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Hey all!

So the timing of this couldn't have been any worse, but the day after we pushed out our Patreon-Foundry link, one of the core modules (Wall Heights) had a much needed update as it was placed into the hands of Ripper (developer of "Better Roofs", "Levels" and other modules) and he had to do some tweaks on it as well as improving some features . These modules are used in the following map packs:

- Dreaded Domains 1
- Dreaded Domains 2
- Faewild Carnival
- Deserts
- Pick N Mix 2
- Lairs
- Strongholds

Not Currently Available
- Towns & Cities
- The Crafty Bundle 

We knew this was coming, we didn't know it was going to come quite so soon, and Harrison who handles all our Foundry-Patreon linkup stuff is currently on holiday for 2 weeks. So great timing all around.

But do not despair! Ripper has fortunately provided a walkthrough of how you can migrate the packs at the user end (as well as updates on some of the features) whilst we slowly but surely migrate the packages at our end for the future.

From the page:

IMPORTANT Wall Height 4.0+ Data Migration

"Due to misconfigured data structure from the old implementation, i've rewritten a good portion of the module and fixed said data structure, this requires a data migration - during the first launch of Wall Height version 4.0+ the module will auto migrate the data on all your scenes and compendiums (this includes token attacher data). If you need to migrate the data again (for example if you import premium content from creators that was not migrated) you can always do the migration again by enabling the setting in the module settings and refreshing (f5).

Macros are also included to run migrations if needed."

Due to the massive multi module update, if something does not work as expected after migration please restart your server and ctrl+f5 the page to ensure the browser cache is reloaded

How To Migrate content creator maps and prefabs

If you aquire content made with the old data structure here is how to manually migrate scenes\compendiums and Token Attacher Prefabs:

  1. Enable the modules that you wish to migrate ( EG. Baileywiki Maps Towns )
  2. Unlock ALL the actor compendiums containing Token Attacher Prefabs
  3. In the Wall Height Macro compendium Wall Height Macros run the Wall Height - Migrate Everything Macro and wait for it to finish
  4. In the Token Attacher Macro compendium Example Macros run (TA) Migrate Actors for Wall Height and (TA) Migrate Compendiums for Wall Height Macros waiting for each one to finish.
  5. Done, you are now migrated to the new data structure - You can repeat this process how many times you want.

Hope that will help tie you folks over until we can sort the packages out ourselves! Any problems then feel free to ask here, or join the Discord server where we have a bunch of people helping troubleshoot!


Cheers all!
Alex, Steffen & Harrison



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