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The puppet had barely even hit the floor before May lurched forward and snatched a bottle off the shelf. Raising it to her face, she spun it around until she could read the label: ‘Dpdclqj Dvv Doh’. She didn’t know what it meant, and she didn’t really want to find out. Unfortunately, she didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.

Pulling the bottle’s cork, she raised it to her lips and took a deep, unwilling chug. The taste almost made her splutter and spit it out–it tasted like drinking a bottle of sweetened dishwater. If she’d still had control, she would have flung the bottle aside, but her body wanted nothing more than to keep on chugging its contents.

Finally, the last drop slipped between her lips, and her limbs went loose again. She dropped the bottle without thinking, stumbling backward with a moan. Her stomach felt as if it were going to explode.

Beside her, Saber knelt and examined the glass shards for the key. Nothing, she said at last, standing up with a sigh.

May groaned. Partly because someone would have to drink another bottle, and partly because her ass felt so sore all of a sudden–it was like she’d been sitting on it for hours. Looking back over her shoulder, she planted her hands on her ass through the gauzy veil of her harem dancer’s outfit and rubbed her cheeks in the vague hope they’d stop.

Instead, they pulsed.

May lurched as if someone had kicked her butt. “Wh-what–?!” Eyes widening in horror, she gasped as her ass pulsed again and pumped up, straining against her bikini-like bottoms as it swelled into two enormous sacks of fat, thick and jiggly. In seconds, it had doubled in size, yet still it kept growing larger and fatter.

The weight was too much, too much and too sudden–she lost her balance instantly. With a scream, she toppled back, landing on her bloated rear like it was a beanbag. As it struck the ground with a resounding clap, a wave of unbearable pleasure surged up her spine and set her pussy burning. She squealed in surprise.

It took several seconds for her asscheeks to stop rippling.


As May rubbed the fleshy new chair on which she found herself seated, Kallen’s collar flashed, and she found herself reaching for a bottle too. The one she picked out was perfectly clear and held a worryingly milky fluid. ‘Frzjluo Frfnwdlo’ read the label, unhelpfully.

Popping the cork, Kallen took a deep breath and raised the bottle to her lips. Sure enough, the drink tasted like milk too, though it was a fuller, fatter kind than any she’d ever tasted, like drinking liquid butter. Struggling to get it all down her throat, she took one last chug and raised the bottle to her eyes. Empty–no sign of any key at all.

She cast the bottle aside with a sigh. Striking the ground, it smashed into a thousand shards, and the moving bricks pushed it aside on the way to the door.

Kallen turned back to Saber and May. “What’s our next mooooov–?!” She clamped her hands over her lips.

As the other two stared at her in shock, a series of pulses rolled through Kallen’s body, as if someone were shooting pinballs around her innards. One pulse struck in the ears, and she squeaked as they stretched, turning long and furry. Another slammed into the top of her head, and she groaned as two curved horns poked their way out of her hair. Another impact struck the base of her spine like a bell, and when she looked over her shoulder, she moaned to see something long and capped in fur sprouting from her tailbone. “M-moo! Mooo!” No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get another word out.

Finally, a pulse struck her chest, and all of a sudden Kallen felt an impossible, intense fullness. Looking down, she moaned in horror to see her boobs swelling as if they were being pumped full of water, pumped so full they soon threatened to tear right through her top. Thick clumps of fat spilled over and around the cups, until finally, with a snap…

“Nnmooo~!” Moaning, Kallen wrapped her arms around her swollen, beachball like boobs and squeezed them tight, falling to her knees as the orgasmic shockwave this sent through her. Kneeling there, trembling, she bit her lip and squeezed even harder–the pressure in her boobs was impossible to bear.

A fluid, white and creamy, seeped through her arms and trickled to the floor. It didn’t take much effort to figure out what it was. “Moo?”

Squeezing her swollen new tits, Kallen struggled not to cum too.


Seeing her teammates on the floor, rubbing their swollen bodies and moaning in pleasure, Saber swallowed. What next? Was it her turn too now?

Sure enough, the runes on her collar flashed, and she found herself snatching a golden-hued bottle off the rack. She didn’t have time to read the label before she’d removed the cork and thrown back her head. Glug!

A sweet but otherwise tasteless fluid, like sugar water, trickled down her throat and into her gut. She smacked her lips–it wasn’t bad really.

It didn’t tale her long to empty the bottle, and found it empty, like the others’. She suppressed a groan. So, she supposed they’d have to try another–

She froze, something caught in her throat. Gasping for air, Saber dropped to her knees and hacked and coughed until something gold and sparkling flew out of her mouth. It struck the stones and bounced–clink clink clank–to a stop half a meter away: a fancy golden key, elaborate and styled with bats. A second later or two passed before she recovered enough to snatch it up.

Rushing to the door, she jammed it straight into the lock and turned and turned until she finally found she could push it open. The doorway was almost a third of the way full with bricks at this point, and she had to raise her feet high to get over the little barrier.

On the other side, she turned back and shouted for the others to follow her. “Quickly!”

Kallen and May were sluggish to move. The former, massaging her leaking boobs, looked like she was half asleep, while the latter took several attempts to even get back onto her feet. In the end, Saber had to leap back over the wall and help them herself. It took several good tugs from her and Kallen to actually get May’s ass through the door.

Finally, with a pop, they were through. The door slammed shut behind them.

For half a minute or two, the three sat there on the floor of the dark corridor, struggling to recover as the candles flickered above them. Saber recalled Nomi’s words: ‘the Final Chamber’. Just what kind of terrible fate was in store for them?

With an ominous creak, the far door of the corridor swung open. Hesitantly, Saber led the three of them through it.

On the other side lay the personal workshop of the vilest dark magus: all weathered grimoires and alembics and flasks of ominous bubbling liquids. Unlike every room they’d visited so far, this one was open to the outside world: large windows allowed the flash of lightning to illuminate the chamber, and the ceiling lay open, exposed to the storm crackling high above. A large metal bar descended from this aperture and came to a stop above a simple medical table sitting squat in the very center of the chamber. Its straps dangled, open, clearly waiting for a victim.

As the three of them looked around for the inevitable puppet, a bat zipped past their heads, forcing all three to duck. A moment later, another followed it. Then a third, and a fourth, and– In seconds, the whole room was choked with them.

Swirling around the center of the room, they condensed into a blob of squirming black leather, which soon resolved in turn into a distinctly feminine shape. Saber watched, eyes tight, as a red-haired young woman descended from above, her cat’s ears and tail flexing as she landed.

“Welcome to the Final Room, nya,” said Nomi, landing with a smile–her real mouth had plump red lips and a pair of fangs that glinted in the moonlight. “Here, we’ll find out exactly which of our remaining prisoners will be leaving the Dungeon… and who’ll be trapped here forever…” She chuckled.

Lightning split the sky; thunder boomed, shaking the beakers on the work tables. Saber couldn’t help but notice the lightning was pink.

“This time, nyour trial is very simple indeed. Pick which of nyourselves nyou’d like to get strapped to the operating table and zapped… and what nyou’d like them to get zapped into. Once one person is left, they get to leave!”

Saber blanched. “Only one of us gets to leave?”

“That’s–that’s not fair!” cried May.

“Moo!” agreed Kallen.

Nomi laughed. “That’s the nyature of the game, nya. If nyou’d didn’t want to lose, nyou shouldn’t have agreed to play.”

“B-but we didn’t–”

“Let’s begin!” cried Nomi. “Who should we zap first, nya?”

Voting Time! Vote to decide who gets zapped and what they get zapped into! The highest entry in each category will be selected!


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