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5 10 20 Mother’s Day



Happy belated mother’s day, Cody. Lol. Going to watch and give my thoughts on the video


So, you must have a dell laptop. I had that issue the other day with a laptop that was given to me and I restarted it and it had quit beeping https://www.dell.com/support/article/en-us/sln309623/understanding-beep-codes-on-a-dell-notebook-pc?lang=en


And for the trees that are dying, I’ve got a literal 100 if not more Elm and Maple saplings I could send you. Free of charge. I’m in Iowa.


Have you tried installing something like CoreTemp to see how hot the cpu is getting when it beeps like that? Because if, like you mentioned, the fan isn't running, it could be a thermal warning. In that case, it's probably just a broken fan, and the warranty ought to cover it.


speccy has a portable version and gives cpu/gpu/drive/mobo temps (depending on what sensors yours has). also the fan might have come unplugged so the mobo no cpu fan warning is going.


could you sanitize the tree hole to stop the rot, fill/cover the hole, and give the tree extra nutrients to recover?


Yeah Laptops are problematic at school I lost two of them in two years 2 grand ouch CAN on laptops then I bought a Desk top type. Sorry to hear you have issues.


If they find out you look your laptop apart that may try void your warranty.

Calum Stevens

compessed air into the vents on the laptop Cody! Blow out the dust bunnies.


That old tree sounds a lot like my apple tree. 60 years old and rotting, but it keeps hanging in there.


Almost all laptop brands have beep codes that you can look up to diagnose the issue before attempting to fix it. Search for the user manual for the specific model you have. Regardless of taking it back to the store for repairs... always back up your data! I'm really impressed with the quality of your daily videos!

Max Eliaser

You can get a USB wifi dongle for your desktop. Having only one Internet-capable computer seems kind of reckless for someone with your job :)


You could also share your phone's internet connection with your desktop through a usb cable.


Clean out your fan, its ether overheat or the hard disk experienced a shock(they also beep)


Also look for a Microwave /p2p internet provider theirs likely one in the area of your Nevada property lv.net is one but I think your more north if i remember right. You just need line of sight to a tower, and you wont have cell network throttling issues.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_elm_disease?wprov=sfla1 Guess it's unlikely this has anything to do with your trees, but interesting phenomenon anyway


You're probably going to want some sort of automated shade structure for your greenhouse tanks to help regulate heat...


Maybe a shade cloth that unrolls itself over sunniest angles


Sometimes laptops beep because the battery Isn't correctly connected.