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can anyone see a reason this wouldn't work? 


NaK as rocket ignition fluid?

an idea I have for the ignition of a rocket. alternately I think the liquid metal could be blended with kerosene to make something that will ignite on contact with high test peroxide or nitric acid.



Have you ever read "Ignition!"? It covers hypergolic fuels, and the pain of metal/fuel mixtures in general. Not to say this wouldn't be an acceptable igniter, just that there has been a lot of investigation into rocket engine ignition.

U.S. Water Rockets

The V2 used a pyrotechnic device resembling a firework to ignite the engines.


But that would just burn once right? I want something that I can use to start the engine many times.


I assume since you're mixing NaK and everclear you're aiming for a reaction between the alloy and alcohol but we know that NaK also reacts with water. I'm wondering how much of the reaction we're seeing is the alcohol and how much is reacting with the water in the solution. Have you done another test to see how this reaction compares to just straight water? EDIT: Also a quick check in the index of my copy of Ignition for NaK/Sodium Potassium Alloys turned up nothing. Might do a deeper dive tomorrow after work. This seems like the sort of thing that if it's in Ignition is probably only mentioned in passing. In theory I don't see why it couldn't work although I think success would depend on the setup.


I'd worry about oxide formation or reaction to humidity


Be careful, the rate of this reaction is unreliable due to the likelihood of coulomb explosion. I have neutralized NaK many times with ANYHDROUS alcohol. The reaction rate is variable but I never had any problems. However, someone was seriously injured and permanently disabled in my department from this reaction several years ago. So, BE CAREFUL.


Join AR Rocket email list and ask there. All the cool kids are doing electric ignition these days.


I don’t always ignite my rocket fuel with hypergolics but when I do, I prefer NaK and Everclear. -Cody


Hmm that NAK sounds very reactive and unpredictable with alcohol and oxygen. Yes, it could work but you could also get killed be Careful Cody. Both make them dangerous.

Calum Stevens

Whats the advantage over a simple spark generator? Something based on ferrocerium . Something "safer" but reliable and long lasting.


Delayed ignition may be more 'useful'. Do gel caps dissolve in ethanol?