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The wind screamed; the lightning spit and crackled. Nomi’s eyes flared like bloody jewels in the moonlight. “Well?” she said. “What do you think? What should we make of nyou, nya?”

May bit her tongue and refused to speak, straining her every muscle to the purpose of holding her jaw shut. They couldn’t make her! They couldn’t make her! They couldn’t–!

“A pooltoy!” she said with a joyous squeal. “Oh, I’d love to be a pooltoy!”

Her collar’s runes dimmed; May clapped her hands over her lips. A pooltoy?! Who’d ever want to be a pooltoy?!

Nomi chuckled darkly. “Wow, is that true, nya? I thought nyou would have picked something a little less lewd. Well, if it’s a pooltoy nyou want to be, it’s a pooltoy I’ve got to make nyou, nya. Come on, let’s get nyou strapped to the table.”

May pulled back. “N-no–”

Nomi’s eyes flashed. “Let’s get nyou strapped to the table.”

All of the strength went out of May’s limbs. With a feeble nod, she marched across the room to the table and threw herself onto it as if she’d been waiting for the chance all her life. It took no time at all for Nomi to strap her in, and soon she was flying towards the sky, where the storm swirled and crackled, ready to strike at any moment.

It didn’t waste any time: no sooner had the operating table slammed to a stop than a bolt of pink lightning dropped her above and struck her like a hammer, making her body ring with the force of its impact. Tingling, she screamed as the table carried her back, lying there and moaning as Nomi undid her straps and helped her to stand. Her legs felt as if they’d give out at any second.

Moaning, she stumbled forward and tripped, her arms shooting out instinctively to save her. But instead of halting her descent, they bent into rigid right angles and stuck that way, locked. She landed on her breasts with a grunt and a moan, whimpering as a strange feeling rolled through her flesh. It should have hurt to land on her boobs like this, but instead it only filled her with pleasure.

Struggling to stand, May felt terribly light-headed. What’s happening to me? she thought, fighting even to get her words in order. She felt as if she were being hollowed out, as if someone were pumping out all her strength and intelligence and leaving her as little more than an empty vessel for whatever they planned to fill her with instead. Her thoughts came slowly, painfully slowly… Help me… Someone… Help me…

Just as suddenly as it had arrived, the hollowing feeling vanished–or rather, snapped into reverse. May felt a terrible fullness spreading all the way through her form, as if she’d swallowed an ocean’s worth of water. She felt as if she’d burst.

As a sudden pressure in her chest drew her eyes to it, and May squeaked to see her boobs swelling, straining her harem top as they fought to escape it.

Her boobs weren’t the only part of her growing either: struggling to look, she found her entire body bloating, arms thickening, thighs plumping, and her buttcheeks practically bursting out of her bottoms. The pressure in the latter was so intense she could only scream.

Heart pounding, May fought to regain control of herself and stand, but the repeated jolts of pleasure flowing through her nerves made movement impossible. After several failed starts, she finally fell back on her boobs with her a smack and lay there moaning, tongue lolling out, as her body continued to change.

As she swelled, her skin grew tauter and tauter until it seemed it must surely rip and finally changed its nature entirely, assuming a slick, sleek tone that made her look as if she’d been varnished. It squeaked as she kept growing, her figure looking rounder and more swollen with the second.

At the same time, movement became almost impossible. May found herself locked in the pose she’d fallen into: knees and elbows on the ground, boobs squished between her arms, her butt up in the air, and her head facing forward. She tried to pull free, but her changing body refused to obey her. If anything, it actually squeezed itself even tighter into the same position.

Meanwhile, it continued to grow, straining her clothing till May was certain it would burst. As her boobs exploded into a pair of beachballs, her harem top shook as if it were about to snap, before sinking into her plasticized boobs as nothing more than an image. May squeaked, feeling suddenly, impossibly naked. For some reason, this struck her as worse than the rest of her transformation.

Not that it particularly cared about her thoughts on it. Ignoring her silent protests, her body continued to grow and round and turn sleek: her fingers fattened into chubby cartoon mitts, her butt practically buried her legs and feet beneath it, and a strange indent formed in her back before rapidly blossoming into a comfy, inflatable seat. If May could have looked back, she would have screamed.

Finally, her hair shimmered and took into one solid mass of plastic, while her facial features flattened into a simple cartoon expression, all beaming eyes and enormous smile, like something that had been painted on as an afterthought. Farther down, her nipples burst through her top and hardened into a pair of plastic caps, while seams wove their way up and down her limbs, making it obvious just how cheap and artificial she was.

As the transformation came to its end, May sat there silent. At least internally.

Nnn~! Turn me back! Nnn~! Internally, May’s mind was a storm of pleasure. She felt so pent-up she could burst. Nnn~! Make it stoooop! Nnnnn~!

A shadow flew over her head; May had barely the time to recognize it before it landed on her seat. Nomi’s ass slamming into her sent a shockwave through her sensitive new form and knocked May all the way over the cliff of pleasure into orgasm. Nnn~! If she’d still had a mouth, she would have drooled.


Shuffling her butt into her comfy new pooltoy’s seat, Nomi put her feet up on May’s plastic head and rested her own on May’s swollen buttcheeks with a sigh. It felt good to get to relax this way–she’d have to take her out onto the Blood Lake next time the moon was full.

Hopping off of May, whose thoughts of afterglow would continue to tickle her brain for some time, Nomi wet her lips and spoke a few words of Narration, ordering the Dungeon to remake itself once again. Around her, the bricks shuffled as the laboratory took itself apart, equipment and stones alike all spiraling away like dust in the wind.

Nomi herself floated in the midst of all this mess, and with another whispered word: opened a gateway in the sky. Floating through it, she found herself in a dining room the size of a royal banquet hall. A darkwood table dominated its length, while candles flickered a dull red on the silver chandeliers above–the only light save the rays of the moon peeking through the curtains.

Trophies of every imaginable type and color lined the walls: traditional metal cups, stuffed heads and torsos, the odd metal bust, and other stranger types: lewd paintings and statues, provocative clothing, even some puppets and dolls, their eyes still pleading.

As she took her seat as the end of the table, her ongoing Narration brought her latest trophies to her: one by one, they appeared in flashes of red runes: Darkness, squeaking as her plastic new form landed on its butt; a mannequin bearing the skimpy orange form of Nami; two puppets: one with long blonde hair, and one with blue and pink twintails; an iron maiden styled in the image of Asuka, shaking as the ‘goat’ and girl inside enjoyed their eternal coitus; a red leather-cushioned chair, which she swapped her own for with another word of Narration; the King of Onaholes, still bloated and dripping; and finally an enormous, hypersexual pooltoy in the image of a generously endowed woman, boobs squished between her arms and her ass up in the air.

Sizing them up, Nomi smiled. They weren’t the most impressive items in her collection, but they were certainly some of the most fun in recent memory. She’d have to have Seigu stock her Dungeon more often–these extra-versal prey were far more interesting than the regular fare. To think they’d actually lasted for seven rooms! Most of the prey she put through the Dungeon only lasted for three.

With a single potent word, Nomi produced a silver framed mirror and tapped it in the center. A bloody rune appeared and vanished, replaced by a scarlet grid in three dimensions. She flicked it, and it swirled, spinning to a different angle.

Amid the wire boxes of the grid moved little dots, shifting both within cubes and within the larger structure of the map as it rebuilt itself around them. Occasionally, one would wink out–if you paid close attention, it happened almost every other second, which made sense because in total the number of dots was almost ten million.

A ghoulish servitor poured a thick red juice into Nomi’s glass. She sipped it delicately, and sat back, rubbing her butt into Kallen’s trapped face.

“Ah~,” she said, releasing a faint sigh of delight, “delicious~.”



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