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Erza’s soles clapped against the limestone bricks as she scurried–as fast as she could and as quietly as possible–around the triangular walkway surrounding the arena. The voices of the people below rolled up the stairs to her, but she couldn’t make out what they were saying.

In the air above the arena, the catgirl in the crown flipped through her magazine.

At last, Erza reached the door of the far wall. “Hello?” she said, poking her head around the corner. “Is anyone here?”

A beep sounded from behind one of the statues. “M-Moo!”

Tightening her eyes, Erza studied it. Whoever they were, they were doing a poor job of hiding–she could see parts of them popping out all over, from a tasseled tail to a pair of giant nipples and a, um, bulge barely concealed by a pair of cow-print bottoms.

Erza’s Collar beeped. “It’s–it’s okay,” she said, holding up her hands, “I’m friendly!”

Another beep sounded from behind the statue. With a ‘moo’, the figure stepped out.

Erza could only stare. She recognized the girl as one of the others from the cruise ship… but only barely–she’d changed more in the hour since they’d landed than most people did in their lives: cow’s ears and horns poked out of her hair, while a long cow’s tail swished behind her back. Compared to the rest of her, this was almost cosmetic: Erza had never seen someone with such an enormous pair of boobs. Let alone an enormous pair of boobs and a giant penis bulging out of her underpants. She gulped.

“M-moo~,” the young woman said sheepishly (ironically). She held a pair of flasks, each full of glimmering fluid. Erza watched them warily.

“I–I’m looking for allies,” she said, careful not to make any sudden movements. “Do you want to team up?”

The girl screwed up her eyes and mooed in relief. She nodded. “Moo! Moo!”

Erza sighed in relief herself. “I’m Erza,” she said, holding out her hand.

The cowgirl took it and squeezed it emphatically. “Moom Moogumin!” She snorted in frustration.

Erza cocked her head. Is that all you can say?”


Erza frowned. I guess we won’t be discussing strategy…

With a feeble moo, Moogumin pressed one of her flasks into Erza’s hand. She accepted it with a nod, and the two of them crept back towards the arena. As they poked their heads out of the door, however, the cat’s eyes floating around the ceiling flashed again.

Zzzip! “Hey again!” cried Taberu. “Um, sorry to keep interrupting like this, nya, but, um, nyou guys triggered another Wild Card! Yaaaay! Let’s spin the deck and see what we get, nya!”

Erza flinched, heart pounding, as the deck of cards appeared in the air and shuffled itself like a flurry of leaves. Finally, one flipped off the top.

“Ooooh,” said Taberu. “It’s another island-wide card! No. 19: Busted! Enjoy every–nyaah!”

Red-faced, she vanished.

As the pupils of the cat’s eyes went dark, Erza felt a pressure well in her breasts, as if a pair of balloons had been forced inside them and were in the process of being pumped. As she stared, face shimmering with sweat, her boobs grew larger with the second, making her bikini top squeak as it strained to hold them in. The pressure of the fabric against her flesh–it hurt, but at the same time… Nn~!

Screwing up her eyes, Erza clasped her chest and moaned.

“M-moo! Moooo!” Beside her, Moogumin cried out and fell to her knees with a whimper, struggling to wrap her arms around her chest. As Erza watched, eyes wide, the young woman’s boobs swelled from a pair of plump udders to a pair of giant, milk-filled sacks so large they defied reason. The cowgirl squealed and struggled to hold them, eyes rolling back in delight. “Mooo! Moooo~!”

Finally, with a snap, her cow-print bikini top burst, and her bloated boobs spilled out into the world with a sound like a wobbling sheet of metal. They struck the floor with a smack, rippling madly, and lay there leaking like two punctured barrels. Milk soon covered the floor of the corridor.

“Mooo!” moaned Moogumin, face red, eyes rolled back. “Mooo!”

Hugging her swollen chest, Erza shuddered in sympathy. They had to finish this now–quickly. If it went on much longer, none of them would be recognizable at all.



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