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Saber’s heart pounded even as her eyes scanned the room, searching desperately for any weapon she could wield against Nomi. The beaker on the counter, or one of the bottles on the shelf? Maybe even the broom in the corner, though it was a little farther away. She’d have to run and hope she could make it all the way before something stopped her.

Before she could take a step, something stopped her. The runes on her collar flashed, and without a choice in the matter, Saber found herself stepping forward. “Saber,” said she and May, simultaneously, “Saber should become an onahole…”

A gasp sounded from May; Nomi’s mouth twisted into a smile.

Saber’s heart, meanwhile, sank up the way down to the level of her lost sabatons. “An o-onahole?” she said. She’d never even heard the word before. “What does that–?”

Midway through her question, she made a break for it. Surging past Nomi, she snatched up the broom and brought its handle down on the catgirl’s head like a blade, slicing straight–to her surprise–through Nomi’s body from head to groin. Saber blinked in surprise as the catgirl’s halves fell aside like freshly-sliced salami. She’d only meant to knock her out, but she supposed this work too.

Dropping the broom, she stepped back and spun around in search of some means of escape. Now all they had to do was find a way out of here…

“S-Saber?” cried May. “Saber!”

Saber spun back, and her eyes went wide. Before her, Nomi’s halves were reattaching, connecting a hundred strands of sticky black goo, like tar. With a final, wet slap, they slammed together, leaving only a bubbling black line down the catgirl’s face where she’d been cut. A moment later, this was gone too–all Saber could do was stare.

Nomi brushed herself down with a sigh. “Nyow that’s out of the way, why don’t we get to the main meal, nya. I believe nyou voted for ‘onahole’? An excellent choice, don’t you agree, Saber?” Her eyes flashed bloody red, and a chill passed through Saber’s body. Before she knew what she was doing, she was lying on the operating table, smiling gormlessly as Nomi strapped her in. “Nyou’ll enjoy this,” said the catgirl as she reached for the lever. “An onahole really suits someone who likes to deal with swords.” With a final smirk, she gave the lever a tug.

The operating table shot high into the air, and the storm above wasted no time in striking her with one of its bubbly pink bolts. Saber screamed as it coursed through her flesh and set her mind burning, but all she could do was pant and moan as she descended slowly back to the laboratory floor.

Lying there on her back, she groaned as Nomi unbuckled her straps. She wanted to take a swing at her, but she just felt so weak all of a sudden. To her horror, she could barely even move her limbs.

With a groan, Saber collapsed to the ground and lay there moaning as her clothing burnt away to expose her slender body. At the ends of her pale limbs, her digits trembled before swiftly inverting, and even as she watched through trembling eyes, they collapsed into her hands and feet, leaving her to stare in shock as her body crumpled into itself.

Her hands and feet followed next, then her arms and legs shortly after. Watching them vanished into her hips and shoulders, she screamed and shook and pleading inside for someone to help her. With every second, her body felt a little stiffer, a little harder to move. To her horror, she realized she was changing color: her skin becoming a light, see-through blue, like the azure of a clear sky.

A terrible pressure assaulted her from all angles, and around her the world swelled like the interior of a balloon. To her horror, Saber realized she was shrinking, crushed down to the size of a catgirl’s insidious toy. Before she knew it, she was barely half a foot tall.

Not every part of her had shrunken quite as much as the rest though. To her horror, Saber realized her boobs and butt and vulva had remained egregiously large relative to the rest of her shrunken body. She wanted to cover them in shame, but her current lack of arms made this somewhat difficult.

A giant hand appeared above her; Saber screamed as it snatched her up. Where the catgirl’s fingers touched her body, sharp pleasure coursed through her nerves, almost as intense as the lightning.

“Very nyice,” said Nomi, enormous eyes filled Saber’s sight. “Nyow, it’s been a little while since I’ve used one of these, so let’s see if I still remember…”

She spun Saber around and dropped her skirt and her panties, massaging her clit with one stark crimson nail. As Saber watched, horrified, it swelled, engorged, blown to ridiculous size. But only as veins appeared along its length and a translucent liquid from its tip did she realize exactly what she was looking at. I-is that a–?

Sighing, Nomi stroked her new penis till it was fully erect and guided Saber screaming towards its tip. No! No! Keep that thing away from me! You’ll break me! You’ll break me!

Nomi gave her a thin smile. “Nyow… let’s see how tight that scabbard of nyours is.” And with that, she slammed her onto her swollen cock with the force of a falling blade. Saber screamed as it stretched her vagina wide and forced its way deep inside, tunneling all the way to her head and battering her mind. Nn~! Her thoughts exploded into a mindless cloud of delight.

Digging her hand into Saber’s boobs, Nomi tightened her grip, pulled her up, and dropped her again. And again. And again. Each time, intense ecstasy struck Saber’s mind like the end of a battering ram, smashing her brain to pieces and leaving only drooling shards of delight. By the fifth pump, she was practically moaning for more, screaming for Nomi to punish her even harder. Nn~!

Schlup! Schlup! Schlup! Schlup!

Finally, Nomi gave one last rapid bout of pumping, and with a grunt, emptied her brand-new balls in Saber’s sex. Saber screamed as it stretched her altered body wide, the sudden pressure threatening to burst her poor, trapped mind. By the time it stopped, all she could do was beg for more.

Nn~! Oooh… Use me… Use me!


May watched, trembling and in tears, and Nomi pulled the little effigy of Saber off her shaft and tossed its bloated form aside as if it didn’t warrant mention. Striking the wall with a splat, it fell to the ground and lay there leaking. May wanted to snivel at the sight.

“And then there was one,” said Nomi, pulling up her panties and skirt (though she retained her new shaft, which bulged unseemly through them). Slipping behind May with impossible speed, she wrapped an arm around her and kissed her neck playfully. “What shall we do with nyou, nya?”

May struggled to find the courage to speak. Nomi felt as cold as the wind, and she could feel her phallus poking her in the– “I-I-I’m the only one left, right? You’re going to let me go now, aren’t you?”

Nomi laughed loud and deeply. “Oh, May. Nyou’re nyot the only one left.”

May blinked. “Wh-what do you–?”

“I’m still here, aren’t I? Nyou silly little kitty. Nyou only get to leave when one person remains, and unless I’m seeing double, there are still two of us.” She tapped them both on the nose. One. Two. Boop!

May’s jaw fell opened, half-closed, and fell open again. “N-no,” she said at last. “You can’t– That’s not fair! You said you’d let the last person left go!”

“Actually, I only said the last person left would get to leave, nya, nyot what shape they’d be in. So even if I weren’t counting myself, I’d still have an excuse to transform nyou.” She shrugged. “What, nyou couldn’t guess something like this was coming after Room 2? Come on, May, surely nyou’re smarter than that.”

May stumbled back, a wordless moan escaping her lips. Surely there had to be something she could do to–?

A flurry of bats, and Nomi stood behind her again, mouth painfully close to May’s ear. “Nyow,” she said, “let’s make one last decision together…”

Voting Time! Vote to decide what May gets zapped into!


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