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Any edits I should make? got a better title? let me know. 


magnets on a flywheel

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Whoa honestly this video was awesome! I don't have any editing suggestions. But I think a really cool video thumbnail would be around 20:20 when the fields metal is melting. That looked so freaking cool and it was a clear shot with good lighting too. Alternatively, maybe you could do a clickbait-ey thumbnail (no shame, I just want your views to be high as possible) where you are biting the bullet like old cartoons would show people biting gold coins? I mean, I guess that will probably get the video demonetized. I heard that adding red arrows to the thumbnails of videos increases clicks on the video, so maybe incorporate that somehow?


For a title, you could maybe call it "Magnets melt bullets!"


Nice video. Very cool and interesting


Great video! I think the title is perfect; it really made me interested in watching.


At 8:00 you need an even number of magnets for them to be all alternating. With an odd number their are 2 magnets next too each other with the same orientation.


Looks close to a halbach array. Away from the surface the field rotates perfectly sinusoidally. The Hyperloop levitation system worked like this.


I'd be quite interested to see how a quantity of liquid metal--mercury, gallium, etc.--acted close to the magnetic field. In a shallow glass dish, for example.


Totally awesome, and kinda nostalgic - like the videos that originally got me hooked on your channel. Good work :) Also, if you have sufficient wind at Chicken Hole Base, this is easily adaptable to a wind turbine, as a supplement to your solar panels. While I'm here, I should apologize. I'm going to have to drop down to $1 per month. I've been out of work since May, and my savings ran out last week. I have one patron of my own, so I can still afford to just cling on to being a patron. And once I have income again, I'll jump back up to $10 a month.


Field Testing Magnets in Motion for a title? Great video, I wish you'd had a laser thermometer to get some data. Would annealed wire work better for the coil? If you had a slug of metal like a cast iron pan could you heat it enough to cook your breakfast? Maybe some ideas for round 2.


so that's the answer to your twitter question "how did I melt this bullet" you used magnetic induction, on a bullet that you cheated with ;P, cool experiment though. I really like that your family farm has a "Lister engine" as its backup for when all the other ecologically sound options are not enough (I have seen plenty of these relegated to being just water pumps). this is a really interesting video. (separate side question, are you going to get a smaller engine to run at CHB, and, I would love to see the model T running.)


Good video, I was very interested in what was going on. 🧐 ——- Now a question, which should not affect viewership.... ——- When you tied the bullet down with wire, I think I saw a slight change in the wire’s color when you started the engine. Would the addition of the wire cause the magnetic fields to form eddies, thus reducing the effect on the bullet? I know I watched this on Patreon, but I will definitely watch it again on YouTube.


Funny, last night I was reading about using flywheels as energy storage, and this morning I wake up to this video.


I always like projects with magnets, electricity, and LEDs. That is a very cool video Cody.


Awesome video. One suggestion. At 5:00 you talk about replacing the bolt, but there wasn’t a bolt up to that point in the video. I’m assuming you had another boot in there at one point and it didn’t make the video.


Where do you get indium? A quick look online suggests it's pretty expensive, but I've got bismuth and tin just laying around..

Gary Virta

He originally wound the coil around the bolt, but took it out afterward.


Nice video! This is exactly how I generate electricity with my bicycle at home. To be precise at 11:30 though, ac-currents in a in a superconductor would not flow without resistance (and thus heating it up, -> no longer superconducting). So the effect you referring to is a case with a static magnetic field I think. At 4:50 you say the bolt makes it more efficient. Well, it makes the currents increase, but efficiency goes down by generating hysteretic loss in your bolt (it gets hot). This is true if you're accounting for the whole system including the generator (gets slightly more load).


Would be cool if you hooked an oscilloscope up tho the coil to show the different frequencies of and voltage induced


Old Diesel engines are so cool. I just got hooked on Bus Grease Monkey.

David Bittner

You should do a video on some of the other low melting point alloys. I know you’ve featured some in other videos, but there are so many cool ones!

Nani Isobel

I like how you casually mention you have a Model T sitting there as if it's no big deal. Can you show and tell?

Andreas Nohl

I would really like to see a Video about the engine. Dose it run with different fuels? What are the costs, is it EMP proove ;-)

Daniel Rotskas

You should definitly try this again with the magnets configured in a halbach array, that should make the field much stronger and therefore more efficient!


But the other side will have much weaker magnetic field and won't stick to the flywheel anymore. I don't think he wants to glue them.


congrats to you cody, this video is over 500K views and still climbing! edit: now well over 600K !!! now its at 1M views!!!

Gary Benninger

I never got notifications anymore from any of your videos on your main channel. When I heard other people complaining I didn’t believe them. I couldn’t believe that a major company chemistry can mistreat some of its best contributors this way. Here take my money I am going to spend the next few weeks watching your videos.

Gary Benninger

What would happen if you had a another wheel on the outside spinning the opposite direction with magnets on the inside so you had two opposing rings within each other’s magnetic fields.