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Lightning, pink as bubblegum, crackled high in the sky above.

Kallen shivered, feeling the harsh wind on her exposed arms. How was it possible there were so high up? A corridor ago, they’d been underground!

As she struggled with this terrible question, the runes on her collar flashed. “Kallen,” she said, in sync with the others. “Kallen should become a piece of furniture.”

The glow faded; Kallen clapped her hands over her mouth. “Wh-what– What does that even–?” May and Saber looked at her in horror.

Nomi chuckled. “Kallen it is, nya. I’m sure we can make her into something wonderful.”

Before Kallen had time for even another word of protest, Nomi grabbed her chin and twisted her head until they were eye to eye. The catgirl’s own flashed an insidious scarlet, and to the scent of copper, Kallen found herself walking forward. Without a thought, she threw herself onto the operating table and lay there calmly as Nomi strapped her in. Only as the catgirl stepped back did she regain her volition: “H-hey! Let me go! You can’t–!”

With a ‘hup!’, Nomi pulled an enormous lever. The operating table shut up, up, up towards the crackling storm above.

Heart pounding, Kallen strained and struggled against her restraints as beads of panicked sweat rolled down her pale face. The storm’s breath whipped at her hair and her clothes, and every errant flash of lightning lit her up like a model on the catwalk. High above, the clouds swirled and spun like squirming intestines–watching it, Kallen almost wanted to throw up. Was that a…? What was a face in the darkness?

The lightning bolt dropped like the sword of Damocles, striking her in the chest. Kallen broke into a scream, unable to bear the sensations coursing through her. Her body felt as if it would burst into flame.

Slowly, slowly, the table lowered her back to the ground again, and Nomi undid her straps and help her to stand. Little arcs of pink electricity zipped up and down her form. Her limbs twitched, and her teeth chattered; May and Saber stared at her in horror. “I-I-I–”

“Aaaany second nyow,” said Nomi, inspecting her wrist. “Aaaaaany–”

Kallen rubbed her head. “A-any second what–?”

With a squeal of surprise, she flipped backward onto her hands and stood there upside down with her legs up in the air. “E-eh?!” As the blood rushed to her head, she managed impossibly to bend over while keeping her legs aimed upward, turning herself into a right angle suspended by nothing more than her arms. “What’s happening?” Her body felt so stiff it hurt–she couldn’t move anything save her face.

A wave of light washed over her skin, and her harem outfit melted away to expose the body beneath. Kallen squealed as the wind whipped at her exposed assets, making her boobs jiggle in an incredibly unrealistic manner. Heart pounding, she moaned as the stiffness afflicting her grew even harsher. Stared up at her legs, pointing at the sky like a lightning rod, she squealed to see them turning dark brown and grained like wood. Insidiously, like spilled paint, the color flowed down her legs and all the way to her hips, making her flesh tingle as it steadily solidified. “St-stop! Nn~!”

Through teary eyes, she watched as her feet melded to together and twisted into an elaborate curling pattern like the top of a fancy chair. In turn, the top of her legs sprouted a gorgeous red cushion, the plushest she’d ever seen, and two further limbs sprouted from her butt to aid her straining arms.

“N-no!” cried Kallen, as the wood approached her face. “N-no! Make it sto–” The change washed over her lips and froze them mid-scream.

Like a flurry of scarlet flowers, her plump crimson cushion rolled down her front, blossoming from her stomach and breasts and face and adding one final level of humiliation to her awful situation. She squirmed inside, struggling and pleading for escape as the last of the pink lightning faded. Nn~! Turn me back!

A shadow loomed over her, a crescent moon shining from its face. “What a pretty chair, nya,” said Nomi. “I’ve been waiting to sit down for aeons…”

She turned; her ass filled Kallen’s face. Seeing the swollen sacks of pale flesh trapped in Nomi’s stringy black underwear, her wooden heart started to race. N-nonono–!

Splat! Nomi’s ass slammed into the cushion of her ass and her breasts and smothered Kallen’s mind beneath an avalanche of pleasure. Mmmphf! Mmmphf! Nn~!


Saber stared and May gasped in horror as Nomi plopped her butt on the disgustingly humanoid chair that had formerly been their fellow prisoner. “How could you?” cried May, eyes wild.

“Me?” said Nomi, shifting with a sigh–you could make out Kallen’s face between her legs, frozen in a paroxysm of terror. “Nyou were the ones who chose her. Speaking of…”

Lightning cracked above.

“Who’s nyext, nya?”

Voting Time! Vote to decide who gets zapped and what they get zapped into! The highest entry in each category will be selected!



Loved it sad she became chsir not a relief station butbthems the breaks