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The tentacles behind the open door squelched.

“St-stay,” said Asuka, swallowing. “I’ll stay with Door 2.” She looked back: Saber looked away, expression stern; May covered her mouth and said nothing. Kallen grit her teeth.

Nomi, of course, simply chuckled some more. “Door 2 it is then, nya. I’m sure that’s an excellent choice. Go on, go ahead. Why don’t nyou open it up so we can all see whether nyou’ve won?”

Asuka swallowed, trembling. “I-I–”

“Go on, nya~.”

Asuka collar flashed, and her legs jerked her forward in the direction of the door. Heart pounding so hard she could have collapsed, she approached the gate and raised a shaking hand. Her fingers settled slowly on the brassy knob, tightened and–

She froze, feeling as if she’d fall apart at any second. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t–

“Go on~,” repeated Nomi.

Asuka’s collar tightened around her neck, and her fingers squeezed the door knob so hard it hurt. Trembling, she nonetheless managed to breathe deep and turn the handle. The door swung open with an ominous creak, like the sound of her last thread of sanity finally fraying. Crrrreak!

Asuka stopped breathing.

Before her, writhing and pulsing, lay a morass of tangled, sticky coils like a thousand, thousand copulating octopodes. Amber eyes fixed on her through the swarm, already eating her up even as the mouths beside them licked their lips lasciviously.

Asuka’s mouth opened and shut, opened and shut. The first syllable of a scream rolled back and forth on her tongue, unable to fully emerge from her throat. “I-I-I–”

A tentacle, long and thick and pink and slimy, uncoiled from the morass and extended towards her. Slapping the floor, it splattered her leg with a globule of its extrusions. Staring down, Asuka trembled in shock.

“Ooooh, too bad, nya,” said Nomi. “Guess nyou really should have chosen to switch. Nyou’d have had much better odds that way.” She chuckled. “Nyot that it wasn’t obviously Three from the start, nya–Three is the magic nyumber.” She clapped. “Well, there’s nyo use standing around and whining, nya.” She placed a wooden palm on Asuka’s back– “Nyou’ve picked nyour prize. Nyow claim it!”

–and pushed her into the squirming tangle of tendrils.

Asuka’s scream finally found its way out. “N-n-no! Nononononono–!” Schlup! Something thick and wet and undeniably salty forced its way through her lips and down her throat, practically choking her. Asuka squealed all the same, thrashing with wild eyes, as further tentacles coiled around her arms and legs and spread them wide. “Mmmphf! Mmmphf!”

Nomi gave her a little wave.

Flailing, Asuka found herself sliding slowly backward along the floor like a stubborn dog being dragged into the vet’s. Ahead, Door 2 and its ‘little goat’ loomed, writhing and twisting faster and faster with the second, as if working itself into a frenzy at the thought of getting to play with her. “Mmmphf! Mmmphf!”

A pair of fat tentacles appeared before her face. Wrenching off the top of her harem outfit, they spread their tips like blossoming flowers and slammed onto her nipples, clasping tight as a pair of vacuum cups. Asuka squealed–she felt a sudden sense of terrible pressure building inside her chest, one that made her want to squirm and thrash in sudden lust. Moaning, she watched her boobs swell like fresh dough in the ovens, bloating into two fat, jiggling loaves that the tentacles only sucked on even harder. She squealed.

As she struggled to overcome this abuse of her upper body, another pair of tentacles coiled between her legs. In one swift motion, they tore away the skirt and panties of her outfit and slipped into her most delicate of spaces. “Mmmmphf!” Feeling their tips against her holes, she thrashed madly, desperate to get them away, but no matter how hard she fought she couldn’t prevent them from slamming into her like the two fat virile cocks they resembled.

Schlup! Schlup!

“Mmmmmphf!” Red-faced, eyes full of tears, Asuka squealed and moaned as they started to thrust, striking her poor, virgin holes with one merciless impact after another. Her body shook like a limp doll with each impact, her enormous new boobs bouncing and jiggling, while her groin burned with a sudden, overwhelming pressure–she felt ready to explode into a scream of utter ecstasy.

Flexing, as if in laughter, the tendrils dragged her back towards the door. Through teary eyes, she saw the others staring at her in horror, and summoned all her strength to scream for them to help. Help me! Someone help! “Mmmphf! Mmmphf!”

Saber took a step forward, but her collar flashed and froze her where she stood. Nomi laughed, jaw clacking open and shut.

It was the last thing Asuka saw of the outside. An instant later, Door 2 slammed shut, and all light vanished from her world as the little goat drew her into its embrace forever.

For a second, she lay there in the dark, heart pounding, feeling the tentacles squirming around her on all sides. Something landed with a plop on her face and trickled down to her lips, cold and salty. She felt an incredible tension, as if an enormous engine were working itself up to start. “Mmmphf!”

Schlup! Schlup! Schlup!


Saber watched, straining against the collar binding her neck, as the little goat dragged a squealing, sticky Asuka through the door and out of sight. One moment, she was visible in the doorway, half buried in the morass as if it were made of mud–the next, the door slammed shut, and all that remained was an insidious, sloppy pounding.

Nomi snorted. “She really should have switched, nya. Doesn’t she know basic statistics?” Shrugging, she marched over to Door No. 3 and casually swung it open to reveal a plain stone corridor. She held her hand out, as if to say, ‘See, it was obvious all along’.

Saber wondered whether she could get away with rushing her. She actually took a step forward before her collar tightened and stopped her. She grit her teeth. If only she had her sword.

“Well, come along then,” said Nomi, gesturing again. “Unless nyou’d like to use one of the other doors?”

The three of them shared a look and approached. Saber almost wondered whether there was any point. Did they truly have the chance to escape, or were they just delaying the inevitable?

As Nomi went limp and Door 3 slammed behind them, they found themselves standing in a dank, candlelit corridor like the many they’d passed through already. Perhaps they were one and the same–perhaps there was only one corridor. After all, they’d already seen this place take itself apart and rebuild itself.

Proceeding down the corridor’s length, the three of them heard the sound of trickling water, as if they’d accidentally stumbled into a sewer. Passing through the door and into the next chamber proper, Saber gasped to find themselves in an enormous, sprawling wine cellar, with casks and kegs stacked from floor to ceiling.

A large rack of wine bottles covered the far wall. In its center sat what could only be the exit; to the right: another familiar puppet.

Nomi’s new body lurched to life as they approached. “Welcome to my favorite room of the Dungeon,” she said, sweeping her hands around expansively. “The Wine Cellar. I hope nyou enjoy a little tipple as much as me, because nyou’re going to have to try quite a few different vintages if nyou want to find the key to the Final Chamber, nya~.”

Approaching the wine rack, she grabbed a bottle–Saber tried not to think about how this was possible when the puppet’s hands were a solid wedge of wood–and held it up to them. “Some of this, perhaps?”

The three shared a look. Finally, Kallen leaned forward to read the bottle’s label. “‘Elj Erre Euhz’? What does that mean?”

Saber took the bottle from Kallen and inspected it herself. “The label is complete nonsense!”

Nomi cocked her head. “I don’t know what nyou’re talking about, nya. It’s a perfectly respectable language. Julius Caesar himself spoke it.”

Caesar spoke it?!” cried Saber, incredulous.

“We just have to drink them?” asked May. “Wh-what’s the catch?”

Nomi chuckled. “Who says there’s a catch, nya?”

“What’s to stop us from smashing them?” asked Kallen. “If the key is in one of the bottles…”

“Nyou can try it, but nyou won’t find the key with that technique,” said Nomi. “Sorry, but the only way to win is bottles up, nyot bottles down.” She made a throwing motion and laughed. “Well, that’s the basic gist of it, nya. Oh! Just one last thing…”

She waved her hand, and to the sound of stone scraping against stone, a brick rolled across the floor and slipped neatly into the doorway, partly concealing the door. Soon enough, another followed it. “Nyou better drink up fast unless nyou want to spend the rest of nyour lives here, nya.”

With a final smirk, she went limp.

Voting Time! What should the remaining prisoners drink? Each character will get to take an action, but only one person can drink a given drink.

Confused by the strange names? If only there were some means of deciphering them! I bet Julius Caesar would have loved to possess such a tool! (And remember: three is the magic number!)



I actually just learned about this like, yesterday. But I’m not going to spoil it.