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- Nemu into Sexdoll (Inanimate TF, Tensei Slime)

- Iofi turning Moona into a Fleshlight for her Fans (Inanimate TF, vTuber)

- Ironmouse into Dorse (Dorse TF, vTuber)

- Erza into Dog (Animal TF, Fairy Tail)

- Kallen into Relief Station (Inanimate TF, Code Geass)

- Asuka into Rei Clone (Twinning, Evangelion)

Nemu into Sexdoll (Inanimate TF, Tensei Slime)

Nemu frowned as she returned to the parlor. When she’d left to fetch tea, Stella and Phos had been talking happily among themselves, but now they’d gone as silent as they had after trying Shion’s cooking. What was going on?

Readying herself to fight, she popped her head through the door. And froze, her eyes wide in shock, at what she found on the other side.

Before her sat a pair of what she could only describe as dolls. Naked, they sat with their legs spread and their fat, swollen sexes on display, a pair of giant balloon boobs dangling from each of their chests. Their lips marched their sexes, fat and round, while their eyes were as blank and empty as any toy’s. They looked disgusting.

What really scared Nemu wasn’t how sexual they were, it was the fact they shared the features of her friends: one had blue haired and a matching headband, while the other was ginger with a fox’s furry ears and tail.

Running in, Nemu dropped to her knees. “Ph-Phos? St-Stella? What happened–?!” Neither of the dolls answered.

Something chuckled softly above and behind her. Nemu leapt to her feet, but before she had a chance to stand, a spell struck her in the back. She screamed as it surged through her, wrenching apart her limbs and dropping her to the ground. “Nn~! No! Stop!” Her lips gummed up.

Stuck in the same pose as her friends, Nemu could only moan inside as her clothing melted away and her body, exposed, went through a startling transformation: first her fingers and toes fused together, refusing to be pulled apart, then a wave of glossiness spread outward from what had been their tips, flowing down her arms and up her legs and leaving her looking like she’d been coated in see-through slime. Where it spread, she saw something even more terrifying: seams in her skin, as if she’d been stitched together. She wanted to scream, but her mouth refused to open for her.

With a pop, her belly button inverted into a large, see-through cap. Above it, her boobs pulsed, striking her brain with irresistible waves of pleasure. She moaned inside, desperately pleading for it to stop, but instead the sensation grew stronger and stronger, until–

Boing! Her boobs blew into a pair of enormous balloons, just like Phos’s and Stella’s. She moaned as they jiggled, losing herself to lust. She’d never felt anything so good.

Just as she thought she’d recovered, the pulsing started again: this time in her sex and her anus and her mouth, all at once. She screamed, fighting against orgasm, as all three holes lit up at once. Even her mouth felt so erogenous she couldn’t bear it.

Like doughnuts in the oven, the three rose, grown fat and thick. Finally, Nemu’s eyes glazed over, and with that, the change came to an end. Sitting there, she could only plead for someone to help them escape.

A figure, pale and long-haired, dropped from above, a rigid bulge protruding from between her legs. “Now, let’s see how much fun you three are to use~.”

Iofi turning Moona into a Fleshlight for her Fans (Inanimate TF, vTuber)

As the panel came to an end, Moona pushed the mic away. “Okay, everyone! Thanks for coming! Make sure to tune in to my next stream on–”

Before she could finish, Iofi hopped onto the stage, giggling. “Wait! Before you finish, I’ve got something I want to show off!”

“E-eh? Sh-show off?” asked Moona. In lieu of an answer, Iofi grabbed her hand and dragged her to the center of the stage.

“Ready?” cried Iofi. “On the count of three! One… two… three!” She tapped Moona’s head with her paintbrush.

“Iofi?” said Moona, trying to put on a smile for the crowd. “Wh-what are you?”

Something seized her, something like a pair of giant hands. Before she knew what was happening, they tightened their grip and squeezed her, balling her up like a sheet of paper. Moona screamed as her body compacted.

Folding her up, they rolled her into a cylinder and ripped open her panties to expose her sex. She squealed inside, struggling to cover up. Stop! Don’t let them–!

The invisible hands rolled her like dough till she was perfectly smooth and round, her clothing compressed into a hard shell around her. Her body lay inside it like bread in a can, with her pussy exposed at the end, to her horror. She struggled to conceal it, but she couldn’t move at all.

Another giant hand, visible this time, snatched her off the ground. “Ta-da!” cried Iofi. “One Moona fleshlight! Who wants to try it first?”

Fleshlight?! cried Moona.

Cries of lust from the crowd as if fought itself to get on stage. “How about you?” said Iofi at last, picking out a man in the front row. Helping him onstage, she giggled as he pulled down his pants. “Let me help you~.”

H-help him?! Iofi! What are you–?!

Iofi’s grip tightened around her. Moona felt something hard and sticky against her sex. W-wait–! What are you?!

Schlup! Moona screamed as the man’s cock slammed into her.

Ironmouse into Dorse (Dorse TF, vTuber)

Ironmouse laughed as she slammed the jump button, making her character leap up and down. “Hey, chat, look at how much I–!” Glorp! Splat!

Blinking in shock, Ironmouse looked down and found a big white blob, slightly translucent, coating her keyboard. Was that…? Was she looking at…?

Before she could an answer, a sudden tightness, like rising vomit, seized her throat. Doubling over, she clutched her stomach and groaned as she coughed up another fat glob of pre-cum.

Struggling to push herself out of her chair, she stumbled backward, thick beads of sticky fluid trickling down her chin. With every second, the tension in her gut felt a little greater, as if she were being pumped up like a balloon.

Between her legs, her clit tingled madly, so intense she couldn’t resist sticking her hand down her skirt to touch it. What she found made her yelp in shock: her clit had swelled into a thick, rigid member–a long, rock hard cock covered in veins! Even as she stared, it tore through her skirt, precum flying from its glans. She touched it instinctively and screamed as a pleasure shot through her form; it felt like being struck by lightning.

Like a series of bombs, the pressure in her gut exploded outward, and Ironmouse moaned, eyes rolling back in their sockets, as her form bloated, ass tearing through her skirt and boobs bursting through her top, both swollen into a pair of gigantic sacks. At the same time, her neck thickened, veins pulsing along its length. She moaned, and another fat glob of precum flew out of her jaws and struck her screen.

Falling to all fours, Ironmouse lay there on the floor of her room and trembled as her spine bent, her legs contorted, and her fingers and toes fused into hard hooves. Finally, her neck stretched, tall and erect, and the new dorse could hold it in no more.

With a moan of release, Ironmouse came.

Erza into Dog (Animal TF, Fairy Tail)

Erza screamed as the witch’s magic struck her, surging through her body and setting her entire form on fire. Collapsing, she hit the ground and moaned. It felt as if her body were trying to tear itself apart.

The witch stood over her, laughing in amusement. “Not so strong now, are you, Titania? What’s the matter? Don’t you feel good? Don’t worry, Mistress will make you feel so much better.”

Erza tried to stand, but her body refused to obey her. Spine creaking, back legs contorting, she found herself forced instead onto all fours, unable to raise herself further. To her shock, it felt strangely comfortable. “Wh-what–?!”

The witch twisted her wrist, and Erza screamed again as a fresh wave of pain rolled through her, making her skin tingle as if it had been tickled by a thousand thorny bristles. Looking at her hand, she gasped to see fine hairs sprouting from her flesh, a tidal wave of fur that swept up her arms and left her looking like a barbarian draped in the pelts of slain beasts. She moaned as it spread, scrabbling at herself in horror. “Get it off! Get it–!”

Before she could finish, her jaw ached, and she felt a stretching tension on her face, as if she’d made the mistake of sticking her nose into a vacuum. Looking down, she watched in terror as the lower half of her face elongated, the tip of her nose blackened into the smooth black nose of a dog. A horrifying realization crashed into her brain. N-no! No! Her words came out as harsh barks.

At the ends of her furry limbs, her hands and feet shriveled into canine paws, and her tailbone ached as it sprouted the very thing that had given it its name. Erza’s new tail wagged with her maddened horror. She screamed, but all that came out of her mouth was a howl.

A harsh laugh snatched Erza’s attention back to the witch. As the woman approached, Erza struggled to summon her magic, but no matter how hard she fought, it wouldn’t come. In the end, all she could do was back away slowly, whining.

Producing a slim collar, the witch snapped it around Erza’s throat faster than the former Titania could react. The instant it clicked shut, a fog of serenity settled on her thoughts. What was she so panicked about? Mistress was here to protect her!

Sticking out her tongue, she wagged her tail happily.

Mistress patted her on the head with a smirk. “Good girl, Erza.”

Kallen into Relief Station (Inanimate TF, Code Geass)

The catgirl caught Kallen’s fist in her palm, tightened her grip, and slung her over her shoulder as if she weighed nothing. Crashing into the far wall, Kallen groaned and forced herself back to her feet. “Turn them back!”

The catgirl cocked her head. “Uh, nyo? Why should I when I’m having so much fun with them, nya?” She slipped the dildo between her legs and squeezed it with her thighs, pulling down her eyelid and blowing Kallen a raspberry.

“I say ‘turn them back’!” Pushing herself off the wall, Kallen threw herself into a flying kick aimed at the catgirl’s head.

The catgirl caught her by the ankle, spun her around to sap her momentum, and held her upside down like she weighed nothing at all. “Urgh, why’ve nyou gotta be such a Kallen about it, nya?”

Her eyes lit up, as if a new thought had occurred to her. “Heh, I’ve just had a fun idea… If nyou like helping people so much, I’ll give nyou something to help them with.” She threw Kallen to the ground.

This time, before Kallen had a chance to stand, the catgirl whipped out a slim pink wand, and she found herself struck by a matching bolt of pink lightning. Coursing through her nerves, it wrenched her screaming to her feet, where she moaned, pussy alight, as it bent her over and held her fixed.

Struggling to escape the wand’s power, Kallen groaned as it seized her arms and bent them back to touch her shoulders. Her body felt so strange all of a sudden, as if it were simultaneously being squeezed and blown up. The tension made her sex tingle and her nipples twitch, overwhelming her with sensations until she could barely think save to moan.

With a resounding splat, her legs slammed together and fused into a single bulky pillar, suit and boots alike melding to her skin as little more than a layer of color. Higher up, a pair of bombs went off in her buttcheeks, exploding into fat spheres of flesh more like beachballs than any part of a human body. At the same time, her arms were shriveling, thinning and tightening till they were nothing more than a pair of handles stuck to her shoulders. She tried to pull them free, but she couldn’t even make them twitch.

Another pair of bombs went off in her boobs, and Kallen screamed as if she’d been electrocuted. Before her eyes, they doubled in size once and then again, stretching her suit taut against the skin as they fought to grow. By the time they stopped, her nipples had become almost as big as her shoulders.

Finally, she felt a tingling in her mouth and her pussy and her anus, and in one single swift motion, all three holes fattened into a trio of pink doughnuts, thick and plump and hideously inviting.

And erogenous; Kallen could only scream inside as the wind tickled her cunt.

Eyes glazing over, reduced to colored plastic, she barely even noticed as the catgirl approached her. “Have fun with nyour friends,” she said, patting Kallen on the rump. “I’ve made sure they’ll like you a lot more now…” She stuck her tongue out.

Kallen moaned as her comrades approached her, cocks erect and aimed straight at her waiting holes.

Asuka into Rei Clone (Twinning, Evangelion)

Asuka hugged herself tight and tried not to whimper as she listened to the sound coming from outside the closest:

Hurried footsteps. Screams of panic, swiftly stifled. Murmuring, getting closer, closer. She could already picture their pale faces and red eyes, coming for her, coming for her, coming to make her just like them…

Hugging herself even tighter, she mumbled her way through one of her favorite childhood nursery rhymes. Each time someone spoke, she recited it a little faster.

Just as she was about to begin the rhyme again for the tenth time in five minutes, she heard footsteps in the corridor outside. She slammed her lips shut instantly, biting her tongue to keep herself from making the slightest noise. She even stopped breathing.

With every passing second, the footsteps grew closer, closer, till at last they came to a stop right in front of the closet. Asuka’s heart thudded; her lungs burned. She screwed up her eyes and tried to imagine herself elsewhere. Anywhere, anywhere but this.

The closet door swung open with a creak. Asuka flinched, emitting a tiny squeak. “Please, don’t–!”

A pair of soft hands settled on her own and squeezed tight, reassuringly. Whimpering, Asuka opened her eyes and looked up.

“Hello, Asuka,” said Rei Ayanami, standing over her with a faint smile. Instead of her normal white plugsuit, she wore a blue one, and the sight of it struck Asuka rigid with terror.

Whimper, she tried to pull away, but Ayanami refused to let her. “N-no! Stay away! Stay away!”

Ignoring her, Ayanami pulled her out of the closet and wrapped her arms around her, pulling Asuka into a tight, impenetrable hug.

“G-get a–Get away from… from…”

Trapped in Rei’s embrace, Asuka felt suddenly lightheaded. What was wrong? Why was she fighting? Ayanami’s arms felt like the most comfortable place in the world.

Resting her head on Rei’s shoulder, Asuka sighed in relief and allowed herself to relax. Just like that, she knew she’d found her place in the world. She no longer had to run or fight or fear anything at all.

Closing her eyes, she failed to notice her hair changing color, fading from fiery red to a dull, icy blue. Her skin, in turn, paled, losing all its warmth, while her eyes, hidden beneath their lids, gained the dark red of blood. When she opened them again, all fear had vanished from her expression.

“Feeling better?” said the Rei Ayanami in blue.

“Much better,” replied the Rei Ayanami in red. “Shall we see if we can find anyone else?”

Her counterpart gave her a nod, and the two set off together, hand in hand.


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