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  • Faruzan into Bra (Inanimate TF, Genshin Impact)
  • Kazuma into Apron Sequel (Inanimate TF, Konosuba)
  • Crush to Fat Nerdy Guy (FTM, Twinning, Weight Gain)
  • BE Detention (Breast Expansion)
  • Boss into Subordinate’s Pet Shortstack (Shrinking, Expansion, Hypnosis)
  • Madoka Smoothie (Inanimate TF, Madoka)

Faruzan into Bra (Inanimate TF, Genshin Impact)

Faruzan threw herself into the corner of her office, trembling in fear as the catgirl advanced. With every step, the creature twirled the insidious wand in her hand. After seeing what it had done to all her colleagues, Faruzan could barely look at it.

“St-stay away!” she cried, rummaging beneath her desk for something to throw at them. “Stay back!”

The catgirl simply giggled and took another step forward, tail swishing and flexing in feline amusement. “What’s the matter, nya? Don’t nyou want to join my collection?”

Faruzan’s heart thudded painfully hard. The last thing she wanted was to end up as another little trophy for this monster to pick up. “Stay away!” She grabbed a lamp and tossed it.

With a sound like several knives being drawn, the lamp split into several neatly cut segments. Sheathing her claws, the catgirl took another step forward. “Nyow, I’ve got a pair of panties and a cute pair of boots. Ooh, and those purrfect socks I made from that cute blonde with the pigtails. But what should I do with nyou?” She tapped her chin with her wand. “Ah, I know!”

Faruzan tried one last time to flee, but she barely made it around her own desk before the wand’s magic lightning struck her. Shrieking, she froze on the spot, body jerking as the erotic energy coursed through her.

As if gravity had failed her, she floated into the air and hung there suspended. Moaning, she spread her legs, wide, wide, wider. Only once she’d done the splits did the magic holding her seem satisfied.

As she screwed up her eyes and groaned, her legs curled backward at an impossible angle, and her arms flew over her shoulders to join them. Where her fingers met her ankles, they fused, and no matter how hard she tried to pull them apart, she found she couldn’t.

Something pulsed in Faruzan’s chest, and with a squeal she opened her eyes and looked down to see her boobs bloating, pumped up like a pair of balloons. As they grew she felt her limbs weaken and moaned to see the rest of her body shriveling up, arms and legs thinning to little more than strips. Soon her head sank into her neck, and soon she couldn’t see for the curve of her own boobs in her face. With one last scream, her head disappeared inside them, and with that Faruzan went silent.

Breasts flattening into a pair of enormous cups, Faruzan dropped to the ground, limp and inanimate as any normal bra. She moaned for mercy as the catgirl scooped her up, already throwing off her top. “Let’s try you on, nya.”

The catgirl’s boobs, enormous, filled Faruzan’s face. As her former feet joined with a click, she felt all the weight of the creature’s hefty breasts–it felt as if she were carrying every book in the Akademiya’s library. Nn~!

“Purrfect,” said the Bakeneko, tightening her straps.

Kazuma into Apron Sequel (Inanimate TF, Konosuba)

Kazuma squealed as the bag opened and the familiar face of Sylvia appeared above. Squeaking, he tried to hide himself, but his fabricized body refused to move and besides, there was no space anyway.

“Come here, Kazuma,” said Sylvia, licking her lips. “Let me get a look at you~.” Reaching into the bag, she wrapped her hands around him and squeezed tight, digging her fingers deep into his fabric. He squealed again, as much in pleasure as in horror this time. Why had Wiz made being touched feel so good?

Wrenching him out of the bag, she held him up and smiled. “You look so cute like this, Kazuma.” She tickled the image of his nose. “I can’t wait to try you on.”

Kazuma looked down at her groin. She wasn’t lying.

Giggling to herself, Sylvia carried him over to her mirror and placed him on the bed while she threw off the rest of her clothes. He gasped at the sight of her exposed breasts… and went pale as her saw the tremendous cock beneath them. “W-w-w-wait–!”

With one last smile, she snatched him up again and slipped her head through his straps. He squealed as he fell flat against her front, her enormous breasts stretching his face and her titanic bulge already sticking into his ass. “Ooooh~! Nnn~! S-Sylvia!”

Ignoring himself, she grabbed his straps and tied them tightly behind her. Kazuma squealed again. It felt as if she were playing with his penis!

As she finished, he struggled to collect his thoughts. This was bad! It was really bad! But there had to be some way he could get out of it… right?

Turning to face the mirror, Sylvia ran her hands down her front and made him shiver. “Oh, Kazuma, you really bring out my figure.”

Her cock twitched behind his body; Kazuma squealed in unwilling delight.

“Mmm~, don’t you enjoy being so close to me?” she asked, running her hands down his front again, her fingers coming terribly close to the fat bulge pressing through him. “Wouldn’t you like to get even closer?”


With a grin, Sylvia wrapped her fingers around her shaft, squeezing it tight through his fabric, so tight he could only squeal. Gripping it hard, she started to pump it up and down, up and down, working it through him. Kazuma could only scream–it felt as if she were thrusting it into his ass.

Moaning in tune with his squeals, Sylvia picked up speed fast, pumping harder and harder, till Kazuma could scream in lust. “Nnn~!”

Finally, with one last emphatic pump, Sylvia came, and Kazuma moaned as a torrent of semen poured through his form to splatter the bedroom mirror.

“Oh dear,” said Sylvia, with a smirk. “What a mess.”

Crush to Fat Nerdy Guy (FTM, Twinning, Weight Gain)

Biting his lip, Baron rubbed the lamp as furiously as he would his cock.

As ever, a few minutes of stroking were more than enough: it started shaking, and a plume of milky fluid burst out of the tip. Whirling into the air, it congealed into the shape of a well-toned man, muscular body on full display. Well, apart from his legs, which were a little smoky.

“Oh, genie of the lamp–!” cried Baron.

“It’s Dave,” said the genie.

“Oh, Dave of the lamp, please grant my wish!” Falling to his knees, which creaked as they struggled to support his overweight body, Baron threw up his arms as if pleading for mercy. “Please please please make it so my crush will hang out with me.”

“You? Hang out with you?” Looking down on him, Dave of the lamp wrinkled his nose in disgust. “I mean, no offense, pal, but I wouldn’t wanna hang out with you unless I was contractually obliged. Which I am, or I wouldn’t be here. Who’s your crush, anyway? I gotta know what I'm working with here.”

“Um.” Baron pointed to his bedroom shrine, with its thousands of pictures of an attractive looking brunette. “Her name is Mindy.”

Dave looked a little closer. “Jeez, I know they say aim for the stars, but you’re fixing to burn up on re-entry, kid.” He stroked his beard. “Still, I think I know a way to help you.”

“You do?” cried Baron, leaping to his feet in joy. ‘Leaping’ was a mild exaggeration: he leapt in the same way a blimp leaps into the sky.

“Sure.” Raising his hand, Dave snapped, and the two of them found themselves in what could only be Mindy’s bedroom. The brunette herself lay on the bed, at least until she saw them and flew off it like a startled cat. Leaping into the corner–actually leaping–she screamed. “What the fuck?! Get out!”

“Mindy!” cried Baron. “Does she love me yet?”

“Ooooone second…” said Baron, tapping Mindy on the head. She screamed as if she’d been electrocuted.

As Baron watched, eyes wild with shock, his crush bloated like a dead whale, swelling till her clothes tore and her enormous boobs and gut burst jiggling out into the open. Her skirt snapped, obliterated by her gigantic ass, and her thighs thickened till they tore apart her tights.

She wasn’t only getting bigger though. As she swelled, her hair shortened, and her figure gained some masculine hardness (beneath the pudge). Skeleton creaking, she gained a little height, her shoulders broadening in proportion, while a fuzzy, ill-kempt beard sprouted from her chin. Also: pimples, lots of pimples.

As Dave stepped away, the new Baron looked down at himself in shock. “You turned me into… me?”

“You’ve got a body only a mother could love,” said Dave, “but I didn’t want to get too Freudian. This is the next best thing, you know?”

“Oh fuck,” said Baron, cock rising. “I’m a narcissist.”

BE Detention (Breast Expansion)

Emily’s new teacher was pretty handsome, but he was crazy if he thought it meant she’d behave any better than normal.

“Now,” said Mr. Jacobs, “let’s move on to the next topic of discussion.” Opening his textbook, he picked up a piece of chalk and turned back to the board. “Please, turn to page 39–” A ball of scrunched-up paper bounced off the back of his head.

For a second, he was silent. “Emily, please stay behind after class.”

Emily scowled. How did he know it was her?

When the lesson came to an end and the rest of the class funneled out, Emily remained squirming in her seat, desperate to get the obnoxious experience over with.

Snapping his fingers, Mr. Jacobs summoned her to the board. She went reluctantly, refusing to meet his eyes even as he handed her a piece of chalkboard. “Before you leave, I’d like you to write the following sentence ten times, understood?”

She rolled her eyes, but she nodded.

“Excellent.” He guided her hand to the blackboard. “‘I’m a stupid slut who’s all tits and no brains.’ Get that?”

Emily blinked, unsure if she’d heard him correctly. It took a second for it to sink in that she had. She snorted. “I’m not writing that–”

Mr. Jacobs snapped, and Emily found her hand moving on its own, chalk scraping the board. I’m a stupid– “H-hey!” –slut who’s all tits– “What’s going on?!” –and no brains.

As she finished the sentence she felt a tingling in her chest, but she didn’t have time to investigate before her hand moved to the next row. I’m a stupid slut who’s all tits and no brains. “What the fuck?! Stop!” I’m a stupid slut who’s all tits and no brains.

Each time she finished a line, Emily’s boobs throbbed a little harder–all of a sudden, her bra felt so tight. What the fuck was going on?!

I’m a stupid slut who’s all tits and no brains. A fresh throb made her almost bite her tongue. F-fuck! Forcing her eyes down, she gasped at what she saw: her shirt, stretched taut by her breasts, its buttons trembling. The pressure of her bra was so strong it almost hurt.

I’m a stupid slut who’s all tits and no brains. She moaned. “Please, stop! Make it stop!”

I’m a stupid slut who’s all tits and no brains. Her boobs grew again, their increased weight threatening to tip her over.

I’m a stupid slut who’s all tits and no brains. “Make it stop! I’ll be good! I’ll be good!” Her bra’s straps gave with a twang.

I’m a stupid slut who’s all tits and no brains. “Please!”

I’m a stupid slut who’s all tits and no brains. Her top button flew free, pinging off the board and flying somewhere behind her. “Please!”

I’m a stupid slut who’s all tits– Emily moaned. “Please!” –and no brains.

With a series of pops, the rest of her buttons followed the first, and her swollen new breasts burst out into the open, big as a pair of cantaloupes. Dropping the chalk, she clasped them and sniveled, tears running down her cheeks as she dug her fingers into their flesh.

Turning, she made to run for the door, but she barely made it two meters before Mr. Jacobs snapped and her legs refused to carry her any farther. From behind her came the smack of a belt striking the floor. She turned, whimpering.

“One moment, please, Emily. There’s one last thing I’d like us to do before you leave.”

Boss into Subordinate’s Pet Shortstack (Shrinking, Expansion, Hypnosis)

When she received the email calling her to her boss’s office, Mandy smiled, opened her drawer, and pulled out the item she’d prepared especially for it. Concealing it behind her back, she stood and started to walk, striding through the office with a newfound sense of confidence.

“Sit down,” said her boss, the instant she opened the door. Sitting behind her desk, a folder open in her head, Claire looked like she’d give you frostbite if you touched her.

“Actually, I’d rather stand,” said Mandy, folding her arms across her chest.

Claire snapped her folder shut and turned to her, eyes tightening behind her glasses. “Very well,” she said. “Mandy, I’ll be upfront. Your performance lately has been simply–”

Ignoring her, Mandy closed the room’s door and locked it with a snap. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to begin by discussing your performance.”

Claire’s eyes went wide. “What the hell are you doing?” she asked, leaping from her chair.

“Good question. Allow me to answer.” She drew the wand; Claire flinched; Mandy resisted the urge to laugh. “You’ve been really overbearing since your promotion, you know? I was willing to overlook it, but, well, the way you talked to Amanda this morning… That just crossed a line.”

Despite her fear, Claire managed to find an ember of resistance. “She is a disgrace to this company! I should have fired her!”

Mandy rolled her eyes. “She’s just come out of a divorce, Claire! But that’s beside the point–I don’t want to talk about Amanda, I want to talk about you. Frankly, Claire, I think it’s time to demote you to a more appropriate position.”

“What the hell does that–?”

Mandy didn’t bother to let her finish. Raising the wand, she gave it a twist, and pale lightning flew from its tip; Mandy laughed as it slammed into her boss.

Claire on the other hand seemed considerably less happy: screaming in horror, she threw herself against the wall, clinging to it for support as her body warped and twisted.

Under the influence of the wand, her pristine suit melted into a slop of clothing around her feet, while her body shrank as if squeezed by giant hands. Even as the majority of her was shrinking, certain parts of her blew up: she screamed as her boobs exploded, jiggling like mad, while her ass inflated, cheeks clapping their own performance. Her thighs, too, fattened into logs, her hips curving at a ridiculous angle. Finally, she ceased to change, and her molten clothes flowed back and congealed around her as a frilly maid’s outfit.

Looking down at herself, Claire squealed in horror. “What have you done to me?!” Gritting her teeth, she threw herself across the room, fist aimed for Mandy’s sex.

“Stop,” said Mandy, and Claire slammed to a halt. “Kneel.” Claire threw herself to the ground. “Good. You’re very obedient.” Smirking, she raised a foot and placed it on Claire’s lower head.

“I’ll get you for this…” hissed Claire.

Mandy laughed. “Sure you will. In the meantime, I’ve got a little task for you to handle. Demoting you has gotten me all worked up~. Why don’t you clean up the mess?”

She spread her legs.

Madoka Smoothie (Inanimate TF, Madoka)

Madoka squealed as she slid down the tube and landed naked in the tank. Leaping to her feet, she pounded hard against the glass. “Stop! Let me out! Let me out!”

A click from above snatched her attention upward, and she whirled around, tears flying from her eyes, just in time to see the tank’s hatch had closed. With a zzzip, two spiraling bands of pink light filled the chamber and started to twirl like the ribbons of a dancer. Madoka felt it as it passed through her form, starting a tingling in her bones and sapping what strength remained to her. “St-stop…!”

Gasping for breath, she collapsed and lay there on her knees, as the tank turned its luminous blades through her again and again, over and over. Each time they passed through her form, she felt a little lighter, weaker, more insubstantial. It was as if each slice of the intangible knives was stealing a portion of her soul.

Raising an arm, she went to strike the side of the tank again… and squealed instead as she saw her skin dripping, beads of a thick pink fluid falling from her fingers to land with little splats on the floor.

Her heart stopped beating. “N-no! Stop it! Stop it! Stooop!” As she wailed, more and more of her body began to drip, until at last her fingers simply fell from her hands as thick globs of fluid. Madoka watched, terrified, as the rest of her arms followed them, melting away from wrist down to elbow.

As if she’d stumbled into quicksand, she found herself sinking, the walls of the tank rising slowly around her. Looking down, she squealed in horror to see her legs had vanished, reduced to a puddle of the same thick pink fluid. Pink tears dripped from her eyes. “Make it stop!” she cried, her every motion accelerating her dissolution. “Please! Stop!”

Ignoring her, the blades continued to slice through her body and soul, while the pink hue spread upward until it covered her entirely. Soon all that remained of Madoka was a pile of pink slime in the vague shape of her former self, and then even that was gone, collapsed into formlessness. She filled the tank from base to top, bubbling one last time before falling still.

A catgirl placed a cup under the tank’s tap and held it till it was full of the thick pink fluid. Raising it to her lips, she took a long sip. “Mm, delicious, nya~. Dere’s nyothing better than a smoothie after hunting magical girls!”


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