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As Futanari lay panting on the sticky metal floor, the cat’s eyes by the ceiling flashed into life again. “Hey, everyone!” cried the familiar voice of Taberu. “It’s time for more Wild Cards! That’s right, you triggered two more! Let’s see what we’ve got, nya!”

Struggling to stand, Megumin mooaned. Not again

The deck of Wild Cards appeared and shuffled itself, producing a picture of a burst pipe and another of naked shoppers.

“Oooh!” said Taberu. “We got two zone-specific cards this time. It’s no. 9: Chemical Spill! and no. 12: Flash Sale! If nyou’re in the relevant areas… enjoy!”

Megumin signed in relief. Neither of them looked likely to affect her.

As she dared to think her troubles might be over, her Collar beeped again. Against her will, she rose and wobbled across the room, her giant new boobs sloshing and leaking with every step.

Scurrying past Futanari, she approached the nearest workstation, where a number of flasks filled with colorful fluid lay waiting for an enterprising player to snatch up. Under her Collar’s instruction, she stuffed a bunch into her cleavage and grabbed as many more as she could hold before turning to leave. Passing around Futanari, she hurried in the direction of the conspicuously-marked ‘EMERGENCY EXIT’.

No sooner had her hand settled on the handle than the cat’s eyes hovering above started to flash. With a zzzip!, Taberu’s grinning face appeared again:

“Oh, the next set of votes just finished too, nya! Guess what we got! Another Wild Card!”

The deck replaced her face, shuffled, and flipped its top card to reveal a volcano in the middle of an eruption.

“Oooh!” No. 14: Eruption! If nyou’re in Lewd Lab right nyow, the game’s about to become a little–heh–harder.”

Megumin’s heart pounded. “Mooo?” What did that mean?

Sweat already forming on her skin, she rushed through the emergency exit, slammed the door behind her, and–

–stopped. “Moo?” She found herself in a tight, cylindrical room just barely large enough to contain her bloated chest. “Moo?” What was she supposed to do?

Her eyes caught a red button on the wall, and an impulsive passion seized her. Her Collar didn’t need to make a sound.

For a second, nothing happened. Megumin looked around. Maybe it was brok–?

The floor dropped out from beneath her. “Mooooooo!”


Half a minute of rough descent later, she shot out of a pipe in the side of the mountain and slammed to a stop on the cushion of her own boobs. “Mooo,” she moaned, as milk pooled around her. At least she hadn’t landed in another jar…

Behind her, the volcano rumbled.

Looking back, eyes wide in panic, Megumin gaped as the mountain throbbed and twitched, thick, vein-like bulges running up and down its sides until at last it gave one final, mighty spasm, and–

A giant, glistening pillar of slime–thick, sticky, and most disturbingly, white–rose from the top of the mountain and spread in the air like a dandelion’s seeds. It was almost pretty.

Then some of the seeds started to get closer.

With a panicked moooo, Megumin leapt to her feet and ran, boobs sloshing, bottles of formula jangling, as fast as she could in the direction of the giant pyramid.

Splat! Splatsplat! Giant blobs of slime landed on all sides, launching little globs of the stuff straight past her. She mooed, ducking and weaving to avoid it.

Ahead, the Pyramid loomed larger with the second. Megumin could see a big stone door flanked by two catgirl statues already opening to receive her. “Moo!”

She almost made it.

The second she put a foot on the sandstone bricks beyond the door, a blob of white slime dropped whistling from the sky and slammed into her back with a splat. “Moo!” she flew forward, struck the ground, and bounced off her own bloated chest.

The doors slammed shut behind her.

Rolling over, Megumin moaned as the white stuff dripped off of her. She could already feel her body tingling where it had touched. What was it going to do to her?!

Slowly, the tingling spread down her spine from her back to her groin, where it settled in her vulva and made her scream in tortured delight. Tearing away her cow-print bottoms, she stared in lust and horror as her clitoris stretched, twitching and hot, veins appearing up and down its length as it swelled from a tiny nub to a fat, foot-long cock, thick and hard and already dripping precum. A pair of massive balls popped out of her labia to accompany it a second before they sealed themselves tight.

Staring at her throbbing new member, Megumin moooaned in shock and raised a trembling hand to stroke it.



Several minutes later, the pleasure faded, and she caught her breath and stood. She could hear the sound of talking from nearby.

Tip-toeing to the end of the corridor, she poked her head through the door and found herself looking down on a giant arena filled with sand. A catgirl in a crown floated above it, casually reading a magazine. Voices emanated from below, but she couldn’t see who was speaking. She thought there might be someone peeking through a door on the other side as well.

Snatching her head back, Megumin tightened her grip on her flasks. What should she do?



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