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burning oxygen

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Michael P Andersen

This is such a cool experiment. I've always wondered what would happen


ilove it!

Tony B

Could the difference be due to burning it in AIR with all that nitrogen versus injecting pure O2?

Silviu T

TBH the last 30s of the video were the most interesting. Maybe you could build some gas discharge tubes, or recreate the classic Crookes experiments.


really cool question , nice demonstration I think more variations and controls are in order , flame shaping theory is fascinating I would really love to see some basic as well as advanced porting ideas explored in burners.


I wonder if it would work differently if you used mixed the chamber 70% nitrogen and 30% methane. Just to make it the inverse of the atmosphere and presumably closer to the standard stoichiometric mix.


I like this alot! Thanks for for this great experiment!

Max Eliaser

Perhaps one could fly around on titan using a reverse jet engine.


Really good to see another video of something I’ve never seen before. Keep up the awesome work!


Thanks cody! You've just answered a question that's been buried in my brain since high-school (20 years ago!) my chem teacher refused to let us do the experiment on the grounds of safety! I ask, what could go wrong! (an educational question in itself).


Will oxygen bubbles burn under liquid hydrocarbon


No way I would touch this experiment with a 10 m cattle prod so glad you did it. The result is NOT what I expected - I’m pretty shocked that it worked at all! I was so sure the stoichiometry would be nowhere near what a normal flame would have.


Cody, how do you generate those sparks? Did you build your own device?

Silviu T

All you need is a NST (neon sign transformer). It puts out high voltage (usually 5-10kV) at a few miliamps. I regularly use such discharges in air as a source of EMI (electromagnetic interference) to check the quality of RF shielding on devices.


Really nice and well made setup!


High voltage in a vacuum looks cool. Radiation present?

Silviu T

Not likely. A few miliamps at 5kV should only generate very little soft Xrays. I use a similar setup (see reply above) and a Geiger counter using a very large and sensitive tube barely registers anything above background.