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As Erza and Moogumin poked their heads out of the corridor, trying to get a look at the arena down below, the cat’s eyes hovering above them started beeping once again.

“Moo!” moaned Moogumin, fearfully. Erza shied by back too, eyes tight in concentration.

In a flash, Taberu’s face appeared once more. “Guess what time it is!” she cried. “That’s right, nya, it’s time for anyooother Wild Card! Let’s see what we get this time.”

“Mooo!” Moogumin covered her eyes and groaned.

In the air, the deck of Wild Cards shuffled itself in a spiral, neatly stacked itself, and finally flipped its top card to reveal…

…the familiar sight of giant boobs bursting through prison uniforms.

A bead of sweat dripped from Erza’s brow.

“Oh, uh, wow,” said Taberu, glancing furtively down at her chest. “I, uh, guess we got our first repeat, nya. I don’t suppose we can reroll that, can we, nya…? We can’t? Oh nyo…” Zzzip!

As Taberu’s face vanished, a familiar pressure filled Erza’s chest. She hugged herself, biting her lip to keep herself from moaning. Beside her, Moogumin released a wild ‘moo’ of pleasure.

Trying to ignore the growing tightness of her top, Erza watched, eyes wide in horror, as Moogumin’s gigantic, milk-spewing boobs doubled in size once more, swelling and swelling, a tide of fecund fat grown so large Erza struggled to pick out the rest of the girl’s form. A fresh moan of pleasure escaped the cowgirl’s mouth every second–her tail thrashed wildly to and fro, while milk poured from her head-sized nipples, hiding the corridor’s tiles beneath a creamy white flood.

Finally, their sides struck the wall of the corridor and stopped as if afraid to grow further. In the same instant, Moogumin’s screaming reached a peak–throwing back her head, she screamed in wild ecstasy, before slumping onto the cushion of her breasts and lying there, shivering silently.

As Moogumin’s growth ceased, Erza experienced a final surge of it. Slamming her eyes tight, she bit her tongue to keep herself from squealing as her boobs fought to tear through her top, each slight increase in pressure striking her with a fresh pang of delight.

When at last it finally stopped, she opened her eyes to find herself cradling a pair of beach balls, each considerably larger than her head, its fat squished by the cups and straps of her top. The feeling made her want to whimper in pleasure. Shuddering, she tried to put it out of mind.


Just as Erza thought they were out of danger, the sound of her Collar beeping snapped her back to reality. Oh no. What did they want them to do now?!

Beside her, Moogumin jerked to her feet like a puppet. The sight left Erza baffled–there was no way someone so slender could support such an enormous chest, yet there she was.

“Moo! Moomoo!” cried Moogumin, thrusting one of her flasks at the end of the corridor. Erza’s Collar spun her to follow. She raised her own flask, ready to throw.

Oh no. Oh no, not now. We’re not ready! We’re not–!

Her legs started moving on their own.

Drawing in a deep breath, Erza bellowed a war cry and charged for the end of the corridor. Beside her, Moogumin gave a startling ‘moo!’ and did the same, somehow.

Bounding down the sandstone steps to the sandy arena below, her heart pounding in her chest, Erza soon caught sight of four girls hidden behind the pillars: two were pressed together, moaning and groping one another. The other two lay in the sand, weighed down by boobs larger than anyone’s save Moogumin’s.

Erza’s heart thudded. Her vision swam. Her arm, the one holding the flask, drew back. With a cry, she flung it at the girls making out. Beside her, Moogumin threw one of her own bottles at the girls in the sand.

With a pair of hideous cracks, the flasks struck the ground at the other girls’ feet and exploded.

From Erza’s bottle burst a tidal wave of thick, glossy white stuff. It coated the sand and the tanned girls’ bodies both, and it squirmed as if it were a living being. As Erza watched, eyes wide, it wrapped itself around them, forcing its way into mouths and between legs before extending sticky tendrils and drawing the two together with a loud, wet smack. Erza gasped as it rubbed them together like a child making two dolls kiss.

Moogumin’s flask also produced a wave of white stuff. Unlike Erza’s, it looked a lot runnier: instead of covering its targets from head to toe, it simply splashed their faces and ran down their swollen chests. Erza blushed as she realized what it resembled.

As the substance soaked into their skin, the girls on the ground screamed and started writhing, struggling to force their hands under their breasts and grab something between their legs. It wasn’t until one succeeded in rolling over that Erza realized why: between the blonde’s thighs towered a throbbing twelve-inch cock and matching pair of balls, both so large and so veined they looked like they’d explode at any second.

Erza gulped. What had they done?

Only when the dog-girl succeeded in tearing her hands off her new penis and seizing the weapon lying beside her did Erza realize her Collar had stopped beeping. Nearby, Moogumin fell limp, like a puppet with its strings cut. Her boobs struck the sand and rippled like sacks of dough.

Erza swore. Running to her aid, she grabbed the cowgirl’s arm and tried to force her to her feet.

From behind her came a howl of panic.

As Erza turned to look, a wave of liquid struck her in the back. She gasped as the substance washed over her and Moogumin, cool and smelling sickly sweet. She could already feel her flesh tingling as the substance worked its way through her. 

Falling back with a groan, she doubled over and clutched herself as a pressure filled her stomach. One very similar to the one that had filled her breasts, yet somehow… lighter?

Through trembling eyes, she watched, groaning, as her belly rose like a pregnant woman’s, skin straining to hold in its new contents. As it grew, a sense of lightness reached her head. She wobbled, clasping her temple, feeling inexplicably giddy.

Beside her, Moogumin moaned in shock as her own swelling stomach lifted her off the ground. Erza whimpered in sympathy.

In a matter of seconds, her stomach bulged from flat to larger than her boobs and carried on without slowing, lifting her up with its new buoyancy. She barely noticed her heels leave the ground.

As her stomach grew increasingly strained, some of the gas filling her spread outward. Erza squealed as her boobs swelled even more, moaned as her thighs pumped up, slamming together with a squeak. By the time she stopped inflating, her toes were barely touching the sand.

Nearby, Moogumin flapped her arms and kicked her legs feebly. She lay on the cushion of her blown-up, bed-sized belly and boobs, all inhumanely round and squeaking with the strain. “Moo! Mooooo!” Eyes tight, she whimpered.

Through her giddiness and her ecstasy, Erza heard the sound of someone panting nearby. With a whimper, she looked up.


Panting for breath, Yang leveled her cannon on the redhead floating before her. Ruby’s panicked squirting has blown the girl up like a balloon, leaving her so buoyant she barely touched the ground. The other girl–the cow-eared one–looked even worse.

Struggling to ignore the throbbing erection hidden beneath her own pumped-up belly and swollen boobs, Yang flicked a glance at her sister, sitting in tears in the sand, and felt a sudden flash of anger.

She knew the other contestants had no more control over their actions than she did. At the same time, she wanted nothing more than to hose them till they popped.

High above, the Catgirl Queen snapped her magazine shut. “Go on,” she said, “what are nyou waiting for?”


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