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ok so I did it after all. 


24K Pure Gold Foil Ball

I make a Japanese foil ball using actual real gold, not brass. Help me make videos by donating here: https://www.patreon.com/CodysLab Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/codydonreeder SubReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/codyslab/


Silviu T

Now that's a proper meatball!


Outstanding! One up everyone hahaha. Love it.


Gold ball. Well the gold atoms are bigger than some elements like iron so they are more soft and maliable. The lower melting point helps too. Maybe you could try Lead, Silver ball like this. A yellow Oxide Lead ball if you want. :)


Very Cool Cody! :)


Wonder how much air is in there - have you tried measuring the volume of the ball?

Silviu T

The atoms aren't "soft and malleable", the crystalline structure of the metal is. And it doesn't really have anything to do with atom size. Take aluminum for instance, its atoms are very small but still it's soft and malleable. And even elements close to iron in atom side - zinc is very soft, and gallium melts in your hand.


You made a snitch!




If you heated the final ball up to read heat and softly worked it with the hammer, would that cause the inner spheres to spot-weld in certain places, thus stopping the rattle? (I know the rattle makes it cooler, I'm just wondering if further consolidation would be possible without rupturing the outer layers.)


Now cut it in half, so we might see how the rattling insides look like ;P


He might have to drill a micro hole to allow air to escape.


Nice video, Cody. Now all you need is to make a silver ball to match it. I don't know if it would be possible, though.


You should check the density to see how much air is in it!


Leave it to Cody to give us an actual gold ball. Awesome work dude


Keep the part where you throw it away. Please.


Cut it open so we can see inside!

Adric Menning

Well im never pleased to be wrong, (thought your intro for the other video was of brass... but thank you for making a point to play the sound of the untempered and the work hardened gold. should team up with the flowjet guys again and cut it in half.


I like the new music!

Michael Aichlmayr

Yay, I'm not the only one who has his rolling mill on cinder blocks. Nice video!


Cut it open! (guess xray or other non-damaging tecnique wont penetrate gold but maybe there is other way, but guess that would become a project by itself)