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Before Tohru had a chance to answer the storekeeper’s question, the cat’s eyes on the ceiling started to flash.

Looking up, she winced in trepidation. What was going to happen now?

“Hey, everyone!” cried the familiar voice of Taberu. “It’s time for more Wild Cards! That’s right, you triggered two more! Let’s see what we’ve got, nya!”

Once again, the cards shuffled and presented themselves: this time they revealed a bursting pipe and a crowd of naked shoppers.

“Oooh!” said Taberu. “We got two zone-specific cards this time. It’s no. 9: Chemical Spill! and no. 12: Flash Sale! If nyou’re in the relevant areas… enjoy!”

Taberu vanished. And light filled the mall.

As Tohru stared in shock, light poured from her and the storekeeper’s clothes. Theirs and every other outfit in the building.

Finally, with a zzip!, the light faded to reveal their outfits had vanished–Tohru went red and covered herself, but the storekeeper carried on as if she didn’t notice. (With a second, smaller flash, Albedo reappeared on a mannequin elsewhere in the store.)

Blushing red, struggling to cover her body, Tohru flinched as her Collar beeped again. “Oooh! I’d like you to make me a custom sex toy, please!”

“Excellent!” said the shopkeeper, clapping her hands. “If you’d like to follow me.” Turning, she strolled away, ass cheeks clapping with every step. Tohru followed, boobs bouncing.

The shopkeeper led her through a curtain and into a backroom dominated by a giant, sarcophagus-like machine. “This is the, er–” The woman squinted, looking confused. “Well, I don’t know what it does exactly, but it’s an essential part of the process. If you’d just like to step in here…”

Opening the machine’s door, she guided Tohru into its harsh, metal interior. “Oooh, I can’t wait!” said Tohru, feeling exactly the opposite.

“Don’t worry!” said the shopkeeper. “This should only take a second. Probably.” The machine’s door slammed shut with a resounding clang.

Standing there in the darkness, Tohru struggled against her Collar. What was this terrible contraption going to do to her? Let me out!

From outside came the clunk of a level followed by the whirring of an engine. Around her, the machine started to shiver and hum. Tohru flinched. What was it going to–?

Her Collar beeped–she slammed her arms against her sides and her legs together. Standing there, frozen, she felt the machine tighten around her, squeezing till there was only a slim gap between her skin and its steel.

A second later, something gloopy poured from above her, landed on her head, and poured down her body. Tohru squirmed as it pooled around her feet, rising rapidly to fill the gaps the machine had left. She moaned as it reached her sex and slipped inside her and squealed as it rolled over her nipples, pinching them tight. Finally, it reached her mouth and silenced her screams of panic by gluing her lips together.

“Mmmphf! Mmmphf!”

As the goopy stuff finished coating her, the machine tightened again. Tohru screamed–or tried to–as it squeezed her tighter than she’d ever imagined possible. Stop! You’ll crush me! Stop! I’m going to break!

She didn’t. Instead, the more the machine tightened, the more erogenous Tohru’s body became. As it flattened her arms against her sides and fused her legs into a single smooth, smoothing away her horns and rounding her head into something like a bullet, an intense fire flared in her sex and spread through her like lightning. If she could still move her mouth–if she’d still had a mouth–she would have wailed in ecstasy, lost in her own lust.

Kobayashi! Kobayashi, please use me! Use me!


The whirring ceased, and with a hiss, the machine’s door swung open. Reaching in, the shopkeeper fumbled around and finally extracted a giant green dildo, one so long and so wide she doubted there was anyone alive who could actually take it.

“Ta-da!” she said. “One special, custom sex toy. What do you think?”

She looked around, but the young woman was gone.

“Huh?” said the shopkeeper. “I could have sworn… Oh, well, I guess I’ll just use it myself!”




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