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  • Sadayo Kawakami into a Hot Air Balloon (Inanimate TF, Persona)
  • Weiss Schnee Devoured by Inflatable Snake (Hypnosis, Vore, RWBY)
  • Cerberus into Onaholes (Inanimate TF, Futanari, Helltaker)
  • Bridget into May’s Popsicle (Inanimate TF, Guilty Gear)
  • Calli plays God Simulator (Giantess, Omnipotence, Hololive)
  • Kobayashi and Tohru into Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich (Inanimate TF, Dragon Maid)

Sadayo Kawakami into a Hot Air Balloon (Inanimate TF, Persona)

Kawakami squealed as the catgirl tickled her pussy. “St-stop! Stop it!”

The catgirl, looking up at her floating form, simply giggled. “Sorry, nya, but I nyeed some kind of transport, and I’m in the mood for something sexy, if nyou know what I mean…” She giggled. “I don’t wanna ride in a car, I want something hot!

She licked her lips. “And nyou know what the best way to make someone hot is?” Without waiting for an answer, she slipped her fingers deep into Kawakami’s cunt and wiggled them around as if searching for hidden treasure.

“Stooop!” Kawakami shook, face red.

Pulling away with one last little giggle, the catgirl gave her wand a twist, making its beam flare and ripple like a sine wave. Kawakami screamed as it struck her, burning away what remained of her tattered clothes and making her sex even hotter.

As she moaned, a fire formed in her pussy, making her scream as if she’d been penetrated by the world’s largest cock. On cue, her body started to grow, pushed outward by the inflating shaft at its core. As her skin drew taut, squeaking as it strained to contain the pressure inside her, Kawakami tried to scream one last time and cut off abruptly as her mouth flattened into a picture on her surface. In instants, she lay on the very edge of orgasm, unable to progress further.

Nn~! Let me cum! Let me cum!


Looking up as the swelling balloon, the Bakeneko giggled at the face painted across its surface–eyes rolled back, tongue lolling out–and the fat pair of flattened boobs beneath it. If you walked all the way around, you’d find a matching pair of buttcheeks stretched taut over the other side.

But the really funny part was its pussy, pumped up and stretched wide by the metal ring beneath it and blasted with heat by the burner in the ring’s center.

Conjuring a basket to finish the job, the Bakeneko hopped inside.

What sexier way to travel was there than by hot air balloon, nya?

Weiss Schnee Devoured by Inflatable Snake (Hypnosis, Vore, RWBY)

Weiss swallowed as she crept into the dungeon, eyes wide and alert for any form of insidious trap. She had no idea what those awful catgirls had planned for her, but she had no intention of stumbling into anything…

She turned the corner.


Weiss found herself staring at a pair of spiraling eyes, large and prismatic. They belonged to an enormous serpent, smooth and glossy, like an inflatable. Staring into its gaze, she found her thoughts fading, smothered by a wave of reassurance. Her own eyes started to turn; her mouth fell open, drooling.

At the snake’s command, she stumbled forward, hurrying to peel off all her clothes. As her panties hit the floor, the serpent’s tail slithered forward and coiled around her, squeezing her naked body tight as it wrenched her off the ground. Caught in its coils, Weiss moaned as it squished her breasts and her butt and tickled her exposed pussy. Her eyes rolled back; drool poured from her open lips.

Raising her high, the serpent uncoiled its tail and allowed her to roll, giggling and babbling, down its length. As she fell, it undulated, bouncing her about–she squealed in delight, as if it were the most fun in the world.

Finally, she reached its mouth, and the serpent opened wide. Giggling in joy, Weiss slipped headfirst inside it, fighting to thrust her fingers deep into her sex as its jaws wrapped around her. She burned with lust, slick and wet. Its tongue slipped around her length, lascivious itself.

Holding Weiss by the waist, her legs kicking out of its mouth, the serpent threw back its head and sucked her deeper inside it, mouth smacking on her ass and her thighs as they disappeared through into its maw. Inside, Weiss screamed louder, louder and louder with delight. Soon, all that remained in the open was her feet, toes twitching.

The serpent gave one last great slurp and sucked her up whole, and as Weiss slid down its throat into its inflatable belly, she gave at last into the pleasure of orgasm. Trapped in the serpent’s tight, plastic gut, she screamed in utter lust, body quaking with the ecstasy coursing through it.

As Weiss settled down, the serpent, belly bulging, slithered back into its place…

“Weiss?” came a voice from the hallway. “Weeeiss?”

…just waiting for the next unlucky huntress to stumble into its lair.

Cerberus into Onaholes (Inanimate TF, Futanari, Helltaker)

“Pancakes!” “Pancakes!” “Pancakes!”

Lucifer stopped cooking to give the trio a glare. “Stop that!” she snapped. “Can’t you see I’m trying to focus?!”

The hellhounds slammed their jaws shut, but it wasn’t long before they’d gathered around her legs, sniffing at the pancakes on the oven as if they might be able to snatch one away without her noticing.

“Stop that! Stop it! St–! Urgh!” Whirling around, Lucifer stamped her foot, eyes flaring “That’s it! You’ve infuriated me enough!”

Cerberus backed away, all three bodies whimpering in fear, as Lucifer raised a hand and snapped once, emphatically. With a pop, Cerberus’s clothes vanished. She squealed in shock.

Lucifer snapped again, and with a pop, Cerberus’s limbs–all twelve of them–vanished. She dropped onto her backs, squealing in surprise. “H-hey! What are you–?”

Snap! Cerberus’s flesh turned to solid plastic, a deep red. One last snap sufficed to reduce her to a more convenient size, and with that Lucifer stepped forward and scooped the former annoyance up: gone were the three obnoxious hellhounds–in her hands, she held nothing more than three simple onaholes, faces frozen in an expression of lust.

Pulling down her pants, she snapped again, and an enormous cock sprung from what had been her clitoris. Stroked to full erection, it was longer than her arm and so thick she struggled to wrap her hands around it.

“This should teach you not to bother me,” she said with a smirk. Taking one of the hellhounds, she aimed their sex at her tip, raised them high, and–


–speared them on her shaft like a piece of meat on a skewer, forcing her cock all the way through their form and out their mouth. Schlup! Seeing the piece of distorted plastic on her member, Lucifer chuckled and tuned into its thoughts:

Nnn~! Stop it! Stop it! It’s too much! It’s too much! Nnn~!

With a smile, Lucifer picked up the second onahole, raised it high, and dropped it much like the first. Schlup!

Cerberus’s screams could have been heard several miles away if she’d only been able to air them.

Forcing the second onahole down the length of her shaft so that it sat neatly atop the first, Lucifer picked up the third. “Ready?” she asked, fingering its fat sex. “He’ll have a hard time keeping you entertained after this, won’t he?” Schlup!

Cerberus screamed as Lucifer’s cock stretched her plastic form around it, instantly striking her with so much rebounding pleasure that it blew her mind to pieces. Asfvsmcgfdvmnnn~!!

Lucifer bit her lip. “Now for the finale~.”

Wrapping her hands around the onaholes, she started to pump.

Bridget into May’s Popsicle (Inanimate TF, Guilty Gear)

Bridget squealed as May’s spell washed over her, making her tingle like she were being tickled all over. “M-May! What are you doing?!”

May giggled. “Just testing out this new spell I found! Hold still, I promise you’ll enjoy it!” She wiggled her fingers and chanted a magic word.

Bridget squealed as all her clothing and accouterments alike vanished, swept away. Eyes wide, she slammed her legs shut in a desperate attempt to hide the member between them.

Unfortunately, her penis had other ideas. In the face of May’s magic, it grew as if being stroked, punching its way out from being her legs and rising, aimed at the sky, like a thick, veiny flagpole. Bridget could only stare, shivering in delight. Even the slightest breeze was enough to make her want to– Nn~!

As her penis grew, the rest of her body did the opposite. First her fingers collapsed into her hands and her toes into her feet, before both vanished in turn into her arms and legs, which took the cue to roll in on themselves, up into her torso and away. And still her cock grew, as if buoyed by their mass. She screamed. May giggled.

Gram by gram, Bridget’s body lost its mass as her penis took it into itself, bulking into an impossibly swollen rod, more like a Classical pillar than any part of a human body. Finally, her head sank into her neck, and everything that remained of her vanished, sucked into her cock.

Looking out of her own swollen shaft, Bridget moaned as a sudden cold struck her new body–she felt as if she’d stepped into a freezer. Shivering, she groaned as her skin turned hard and smooth and blue, slick with condensation. A wooden stick materialized behind her and slammed straight into the base of her shaft, making her scream in fresh surprise as pleasure cored her form. She felt so rigid and cold, so impossibly pent-up, she couldn’t bear it. She moaned as she shrank to a more reasonable size.

May snatched her out of the air before she could fall. “Wow, it worked!” she cried. “Let’s see what you taste like~.”

Licking her lips, she opened them wide and wrapped them around Bridget’s shaft, sliding them slowly down her length. Bridget screamed at their tightness and their warm, at the sense of May’s tongue lapping at her long, erogenous body, and the feeling of herself melting as its touch slurped her slowly away. The faster May worked, the more she wanted to cum, and soon she couldn’t think of anything but her pleasure. Nn~! Suck me! Suck me!

“Oooh~,” said May, “blueberry.”

Calli plays God Simulator (Giantess, Omnipotence, Hololive)

Starting her stream with a click, Mori Calliope pulled down her VR helmet and flicked a glance at Chat’s little window. “Hey, guys, today we’re going to be playing something called God Simulator’. Anyone ever heard of it? No? Don’t worry, you’ll understand soon enough.”

Starting the game, Calli scrolled through the settings. “This game’s a little special… They said I can upload my ava–Ah, here we go.” Uploading her avatar, she started the game and found herself floating in an empty void, pitch black. “I guess I’ve gotta make some planets or something…”

Calling up the console, she scrolled through the commands, selected /ltbl, and created a universe in a single glorious flash. Speeding up time, she watched as stars and planets took shape around her, spinning into being like cotton candy at the fair.

Slowing time back down again, she picked out one particularly promising planet and flew straight over to it, looking down at its blue oceans and brown continents from above. “I wonder if this place has any life,” she asked. “Or maybe I have to make it?”

Drawing up the console again, she fiddled around with the commands and finally found the one she was after. “Here we go.” Click! She sped up time again to watch.

Like a tidal wave of foliage, the color green washed over the planet’s continents. It was hard to tell what else was happening from orbit, so she sailed down to its surface, her avatar treating reentry like a casual, two-foot drop.

Hovering in the air a few hundred metres above the ground, she watched as beasts roamed the Savannah, chased by primitive men and women in pelts. “Let’s speed things up again.”

The beasts and their hunters blurred out of existence, replaced by a flurry of new agriculture. As she floated and watched, villages took shape, wooden huts with thatched roofs rising fast. Soon after came cottages, granaries, and churches, marketplaces. Stone replaced wood, and soon brick and metal replaced stone. Within minutes she was looking at something closer to a construction site than the wilderness with which she’d started.

By the time she slowed time down again, a modern metropolis had taken shape before her. “Neat,” she said, looking down at it as if it were an ant nest. “What should we do with it?”

“Smash it,” said Chat.

Calli shrugged and dropped out of the sky. Striking the surface, she demolished a decent portion of the city with the earthquake resulting from her impact. Marching towards it, she crushed a highway and kicked over a towering skyscraper, showering the streets below with its fragments.

Watching the tiny people below scatter, desperate to avoid a crushing death, Calli felt a flush pass through her body. “This is kinda fun,” she said with a laugh. “What else should I do?”

“Eat someone,” said Chat.

Bending down, Calli snatched up a fleeing young man, opened wide, and dropped her screaming into her mouth, swallowing noisily. “Not bad,” she said with a laugh. “Any other requests?”

“Sit on them, mommy,” said someone. Ignoring the last part, she took another step into the city, demolishing a hospital in the process. “Hey, how about this place?”

Approaching a giant (at least to its occupants) mall, she turned around, exposing her avatar’s absolutely enormous butt. “This is a little embarrassing,” she said, biting her lip. “But if it’s what you guys wa–”

“It is.”

With a shrug, she dropped, slamming her ass into the mall and crushing it instantly into dust. The shockwave of her impact managed to knock out every surrounding building too.

Shuffling uncomfortably, she looked back to Chat.  “So, what do you want me to do next? …You want me to do what with the skyscraper?”

Kobayashi and Tohru into Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich (Inanimate TF, Dragon Maid)

Kobayashi crept into the apartment with a scowl. Something was going on–she could sense it. Just where had that ridiculous drag–?

“Miss Kobayashi!” She couldn’t even finish the thought before Tohru leapt out and grabbed her, spinning her around as she whirled the two of them into the apartment. “Come with me!”

“T-Tohru! What are you–?” As Kobayashi struggled to escape, Tohru dragged her into the apartment’s kitchen, where a magical circle lay waiting for them on the floor. “–trying to–?!”

The instant they stepped inside it, the circle flared, and an incredible force washed over both their bodies. Kobayashi squealed as her work clothes blew away, struggling to cover her naked body. “T-Tohru!” As she screamed in shock, the two of them floated into the air, while the room around them grew enormous.

“Just hold tight, Miss Kobayashi!” Tohru giggled, showing her own exposed body proudly. “This is going to be so much fun!”

A pair of giant slices of bread flew off the counter and surrounded the two of them like the jaws of a vice. Before Kobayashi had a chance to understand, the two flew together, crushing her and her maid tightly between them. Kobayashi squealed as her naked form crashed into Tohru’s own, her small breasts smothered by Tohru’s enormous melons. “T-Tohru?!”

Looking at her maid, Tohru noticed something stranger. Tohru’s skin… Was it getting slimy? And… And more orange?

“Oooh, Kobayashi…” Slowly melting, Tohru pulled her into a close hug. “We’re going to taste so great together!”

“Taste so great?!” Kobayashi gasped as a thick blob of purple fell from her cheek. “What are you talking about?!” In shock, she looked down and saw her skin had turned a deep purple, slick and sloppy. She watched as her figure ran, losing its cohesion more and more with every passing second.

At the same time, the pressure of the bread grew tighter and tighter, forcing their bodies closer and closer until even Kobayashi could barely tell where she ended and Tohru began. “Nn~!” She could feel Tohru squirming against her, and it made her want to scream.



Floating out of the air, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich came to land on a pre-prepared plate, where it sat squirming slightly but otherwise indistinguishable from any other peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Strolling into the room, Kanna snatched it up and devoured it in one bite. “Wicked~.”


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