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As her Collar beeped again, a little giggle escaped Ruby’s throat. “Hey, Yang!” she said, raising her water cannon. “Surprise!” She squeezed the trigger.

Yang squealed as a torrent of glowing pink fluid struck her in the chest. Gasping and spluttering, she fell back and sat there, arms raised to shield her face, as Ruby hosed her down.

Ruby released the trigger. For a second or two, Yang remained on the sand, dripping wet, before leaping to her feet and throwing back her head in a laugh. “Oh, so this is what we're doing is it? Okay then–take this!” She leveled her cannon with Ruby’s chest and squeezed.

“Aiii! Yang~!” Ruby laughed as her sister sprayed her.

For almost a full minute, the pair chased each other around, squirting until they were coated from head to toe. Finally, Ruby tripped and landed on her butt. Sitting there in the sand, she shivered as the pink stuff dripped from her hair and rolled down into her cleavage. Soaking wet, her whole body tingled.

Her Collar stopped beeping.

All at once, all traces of humor vanished from the pair’s faces. “Ruby!” cried Yang, running to her sister. “Shit–shit, I’m sorry–I didn’t–”

Ruby dropped her gun in horror. “I-I know–I didn’t either–Nn~!” With a squeal, she screwed up her eyes and grabbed her ears, panting for breath. Her body felt as if it were on fire.

As she rubbed them, her ears vanished, melting into her skull. She squeaked, but she didn’t have long to process it. A second later, she felt a tingling atop her head and clasped it to find two new ears–two large, furry ears–poking their way out of her hair. “Yang!”

“...Ruby.” Yang stared at her in horror. “You’re–” She moaned and clutched her stomach.

As Ruby watched, her sister’s belly swelled like a balloon on the hose, going from flat to a fat sphere in a matter of seconds. By the time it stopped, it was the size of a beachball, and some of the air filling it had spilled into surrounding areas. Yang moaned as her thighs and boobs plumped up even further, making her bikini squeak with the strain of holding them in. “Nn~!”

A tingling in her spine snapped Ruby’s attention away from her. Looking over her shoulder, she gasped to see a furry tail swishing above her pumped-up rear. For a second, she could only stare at it, face pale in horror.

As Ruby struggled to process her instinctive new desire to chase a mailman, her furry new ears picked out the sound of feet slapping against sandstone. Grabbing her gun, she leaped to her feet and leveled it on

..two buxom, well-tanned, bleach blondes, one with dog’s ears and a tail like Ruby, and one with a giant penis poking its way out of her bottoms. Ruby thought she recognized their faces, but she'd never seen anyone who looked quite so, um, slutty.

“Heeey, like, do you guys wanna be friends?” said the one with the bulge.

Ruby and Yang stared.

Beep! Above, the cat’s eyes flashed bright once more. “Guess what time it is!” cried Taberu. “That’s right, nya, it’s time for anyooother Wild Card! Let’s see what we get this time.”

Ruby’s tail curled between her legs. She whimpered.

The deck replaced Tabby’s face and shuffled itself in a whirl of cards. Finally, it came to a stop, and the top one flipped to reveal–

“No!” cried Yang. Ruby groaned.

–a group of women, their boobs tearing through their prison uniforms.

“Oh, uh, wow,” said Taberu, glancing furtively down at her chest. “I, uh, guess we got our first repeat, nya. I don’t suppose we can reroll that, can we, nya
? We can’t? Oh nyo
” Zzzip!

As Taberu vanished, the terrible pressure welled in Ruby’s chest again. “No!” she cried, squeezing it in a desperate attempt to hold in the growth. “Nonononn~!” Screwing up her eyes, she moaned as her boobs fought to escape her grip, flesh flowing through her fingers and past her arms like a tidal wave of dough.

Ruby had had a fairly modest bust when she’d woken up this morning, but after the traps on the beach and the Wild Cards, her assets had swollen to a ridiculous degree. Now, despite her protests, her boobs doubled in size again, swelling and swelling through all tears and her whimpers until at last her bikini top burst with a snap, and she came to the feeling of her own bloated assets jiggling.

Slumping forward, Ruby hit the ground and lay there groaning. It might have been comfy, if not for her bloated nipples poking into the sand.

Nearby, Yang struck the ground with a moan as well. Her boobs had started off slightly bigger than Ruby’s (in relative terms, anyway), and had remained slightly bigger up until Ruby had shot her–now they were thick with fresh fat and full of helium. The difference was subtle though: both were resting on a pair of leaky fitness balls. Yang’s were simply a little more buoyant.

Elsewhere, the two new arrivals moaned and slammed their chests together. “Oh my Gawd, 18! It just gets better and better!” The dog-girl’s tail wagged madly as she rubbed her boobs into her partner’s.

“I, like, know, right?” said 18. “Isn’t it great, Sammy? We’re bigger than ever! Oooh, I hope we get even bigger!”

“Can you imagine if we end up as big as, like, these two?” said ‘Sammy’, pointing at Ruby and Yang.

18’s penis twitched in her bottoms. She bit her lip. “Oh my God, I, like, can.”

Sammy giggled and turned to Ruby. “So, do you guys wanna, like, team up?”


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