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Taberu’s giant head laughed. “Oooh! No. 14: Eruption! If nyou’re in Lewd Lab right nyow, the game’s about to become a little–heh–harder.” With a final smirk, she vanished.

Floating forward as if gravity were a mere suggestion, Nomi flicked them a ruby-eyed glare and licked her lips with a tongue like a serpent. “Nyow,” she said, “how shall we go about this, nya? Under the rules of the game, I’m supposed to give nyou chance to run…”

Samus and 18 shared a hopeful glance.

“...But after that first pair of Wild Cards, I don’t really feel like taking the rules seriously anymore, nya.”

A bead of milk dripped from the cup of her bikini top. She swept it away without looking.

“So, let’s see, how shall I do this? Should I hypnotize nyou and drain nyou dry like two giant, curvy juice cartons? Or perhaps I should leave one of nyou nyour mind so nyou can see what’s going to happen to nyou… She licked her lips.

As she advanced, the catseyes above flashed again. Nomi snarled. “Nyot again. I am busy here, Taberu.”

“Hey again!” cried Taberu. “Um, sorry to keep interrupting like this, nya, but, um, nyou guys triggered another Wild Card! Yaaaay! Let’s spin the deck and see what we get, nya!”

Samus and 18 watched, dumbstruck, as the deck and cards flipped to reveal a group of busty women in prison uniforms.

Sammy bit her lip.

“Ooooh,” said Taberu. “It’s another island-wide card! No. 19: Busted! Enjoy every–nyaah!”

Nomi hissed. “Momdammit, Tabby. I’ve only just recovered from the last–NYAAAAGH!” She squealed and grabbed her chest.

An instant later, Samus felt a pressure in her own boobs. An intense, undeniable, and incredibly erotic pressure that was growing with the second. “Ooooh,” she moaned, squeezing her boobs tight and giggling. “OMG, 18, I’m going to be even, like, bigger!”

18 squealed as her own top started to stretch. “Oh my God, like, me too Sammy!”

With a boing, Sammy’s boobs exploded like a pair of fleshy bombs. Screaming, she threw back her head and squealed as they swelled, unable to resist the surge of ecstasy flowing through her.

As her boobs grew, her top–already tight–became even more ill-fitting. Digging deep into her fat, it sent giant waves of pleasure to wash over Sammy’s brain, leaving her writhing in a stew of her own delight.

Above, Nomi squirmed in the air, squeezing her once-modest chest tight as it fought to escape her bikini. Eyes tight, she loop-de-looped and barrel-rolled, paying little attention to the bimbos on the ground.


All of a sudden, Sammy found herself standing. Snatching up 18’s gun, she grabbed her new BFFwB’s wrist, dragged her to her feet, and pulled her away. The floating catgirl’s screams faded behind them as they passed from mud onto the sand.

“Like, where are we going, Sammy?” asked 18.

“I dunno,” said Sammy. “But doesn’t it feel, like, super-good when your boobs bounce?”

“Oh my God, it does,” said 18, giving her chest another squeeze. “We’re so much jigglier now!”

As the two giggled at their new bounciness, the wall of an enormous pyramid rose before them. “Wow!” said 18. “I can’t believe these aliens built something so big!”

“Hah!” said Sammy. “So you think, like, the aliens built it, do you? I bet it was built by a rotating force of highly-skilled laborers operating as a modular, team-based organization.”

“Pffft! Sammy, you’re so stupid!”

The pyramid’s giant stone doors opened to receive them, leading them into a long, sandstone corridor lined with statues of catgirls, each holding a bowl of flame. Bouncing ahead, they came to a stop at the sound of voices.

“Oh my God!” cried Sammy. “Someone’s in there! We should totally go and make friends with them!”

“Um, are you, like, sure?” asked 18. “Shouldn’t we… I dunno, like, see if they’re friendly first?

The two stared at each other.



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