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> *sniff* *sniff* *sniff-sniff* Bone? BONE! [VANILLA]

Lying there on the cushion of her own swollen boobs, her furry new tail coiled between her legs, Ruby groaned and struggled to stand. She managed to push herself about a foot off the ground before her bloated chest dragged her down again.

With a groan, Ruby slumped. Why? Why did it just keep getting worse? How was she supposed to fight like this? How was she supposed to do anything like this? Even if they sent her home right now, she’d be useless for the rest of her life.

The thought punctured what little confidence she had left. Thick shudders wracking her form, Ruby screwed up her eyes, planted her face in her cleavage, and sobbed.

In the distance, something beeped.

Ruby didn’t hear the other contestants approaching until they were almost upon her. Only as they skidded to a stop, raising little clouds of sand, did Ruby finally open her eyes and spot them.

Two women stood before her: one red-haired and largely normal; the other short, brown-haired, and so busty you could barely see her. Her giant teats poured like taps as she drew back her arm and flung the flask in her hand.

Ruby watched, frozen in shock, as it sailed for the air to land right in front of–


“Aii!” Something thick and sticky and white splattered Ruby’s form. She squealed as it dripped down her face and ran into her cleavage. Some had even gotten into her mouth–it tasted so salty! Urgh!

As she tried to spit the stuff out, an orgasmic tingling washed through her body and slammed a rod of nerve-wracking pleasure in the exposed core of her brain. Ruby squeaked; bit her lip; trembled, eyes locked straight ahead. Nearby, Yang moaned in delight.

All at once, the spell afflicting her broke. Throwing back her head, Ruby screamed as her clit turned hard as diamond and grew, thrusting into the fabric of her bottoms like a forceful finger. Hyper-sensitive, its slightest twitches sent spasms of utter ecstasy coursing up her spine to crash into her brain. She moaned, writhed, wobbled, trying desperately to stick her hands between her legs and touch it. With every second it grew larger, radiating pleasure.

Finally, just as Ruby thought she’d burst, the explosion of sensation ceased, replaced by a constant dull throbbing. She could feel something thick and meaty trapped between her legs, as if someone had squeezed the world’s largest sausage between her thighs. When she tightened her grip, a bolt of pleasure lanced her mind. She squealed.


Nearby, Yang moaned and succeeded in rolling over, baring her swollen nipples and bloated belly and beneath them

Ruby froze, not quite believing.

a gigantic, twelve-inch penis and matching pair of balls, all fat and thick and virile and twitching, tip already lathered in a coating of precum.

Ruby juddered like a poorly-strung puppet. Her thoughts of the future, of returning home altered, curled in on themselves and washed over her like a tsunami. Her heart pounded. Her eyes flashed. The thing between her legs throbbed and spurted.

Before her, the two women stood frozen. Even as she watched, the one with the cow ears collapsed, dragged down by the weight of her bloated boobs. As the scarlet one surged to her aid, a sudden vision struck Ruby’s brain: a second flask flying from the redhead’s hand to strike her, mutating her into something even more unrecognizable.

With a howl of panic, Ruby grabbed her gun and sprayed wildly.


As the other contestants squirmed and flailed, too inflated to escape, Ruby covered her eyes and sobbed into her palms. What was happening? She didn’t even understand it anymore.

From above her came the sound of a magazine snapping shut. “Go on,” said the catgirl in the air. “What are you waiting for, nya?”

Opening her eyes, Ruby found Yang training her gun on the other contestants. She froze, unsure how to react.

Nearby, the two blondes squirmed in their cocoon of latex.

As Yang turned the dial of her gun, Ruby flinched. She’d panicked–she hadn’t meant to shoot them. Yang wasn’t going to–? She wouldn’t– What–what should she do?


Ruby paled.

Looking up, ears twitching, she sniffed the air and caught a scent she thought she recognized. It was a fishy, chemical scent, like the scent of Jaune’s bed. It should have disgusted her, but for some reason it smelled like the greatest thing in the world.

Her jaw fell. Her tongue lolled. Drool poured from her mouth.

With a strength Ruby didn’t know she possessed, she lurched forward, crawling on her knees, her bloated boobs bouncing against the sand. In seconds, she’d crossed the distance to Yang.

“Ruby?” said her sister. “What are you–? H-hey!”

Ruby came to a stop in front of her sister’s crotch and sniffed again, tracing the scent to the swollen, veiny meat-rod dangling out of Yang’s bottoms. Her tail wagged–she threw back her head and yipped. Then, opening wide, she licked her lips

and wrapped her mouth around it.

“Ruby!” squealed Yang. Ruby only moaned.

As her lips slid down the length of her sister’s shaft–as her sister’s titanic cock filled her open mouth–a wave of contented ecstasy flooded Ruby’s form. Her tail wagged; she screwed her eyes up in happiness. She felt as if she’d been starving for months and had finally found food.

With a muffled moan, Ruby thrust her head forward, driving her lips all the way to the base of Yang’s penis. Its tip slammed into the roof of her mouth–she ignored it, just as she ignored Yang’s fearful whimpers of protest.

Pulling back, Ruby left her sister’s cock coated in saliva as she pulled her lips free with a loud, sticky plop.

Moaning, she wrapped her hands around it, stroking the virile shaft till it hardened to full length and Yang’s protests turned to moans of ecstasy. Between her own legs, her own cock throbbed as well.

At last, she guided Yang’s cock into her mouth once again, wrapped a hand around her own, and sucked as she pumped, sucked hard and pumped even harder. The sound of her and sister’s moans filled the air, drowning out the whimpers and grunts of the other contestants.

Again and again, Ruby’s lips slid up and down her sister’s shaft, leaving it coated in saliva. She felt every vein that riddled its length, sensed every twitch it made, tasted every drop of precum that spurted from its tip.

With each suck, Yang grew a little harder, as did Ruby’s own cock. She pumped it faster and faster, fueling the fire in her sex. Sweat shimmered over her skin as she worked herself to orgasm.

Finally, Yang’s cock twitched, and with a haunting scream, her sister came. Semen, thick and salty, filled Ruby’s mouth in an instant, stretching her cheeks with its volume. The taste, the feeling–it was all too much to bear. She sailed straight up to the very edge of orgasm, and with a final pump of her cock, kicked herself over.

“Mmmphf!” Pleasure flooded Ruby’s brain as semen spurted from her penis. Eyes rolling back, she pulled her mouth off Yang's cock and collapsed. The two of them hit the ground almost simultaneously.

The light on Ruby’s Collar snapped off.

In an instant, Ruby’s face, reddened with pleasure, went white. Lurching forward, she hacked and spat and hacked and spat, desperate to get every drop of Yang’s cum out of her mouth. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get rid of the taste.

Nearby, Yang sat with her arms around her legs, cock hidden between them, and shivered, looking even paler than Ruby.

Queen Hentai chuckled in amusement.


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