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Weiss’s Collar beeped. She jerked her head and bit her lip, heart pounding in panic as her lips opened on their own. The words had left her mouth before she even knew what she was saying: “This is outrageous! I demand you prepare us properly!”

Her teammates looked at her, eyes wide. “W-Weiss?” said Ruby.

“Simply outrageous!” continued Weiss, struggling to get her tongue under control.

Taberu took another big bite of coconut, chewed and swallowed loudly, and finally raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Why’sh that, nya?”

“I’m a high-quality ingredient!” said Weiss. “You can’t simply throw me in a pot and call me cooked! If you’re going to eat us, at least make a proper meal out of it!”

The light on her Collar snapped off. Her jaws slammed shut. A bead of sweat dripped from her brow.

“Prepare nyou properly, huh, nya?” said Taberu, stroking her chin. Some of the catgirls around her giggled.

“N-no! No! I-I didn’t mean it! I didn’t mean it!” cried Weiss, face paler than her namesake.

“Nyo nyo, it’s a good idea,” said Taberu, reaching into her cleavage. “Nyou’re right, nya. If we’re going to eat nyou, we should prepare nyou properly.” With a plop, she pulled out a slim, yellow wand.

Weiss quaked. Opening her mouth, she tried to speak and produced only a feeble gasp.

Licking her lips, Taberu approached, boobs jiggling in the tight confines of her bikini. It was like watching the iceberg approach your ship.

“Wait!” cried Ruby,  “Please!”

Taberu came to a stop, cupped Weiss’s chin, and lifted her head so they were eye to eye. Tears streamed down Weiss’s cheeks; she tried to pull away. Taberu simply stared at her, smile wide.

“Nyou know,” she said at last. “This isn’t the first time I’ve had the chance to eat nyou, nya. I turned another version of nyou into a human ice cream cone!” She giggled. “Nyow, I don’t nyormally like to repeat myself, nya, but I nyever did get to eat it, and besides: we are at the beach.” She licked her lips. “So perhaps I’ll do something a little similar~.”

“Please!” cried Weiss, tears pouring from her eyes. “Please, don’t–!”

A bolt of blinding pink lightning flew from Taberu’s wand and smote her in the chest. Weiss screamed as its energies coursed through her, instantly setting all of her nerves aflame. Her pussy poured, soaking her bikini bottoms in the instant before they and the rest of her swimsuit melted. Her pale body shone in the face of the blinding light.

Moaning, Weiss flung her arms and her legs wide, tearing through her restraints to bare her sex and raise her hands in two V-signs. As she stood there, trembling in pleasure, her molten bikini spiraled and formed into a flat, wooden stick. It floated between her legs, angling itself for approach, until at last–


–it threw itself forward. Weiss screamed, eyes rolling back in their sockets. As the feeling of fullness–of the giant, wooden rod inside her–overwhelmed her mind, she bucked, tongue lolling out of her mouth, and moaned. Thick beads of sweat dripped down her skin.

“Weiss!” cried Ruby, struggling against her own restraints. Only the beeping of her Collar held her in place.

Drawing in one last, titanic breath, Weiss shuddered in delight, released a scream of utter ecstasy… and froze that way, face trapped in a mask of utter erotic delight as her skin turned a pure white, icy to the touch. The change spread rapidly over her, over her petite little breasts, over her flat little butt, over her thighs and between them to tickle the lips nestled inside. Turning hard as rock, they clamped on the rod inside them. It only made the pleasure that much more extreme.

Finally, Weiss shrank. From human-sized to a tenth of it, if that, in an instant. Her Collar struck the ground with a soft thump.

As the pink lightning vanished with a zzip!, Taberu snatched Weiss out of the air and held her up triumphantly. Behind her, her minions cheered.

“Aaaand there were go,” said Taberu. “Bye bye, Weiss Schnee. Hello one cute, little Weissicle. Mmm~.”

What remained of Team RWBY stared at her in horror.

As her orgasm faded, Weiss’s senses slowly returned to her. Wh-wh-what? She tried to speak and found herself unable, tried to look around and failed to achieve that too. Wh-what happened to–? Nn~! Why do I feel so–?

A giant face, smugly grinning, appeared before her. Opening wide, it stuck out its tongue–its long, coarse tongue, dripping with saliva–and drew her slowly towards it.

No! cried Weiss. No! Nono! Don’t–!

The first lick struck her like a hammerblow, instantly knocking her beaten brain half the way back to orgasm. She tried to scream as it passed over her breasts, scraping away her nipples, before slipping between her legs and–Aiiii!


Ruby watched, tears running down her cheeks, as Taberu popped the little popsicle in her mouth, chewed it loudly, and swallowed it with a gulp. “W-Weiss?”

“Ahhh~,” said Taberu, discarding the stick with a smirk. “Nyot bad, nya. Nyow…” She licked her lips. “What are the rest of nyou going to do?”



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