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Beep! “Quick, Ruby! Let’s search the arena! Maybe there’s some buried treasure!”

“Wow! Great idea, Yang!”

As their Collars stopped beeping, the pair sighed in surrender. Compared to some of the things they’d been made to do recently, this one at least made strategic sense.

Adjusting her bikini top (it still felt uncomfortable, even if it was an appropriate size now), Ruby studied the arena. It looked like a desert dumped into a vast, triangular bowl. Giant rocks and statues of catgirls littered it at random angles, clearly intended to provide cover for the fighters. And, if their Collars were to be believed, to conceal other things too.

Forcing all thoughts of the last hour–from Weiss on the beach to Blake in the store–from her mind, Ruby tried to focus on the task at hand. Maybe if they could win this… maybe if they actually succeeded, everything would go back to normal…?

In the air above, the catgirl queen flipped casually through her porn mag.

As Ruby and Yang searched behind rocks, poked their heads around pillars, and swept aside suspicious lumps in the sand, the catseyes in the air started flashing once again. As one, Ruby and Yang flinched.

“Oh, the next set of votes just finished too, nya!” cried Taberu’s holographic dome. “Guess what we got! Another Wild Card!”

The deck replaced her face, shuffled, and flipped its top card to reveal a volcano in the middle of an eruption.

“Oooh! No. 14: Eruption! If nyou’re in Lewd Lab right nyow, the game’s about to become a little–heh–harder.”

Ruby and Yang released a sigh of relief. They weren’t in danger. For now, at any rate.

The next few minutes passed in silence as the two of them continued their search. The ring around Ruby’s waist squeaked as she worked. She tried to put it out of mind, but she couldn’t help wondering who it had been and what being like this was like for them. Were–were they still alive as an object? Were Blake and Weiss? …And was that better than the alternative?

As she tried not to think of what that might be like, a cry from Yang caught her attention. “Ruby! Ruby, I found something!”

Ruby scurried over to her, boobs bouncing, soles slapping against the sand.

Yang knelt in front of a statue of a catgirl much like the ones guarding the entrance. But unlike the others, this one had a major difference: she was wearing no underwear…

…and her pussy was glowing.

Giving Ruby a shrug, Yang thrust her fingers inside it and wiggled them around until something clicked. In a flash of light appeared two water cannons, both so large no child could have carried them. If not for their bright colors, they would have looked more like firefighting equipment than toys.

The cannons came with attached packs of water tanks, each carrying a different type of fluid. A dial on the side of the gun allowed you to switch between the many, many different options. Ruby didn’t want to imagine what any of them did.

Slipping on one of the packs, Ruby picked up a cannon and flicked a glance at Yang. “We’ve got better guns, but I don’t feel any more confident…”

Yang looked as if she felt the same. “We’re almost at the end,” she said, sounding pained. “Let’s just try and win this.”

“But what about the people we have to–?”

“Just–” Yang trembled. “Just try not to think about it.”

Squeezing her new gun tight, Ruby nodded.

As the two of them experimented with their new weapons, they heard the beeping of the cat’s eyes again.

Yang flinched. “Now what?!”

Zzzip! “Hey again!” cried Taberu. “Um, sorry to keep interrupting like this, nya, but, um, nyou guys triggered another Wild Card! Yaaaay! Let’s spin the deck and see what we get, nya!”

The deck appeared and shuffled itself once again. This time, the top card flipped to reveal a group of women behind bars squealing as their boobs tore through their prison outfits.

Ruby’s eyes went wild. No–not again!

“Ooooh,” said Taberu. “It’s another island-wide card! No. 19: Busted! Enjoy every–nyaah!”

As Taberu’s squealing face vanished, a terrible pressure welled in Ruby’s breasts. Dropping her gun, she clasped them and moaned. “No–no, not again! Not again! We only just–”

With a comical boing! her boobs grew.

As they swelled, stretching her bikini top so taut it hurt, an undeniable pleasure ripped through Ruby Rose’s form. Moaning, knees trembling, she fell back against a pillar and leaned there clutching her chest as it bloated to even more ridiculous proportions. “Nnn~!”

Nearby, Yang screamed as her own boobs, even larger than Ruby’s, received their own helping of fresh fat. Squealing and hugging them as if it would stop the growth, she slammed her eyes shut and whimpered at the feeling.

Finally, the growth slowed, and the pressure in their chests faded. Looking down, Ruby whimpered at what she found: her boobs had almost doubled in size again, her bikini top slicing into the fat and striking her with constant, unavoidable pleasure. Her nipples poked out of her top like a pair of pink saucers.

Yang, having started large, had suffered worse. Groaning, she struggled to lift her new chest. Her boobs must weigh more than the rest of her combined.

As Ruby struggled to adjust her cups, a terrible thought occurred to her. “Our swimsuits don’t fit again… We replaced our guns… Yang…” She turned to her sister, eyes full of tears. “It was all pointless. We traded Blake for… for a pair of swim rings.”

With a groan, Yang turned and punched one of the nearby rocks. The impact made her boobs ripple like puddings.



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