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A little thing I am working on

Edit: I'm making this avalabe to all patrons since the other video I was working on wont be done tonight. 

Also Edit: It seems there is a lot of confusion to how this works. I will explain more in the full video but the basic concept is that water gets less dense when heated and so a column of warm water can be taller and have the same weight. This is used to move water (thermo siphon) for solar water heaters and is extremely reliable but generates almost no head. I am simply treating this as a pump and am putting several of them in series to generate greater head. 


Water pump prototype

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Could I see the light shining on the left hand "glass" . I'm still working out how it works but could you be adding more energy to the left hand side by having it in the sun whilst right is not. Correct me if I'm wrong cause I'd love to learn more about the system


And if the two glasses are connected without a valve, wouldn't it just flow back and level out

U.S. Water Rockets

Wouldn't the organisms on the warm side of the system get too hot and die from this? The idea is pretty interesting, but since you said it was for your glass block project it made me worry about the heat.


So if you used like 25mm black hose, strapped it to the outside of your house, and effectively coiled it between inside and outside say 100 times, you might get a bit more? I suppose the biggest question is what is the most feasible difference in temperature you can get? outside in the sun with black hose, vs underground maybe a foot underground. It should also work sideways in theory yes? Edit: Now that i think about this for another 5 seconds, you could actually just put one giant coil in one side, and another giant coil in the other side, rather than looping back and forth, because in theory the density would stack on each side independently. Should also cause less heat to get transferred as the water in theory isn't actually moving right?


No it would have to alternate between hot and cold but you could set up some sort of heat exchanger to recover lost heat and improve efficiency.


The organisms should be on the cool side but anything that made it into the capillary would indeed have a bad time.


how fast could you pump water though? Right now its 'just' constant, if you were to have it pump continuously but not at the maximum pressure? cool project!


You should add two different food coloring to each side to see what sort of exchange is going on. Or maybe just food coloring to the cold side.


Could you use an old house or car radiator to increase flow?


Great concept and staff, but isn't easier to get some micro pump, strap it to solar panel, insulate well, and put in one of the glass blocks forever?


I think the point is that it is highly reliable because it has no moving parts.


*Hose?* I am guessing that you need laminar flow in the hose to decrease energy loss from turbulence. In a large hose you might get complex flow patterns that negate the effect.


Are those solid copper pennies?


How long did the process took? This is amazing, my brain it totally flabbergasted. I wonder if you could regulate the temperature of one jar by asjusting the temperature of the other jar simply by plugin your tube in one of the jar in a closed patern. I might be doing stupid assumption here, but as the cold jar gets colder, it would increase the flow in the spiral warming the water in the tube and then sent back to the jar to warm it up. Now by adjusting how hot the other jar is, you can affect how much water is being circulated, warmed and sent to the cold jar..