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CsAu attempt 1

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Interesting experiment! I'd love to know what caused the discoloration. I assume you can recover the gold from the water with evaporation and refining?


I’d like to know too! Yeah recovering it should be rather trivial compared to other gold I’ve worked on.


Maybe the gold is discolored because some of the cesium alloyed with it like mercury does and then reacted with oxygen or just vaporized when you heated it. Maybe sealing the ampule with fire and filling it with argon helps to keep the cesium vapor inside and the oxygen outside. I love inorganic chemistry ♥️ Good job Cody, you're awesome!!


Yes, that is interesting you should if you can buy gold powder or make it. Then add it to cesium in argon for a better reaction. Never knew it existed as a metal metal salt.


Is there a chemistry reason you need to use Argon with Cesium rather than a cheaper inert gas like CO2 or Nitrogen? Or is it just the benefit that Argon is much heavier than air?


Yes, bolth those gasses will react with cesium, especially at high temperature.


The intro was excellent, the story really drew me in. Nice!


I think I would like more info about how this is different from an amalgam?


Well if I can get it to work properly you should be able to see through the CsAu. Amalgam is not transparent.


interesting. would it also be dielectric aka electrical insulator?

Jeff Evarts

2 part reaction at the end AuCs(s) + heat = Au(s) + Cs(v) 4Cs(v) + O2(g) = 2Cs2O(s) (solid, but smoke) Do NOT breathe a lot of Cs2O! I