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Asuka’s collar flashed, and before she knew it she’d taken a step towards Door 2. “E-eh?! W-wait! I never said I wanted to open oooone!”

Nomi’s mouth opened and closed in a harsh, clacking chuckle. “Looks like it’s Asuka for Door Nyo. 2 folks.” She strode towards the doors herself. “Nyow, before we let her up, I’m going to give nyou all a very special offer, nya. To start, I’m going to open up one of the doors that doesn’t hide the exit.” Still chuckling, she approached Door No. 1, grabbed the handle, and wrenched it open to reveal…

Asuka squealed.

...Flesh, a wall of a squirming flesh. Hundreds and hundreds of sticky, throbbing, lascivious tentacles shifting and roiling and flexing and coiling. As she backed away, mouth agape, they extended in her direction, their mushroom-like tips dribbling globs of clear fluid. Splot.

“Say hello to one of our adorable little goats, nya,” said Nomi. “If nyou pick the remaining wrong door, this is the cuddly little fella nyou’ll be spending the rest of the existence with! (I hear their bodily fluids can extend the human lifespan indefinitely! Isn’t that fun?) Aw, look: he wants a hug!”

Asuka trembled, sweat dripping down her face. Behind her, Saber grit her teeth, and Kallen covered her mouth.

“Nyow,” continued Nomi, “I’m going to give nyou a choice, nya. Two doors remain, one containing the exit, and one containing another adorable little goat. Would nyou like to stick with the door nyou’ve chosen–Nyo. 2–or would nyou like to switch to the remaining door–nyo. 3? Think hard, nya~.”

Voting Time! Should Asuka Stay with Door 2 or Switch to Door 3? (...What difference does it make? It's 50/50 odds either way, right? ...Right?)



i just realized that this is the monty hall problem. So switching door gives asuka a 2 in 3 chance of winning and staying gives asuka a 1 in 3 chance of winning in theory. do whatever you want with this information folks.


This means that whatever result we want requires both knowledge on how the Monty Hall Problem works and knowledge on Queen Nyan's headspace, which makes it a much more difficult choice imo