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I got skunked by the weather today (it snowed) so I spent the afternoon inside producing some nitroglycerine for a project that hopefully will be filmed tomorrow with the high speed camera. 


nitrating close up

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Video is gone :(


I'd love to se more remakes of your old videos


Is there any way to setup the camera/lighting in a way to create a greater contrast of the reaction? Perhaps White paper underneath and shine the light from the side of the beaker to create some shadowing within the reaction?


I'd love to see a more indepth series on this, could be neat to see some videos showing the volatility of stuff. Like just how much energy it takes to set off the nitro. I'm not sure if sharing the steps exactly to make it is the best idea, though it's not like it's the most complicated of reactions that people couldn't figure it out. I'm not sure if you have the explosive licenses or if you'd need them to go through with the demonstrations but it could be neat. If anything you could show how dynamite works to make it safer. Maybe even use this to mine more, rate how effective an explosive is by how much material is removed.


Gotta love Cody "it snowed, so I made nitro..."