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5 9 20 croaking aspen



What are all the whispy things floating in the mine? Is it from you disturbing the dust?


About 10 years ago, I drove from Albuquerque to Salt Lake and in the Carson National Forest West of Taos, there were hundreds or thousands of acres of dead quaking aspen. Out of curiosity, I just googled it ad according to the Forest Service, it was caused by the western tent caterpillar and large aspen tortrix.


It is dust, only visible because the only illumination is from the direction of the camera.


I hope taking the trash to the dump is a good occasion for your monthly bath!


I agree with Ryan; according to USU "Insects and Diseases - Prone to many pests and diseases including leaf spots, borers, leaf miners, tent caterpillars, internal stem decay. See the USU Extension Utah Pests fact sheet “Important Pests of Ornamental Aspens” for more information on aspen pests. Concerns - Weak-wooded, may sucker profusely, many pests and diseases, short-lived." Deer and other animals also eat the young shoots. The SLTrib states "The main culprit is mule deer. About 50 live in and near Pando and are ravenous by the time new shoots appear in June, says Jim Lamb, a biologist with the state Division of Wildlife Resources. “Consider if a deer wants to eat three to four pounds of food a day, what [happens to] an 18-inch-tall sapling,” Lamb says. Most, if not all, of the new growth is eaten, Rogers says. In fall, an annual cattle drive of about 1,000 head moves through the eastern part of the grove. In winter, a few elk show up to browse." From the video that you have posted, cattle and other wildlife abound and threaten your trees (and bees).


Are there still any mines left that you heven't explored or shown on camera? To me, mines feel really exotic, so I always love when you go to them and talk about their history and/or interesting geological features. Also, I've never seen a landfill that is actually a landfill like that. Do they occassionally come with bulldozers and compact/move the trash, or does it just float around like people left it? In my country the majority of the landfills are manned, and everything always has to be sorted and thrown into the correct container for recycling or incineration or whatever they do with the specific garbage fractions. Very little of the trash ever meets the ground. But then again, we have a lot less extremely remote rural areas compared to the US.

Andreas Nohl

Wow you really have landfills? And so unorganised? That was banned 30yers ago. No all is sorted burned and sorted again. The non recyclable stuff (Slag) reused in Road building and such.


is there anything else that could be done with the garbage? a charcoal attempt perhaps? maybe with a collection method for the inevitable wood and plastic gases that come off. might be a viable way to recycle it. if not at least that bag is not adding to the ground waste.


Hey Cody, I've often thought that in hot-summer/cold-winter drought-and-fire-prone sagebrush country it would be really nice to have a home based around a buried greenhouse with just the top of the walls and roof above the soil. Good for keeping temps steady... Here's a nice example video: https://youtu.be/9jbLZxwWudk?t=318


That too bad about the Aspen dying are you going to do any mining videos minus explosive videos.


Hows the ant queen doing you catched?

Bryan Humphreys

My dad handles the trash the same way, except in his case it's mostly he's cheap. But, what doesn't go into the burn pile, compost pile, or recycling bins, ends up in the landfill.


Is it mostly plastic that has to go to the landfill? Is it possible to feed at least some of it to superworms, like how The Thought Emporium did here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IziJsNNMlUE ?


Hey, Cody, can you maybe explain your history and relationship with Buddy? Perhaps I just missed it (maybe someone can point me towards a video if this has already been covered), but I'm flummoxed with where you got it and how you take care if it. Was he a stray that just started following you around? Do you just take him from place to place and let him roam freely?