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Ok so it’s a couple days behind... I’m uploading from my parents internet and the main channel video takes priority.


5 8 20 hints of rain



Its fun seeing buddy go for a walk LOL.

Silviu T

Are you sure your cat is not a dog? He has a very dog-like behavior.


Did you think of a permanent water source at chickenhole base yet? I remember you said something about it earlier. Meight be good for the bees and chickens.


Could he set up a giant (like 40x40’) tarp and somehow siphon that water to large clear tanks ? Or drill a well through all of that rock.?


Loved the video Cody. Keep up the great work


I wonder how much similarity there is between Siberian seed pods and slippery elm bark tea...


you said the siberian Elm will grow anywhere... perhaps a way to help out reforesting CHB? if the ground has cover it is less likely to dry out as quick and may help out the other trees there, then again it may steal the ground water from them too...


Yes ,,, more info on the tree seeds. Again what learned. I am Always learning something from Cody.