to upload shop items, which can have a price added to them for purchase but also be set to free for Patrons of a specific tier. We have now added all of the 300 ppi map packs as shop products, free to members of our All the Things tier.

Going forward, with the final push of TMC content each month, the 300 ppi map pack will also be added to the Patreon Shop, available for download. No monthly sign-up to a list, no waiting for Harrison to email you a code - if you're a member on the correct tier, you can access the packs.

We'll be back next week with another drop of content!

Until then...

Keep Rollin' those 20's, folks!
Harrison, Alex, & Team MAD

Jump To Your Master List: All The Things™ | Vampire Hunter | Starter Bundle



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