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what do you think of the beginning clip? I really was going to make a ball from gold foil but was scooped yet again by action lab. 


Burning Propane in Pure Oxygen?

I take up where the previous video left off and see what happens when I replace air with pure oxygen. Help me make videos by donating here: https://www.patreon.com/CodysLab Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/codydonreeder SubReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/codyslab/


Silviu T

I was going to say, you have recreated Apollo 1. Also, nice ASO (anvil-shaped object) at the beginning. HFT I presume? Careful using those, they can have holes, uneven hardness and so on. Typical Chinesium quality.


Did you see the end of the video? He didn't really use gold. He says at 5:30 that it's an alloy of copper and zinc (as in brass?) You should proceed sir!


oh is that so?! Guess I was giving "the king of clickbait" a little too much credit.


Best part in the opening clip is when you just throw the 15k of gold to the side like its nothing. Had an idea for a video i wanted to try myself. Is it possible to make sulfuric acid from drywall/gypsum board? Whos base component as far as i can tell is calcium sulfate. plaster of paris might work as well but i think the more interesting title would be from drywall.


Cool Reaction intruducing high oxygen with propane under high pressure and igniting it! Love the work Cody :)


That made my day! Informative and hilarious! You might want to go to the junk yard and pull a fiberglass insulated thermocouple from an old electric stove for your ignition wires. .... The flame is yellow? Does that mean that the propane in pure O2 flame is actually colder than the normal atmosphere flame?? --- grab 2 thermocouples one to use as spark ignitor and one to measure the temperature.

Silviu T

Won't be able to measure the temperature of a flame with a regular K type thermocouple. Those top off at 1100F, perhaps 1200 if you're lucky.


Now do pure fluorine atmosphere... jk Maybe reverse burning fluorine in a propane atmosphere tho.


That was hilarious! Thanks!


Ah, I remember the tragedy when one of the astronauts tried burning propane inside a pot in the cabin of Apollo 1. A terrible waste.


I want to see to see a REAL gold foil ball! Show the scoopers up!

Ben Hemphill

I received some good advice that I will pass on, It doesn't matter if someone has already done the thing you want to do. Your take will be different because your experiences and skills are different, and your effort will still be interesting in it's own way.


Interesting mini Propane explosion. Well you do play sort of safe Cody!


Very interesting intro clip! Definitely up to par, can't wait for the whole episode!


What a satisfyingly interesting failure.


Hey Cody :) what voltage are you sparking that spark with?


Don't set your face on fire with pure oxygen!


Fab. "Well you know what happened there..." My mum always said never play with fire, but she never saw the possibilities


Hi, For the oxygen flame in pure hydrocarbon, the nozzle would probably work better if it was constructed similarly to a gas torch. It has a tube with a jet at one end, a few holes to let the air in so they mix in the tube, then the mix of only ignited at the other end.