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blasting with sodium attempt 2

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Nice, looked like the bucket was completely cracked. May want to point that out on the video when it's released. May also want to, as a control, do the same size test with a known explosive. Just to give this one some perspective.


I imagine that you would get a faster reaction if you chop the metal more finely.


I am enjoying a night in the hammock, fireside, under the stars. I will have to watch this fully when I go inside the house. Can’t wait!


Now this is some out-of-the-box thinking. Who else would even think to use sodium as a mining explosive?Would you be able to set up a rail system (kind of like a guillotine configuration) to keep the weight from falling off after comes down? That might help to keep the sodium down in and react more violently, just a thought.


wile e coyote SOOOOOoooooper Genius.


Cody, I have a question. Sodium metal makes contact with the water resulting in Sodium hydroxide plus hydrogen gas. This reaction is exothermic, so is the explosion the effect of super heated hydrogen gas expansion? Since oxygen is not available until the hydrogen comes into contact with the air to produce a secondary reaction. (explosion) I know you are careful but a strong solution of sodium hydroxide will eat meat right off bones. (Skull collection for one of my zoology class). So always think ahead and be safe.


MacGyver, eat your heart out!


Temper the test tube glass to possibly get more water rushing in? Cool test though.


I have about 100g of sodium I absolutely would love to get rid of. In Denver, but if you want it I can drive at least as far as Logan. Otherwise looking for a way of disposal. It’s really expensive to do it at a waste removal spot


For anyone who thinks that this is a hydrogen gas explosion, you may wanna read https://www.nature.com/articles/nchem.2161 - relatively recent paper (2015) showing possibility that this is actually a Columb reaction instead. Cool to see such an old experiment still having new data published!


Looks about as effective as black powder? An actual explosive (ie: shockwave propagation not deflagration like black powder) would have made that bucket go byebye... Cody already knows this of course. Pretty interesting experiment though, the Anvil had me laughing out loud :)


Would be great if there was a way to get very finely divided sodium powder or at least grains like sand without it instantly reacting with air during processing. That would provide tons of surface area for reactions.


That looked really cool, but what would you gain from this other than it being cool and technically possible, any benefits?


I suspect the vacuum pulled the water in as fast as anything.


It's due to culombic exchanges taking place... Watch Thunderbolts work on culomb explosions... Essentially a huge flow of electrons takes place at the same time.


Straight out of Looney Tunes


I'm not sure but I assume he's testing it because YouTube will flag get any mining video where he shows the use of any actual explosives. Something like sodium probably wouldn't fall under the same category so he could start back up on the mining videos again if it works.


Wow getting dangerous Cody I love the conversion of sodium into a bomb. Yep sodium lye vapours are not fun as well. You made me LOL.

Calum Stevens

Wouldn't acid be more violent than water?


Is it just me or does that sodium look delicious?