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“Are we–are we really just going to let her in?” asked Lucy, as Erza reached for the lock.

Erza paused mid-reach. Her Collar beeped–she jerked forward. “It seems so,” she said with a sigh.

The lock clicked; the handle dropped. As the two stepped back, the door swung open.

Lucy gasped.

In the doorway stood the most voluptuous woman she’d ever seen: a curvaceous crimson beauty, her swollen body barely packed into the tight-fitting confines of the world’s skimpiest maid outfit, a pair of dark red horns poking through her bonnet. “Mornin’ luvvies,” she said, bulging into the room. “Soz about the wait. I ‘hope I’m not interruptin’ anythin’?” Taking a deep drag of her cigarette, she stubbed it out on a cabinet.

Lucy and Erza shared a glance. “N-no?” they said, faces right.

“Neat,” said the succubus. “Roight. Loike I said, I’m ‘ere to service the room. Traditionally, that means the two o’ you have to scarper ‘fore I can…” She trailed off, looking over the pair’s shoulders. Her eyes widened as she took in the carnage.

Reaching into her cleavage, she pulled out of a packet of cigarettes and a lighter, lit one, and took a deep, deep drag. “Roight,” she said. “Roight. Well. ‘Ere at the ‘Ellish ‘Otel, we don’t normly like to judge our guests for their private proclivities, but if you two really had that wild a night then, well, yer gonna ‘ave one ‘ell of a bill to pay.” She massaged her brow and sighed again. “Just… just get out of ‘ere so I can clean, will ya?”

Planting her hands on their backs, she pushed them right out of the door and slammed it behind them. The pair heard a click, followed by quiet sobbing.

Now what?” said Lucy, looking around. A luxurious corridor confronted them, its rich red carpet freshly cleaned, its bright beige wallpaper admirably tacky. Doors ran along the walls, all numbered, evens on one side, odds on the other. A red box labeled ‘FIRE’ sat between their own and the door beside it.

As they stood there in indecision, Lucy heard the ding! of an elevator from her right. “At least we have a way down…”

A second later, she heard a clicking from her left. A rapid clicking, which she recognised as a typewriter. When she listened closer, she heard a voice… “All work and nyo play makes Doujinshi a dull girl…. All work and nyo play makes Doujinshi a dull girl…”

Lucy shuddered. “Let’s… let’s not go in that direction.”

“You think we should head straight to the elevator?” asked Erza.

“Y-yeah! Why should we stick around?”

With a frown, Erza approached the door directly opposite them. ‘667’ it read. She tried to the handle–it refused to open.

“What are you doing?” asked Lucy.

“These rooms might have something useful in them,” said Erza, approaching the door next to their own. “We should try some of them before proceeding.”

Lucy swallowed. “Are you sure? What if there are–?”

The handle in Erza’s grip turned. The door swung in. As Erza grinned in satisfaction, the two heard the tiniest little click.


Gunfire roared. Erza leaped for cover, eyes wide in shock, as a spray of shots beehived the wall behind her.

It took several seconds to stop. Lying in a pile, half-naked bodies squished together, Lucy and Erza looked up. Heart pounding, Lucy couldn’t help but notice the pink smoke rising from the bullet holes.

Their Collars beeped.


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