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I was making dinner when I noticed something in the sky. fortunately the chickens were locked up, although would an owl eat a chicken? 





Absolutely they would


Cool! 😃


I don't know how large owls you have there, and it's hard to judge from the video. Smaller owls leave large prey alone.


Your owl is quieter than the ones that live around me. :P


So cool! Now keep your wits about you CodyDon. :-)


You're a wizard Cody!


Cool video Loved seeing the Owl. At least your chickens are safe.

Nani Isobel

Cool. He might try chickens if really hungry. But he's probably after rats and snakes and the like drawn by your site. Might be a net plus to have the owl around.


At that size it's probably smart to keep them locked away. We have a much smaller barn owl that will sometimes come and hang out around our chickens but larger items like the one you saw have been known to kill and eat chickens


They will sure try. We had one make a try at our cat

Alexander Thomas

I was wondering what an O.W.L. could be, until I saw the thumbnail… I guess you're safe as long as that owl isn't much larger than your chickens, but better keep an eye out anyhow.

Brian Bettencourt

While we didn't see it, I'm pretty sure Owls took out both of my childhood cats. It was either them or they Coyotes, and Coyotes announce when they get your pet :(


What species do you think it is?


Yup,v all day long, one that large may even be able to take it. We have a screech owl in our neighborhood and when it's getting late the chickens will be heading towards the coop at there leisurely pace them all of a sudden there all gone. Look up and that old screech owls passing over head. We also have a large hawk living around here so my chickens have learned when to duck for cover the ones that have not are not around anymore.


The sure will look for an opportunity. But I don't think they would attemp to. There is an Owl that usually lurks at my chickens. Specially in summer when the chickens tend to stay longer outside. Never happened anything in years. I guess it depends on the Owl size


Ive been swooped by owls down here in AZ a few times, its wild. Dead silent and then you hear a loud WOOOSH.!


Did it make any sound as it was flying?


It was likely a Great Horned Owl ... or a yee naaldlooshii. For your sake, hopefully an owl.


Owls decimated our guinea fowl flock.


An owl killed my Duck. And yes they do kill chickens 🐓