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Incubator Overheated On Last Day :(

I was expecting pips when I got back but instead found a bunch of cooked eggs. I just dont know why it would do this; All 3 thermometers agreed right up to the hatch and then the incubator decided to crank up the heat.



Use a lightbulb for a heater. Need moisture/humidity, and turn the eggs once or twice a day.


no kidding, my grandpa never had this problem with his light-bulb and mercury thermostat.


We have the same incubator and we’ve had a heck of a time getting it to regulate. Time to make my own!


Perhaps the eggs moving around are at fault? They could have bumped the control sensors on the egg you had them on and messed with the reading. 28 days of consistent running and it suddenly fails when the eggs start to move? Doesn't sound like a coincidence, it's the only variable that has changed over an entire month by the sounds of it.


So sad =/


Stuff the eggs under a Rhodie and save electricity.


<a href="https://learn.adafruit.com/dht/overview" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://learn.adafruit.com/dht/overview</a> That looks like a DHT11 which is a low cost +-2C sensor. The more expensive DHT22 would be a good upgrade, or really a couple of temperature measurement strategies should be used in an application where temperature is so crucial. Is there a sticker over the sensor? Does that sticker say remove it?


Oh no! That's so sad, :(


That's unfortunate on the last day! Also if the video isn't already live you have a typo on your end card.


My guess is that the thermocouple went faulty, you could get a tc calibrator/tester (yokogawa sells the ca51 for about 1k - 3k usd) Aldo check that the tc is the type the incubator is supposed to use (may be they send the wrong one) and last, I will suggest to make an temperature alarm (a buzzer and a tc) to get allerted if the temperature es growing out of control or better an tc + an iot capable uc to keep a close temperature control from your phone ( I could help you with this if you like to) • edit: i just thought, may be the cold junctions got hot enough to report a wrong temperature, if this is the case you should totally make an alarm device with the cold juntion outside of the incubator to get an accurate reading

Michael Aichlmayr

😕 That's a total bummer. The only thing I can add is when something is critical like that, redundancy is your friend. Perhaps a separate system that has a high and low alarm setting, with the high setting couples to the power, so it shuts the incubator off at the source and sets off the alarm if the temperature goes too high. Of course if you are NASA, you'd have triple redundancy 😍. As you know, this can also be a trap if your redundancies produced false positives, but as long as someone responds to the alarm and takes the appropriate action... 🤔

Silviu T

Sounds like a job for an Arduino, a computer case fan, a light bulb and 2-3 sensors (for redundancy). I bet such a setup would give better results.


Sucks to have that happen on the last day:(


I’ve hatched Quail, Chukar and Mallards but never had this problem. I know how heartbreaking that must be sorry man. I’d say something to the manufacturer because that is unacceptable


Sorry to hear that. As others have stated redundancy helps with critical systems like this. Also a processor like the Arduino (also stated previously) could handle this job and then some. The only thing I can think to add is in such a system an odd number of sensors (3, 5, etc.) is generally preferable, so some sort of voting schema can be implemented and always produces a clear winner if one starts voting against the others. Also you want some sort of notification in the event that a sensor starts voting differently then the others.


I'm an instrumentation expert. When did you move the main controlling probe? If the controlling probe is put in a cold spot, the reading wont be indicative of average chamber temp. The manual states to make sure probe is not in contact with anything inside chamber. Consider a high limit controller: <a href="https://www.omega.ca/subsection_eng/safety-limit-controllers.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.omega.ca/subsection_eng/safety-limit-controllers.html</a> if you want something professionally made, let me know!


Ah man that SUCKS. That's a ton of food lost right there. How long have humans been making incubators? This should not be happening. Did the sun shine on the incubator at some point in the day? Did you check with an IR thermometer?


When I've incubated quail I would always attach the thermometer to a live egg so that as it generated more body heat the incubator would compensate. Perhaps taping it to a sterilized egg buffers the temperature, preventing the thermometer from reacting fast enough when all the rest are about to pop out and release extra heat.


This sorta backs up my thoughts that the eggs moving around are what caused the system to run too hot. It's really hard to believe that a system that was running perfect for 28 days fails right when the eggs start to move. Even if the egg he had the probes attached to was a sterile egg it looks like it's right in the middle of all the others that could have bumped them.


Could the chicks really produce that much heat while they're trying to hatch?

Silviu T

Ah, an application for MC14530 (5-input majority gate).


it is possible the hard boiled has a high specific heat, thus not transfer the heat right.


What is the status of the chicks? Did you lose them all?


Oh Turkey eggs are that sensitive to temperature. Yes Arduino may the key to regulating "controlling" and keeping the temp constant. Well Good luck doing it next time. With every experiement you learn something sucess or fail!


Sorry dude :'(


You can only do so much its not really your fault I mean it's not really natural for humans to incubate turkeys so accidents happen can't ensure everything always goes as planned


Do you misspell stuff on porpoise?


I wish you all the best for any future attempts to hatch turkeys. "A chick called albert" does hatching videos, and might be the expert to ask <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBjh-uGy5RcclATnFpQBobw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBjh-uGy5RcclATnFpQBobw</a> My guess is that the sensor is broken, but i'm no expert on anything. Maybe send it to [who ever is the equivalent of AvE in the world of electronics] to take apart? All the best with future turkey efforts!


You should try to make your own version of starlite


Aww man that sucks. If you want, send me some photo of the iside and I'-- make an arduino-like based controller with triple redundancy, temperature/humidity logging, lcd, and lasers xD


That is a good idea, I have a boat load of sensors and stuff and I bet Lesto does as well. No reason why the fans can't do a collaboration something. would be fun


Flat earthers say that the eggs are too close to a sphere and need to be crushed in a vise prior to incubation.


Just keep the probe out of contact with anything. Its controlling air temp, not egg temp.


EEVblog would be the electronics equivolent of AvE, though he's in Australia, and has a significant backlog of mail for electronics teardown vids that he is trying to break down. Maybe Cody could cut in line, though, if he asked ahead.