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“Or maybe some biscuits?” said Yuri, holding up a platter. “Oh, and I’ve got some crumpets as well, nya!”

As the catgirl prattled on, Zelda’s Collar beeped. Swallowing, she found herself taking a confident step forward. Drawing in a deep breath, she cleared her throat, and in the regal tones of a Hylian princess, spoke the following:

“Eeeeey, baby. Daaaaamn. If you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple.”

Time seemed to pause for an instant, as if stuck on something.

Yuri blinked. “A fine-apple? What’s that?”

Face red, wincing, Zelda cleared her throat again. “Eeeeeey, baby. If you were a triangle, you’d be an acute one!” She winked and stuck out her pointer fingers, thumbs raised in some arcane gesture.

Yuri stared at her blankly. “A triangle, nya?”

Zelda’s Collar beeped furiously. She found herself jerked first left, then right. Her mouth opened and closed on its own, clearly considering words then discarding them. Finally, she took an emphatic step forward, seized Yuri by the arm, and drew her in so close their lips were almost touching. “Eeeeeey, baby. Nice heliconias.” She pointed to a plant with petals like lobster-claws.

Yuri went red. “W-wow, th-thanks!” She looked away shyly. “Nyou really mean it?”

“I could listen to you talk about plants for a week,” said Zelda, eye twitching as she squeezed Yuri’s buttcheek. “But first, let’s make sweet love.”

Tears poured from Yuri’s eyes. “Okay, nya!” Grabbing her top, she tore it off and launched herself at Zelda like a jiggly feline missile. The princess squealed as the catgirl slammed into her, knocking her onto her ass and slipping a pair of fingers into her–

Zelda squealed.


Ten minutes later, Yuri untangled herself, panting and red, from Zelda’s body.

The princess herself, naked and sweating, rose slowly. She found she could speak now, if she wanted to. She didn’t. What could she say?

As Zelda caught her breath, Yuri’s eyes filled with tears again. “Ahh! It’s nyot fair, nya. Nyou were so kind to me, and nyow nyou’re gonna run off and get eaten by Taberu, nya.” Snivelling, she grabbed the tablet cloth to wipe her eyes. “It’s shooo sad!”

Zelda, scowling, spat out some of Yuri’s nectar.

“Wait!” cried Yuri, suddenly. “Wait! I have an idea, nya! If I zap nyou myself, nyou won’t have to go anywhere, nya. Nyou can stay with me and talk about plants forever!” Grabbing Zelda’s arms she wrenched her to her feet. “Okay, um, just stand here, nya.”

Zelda flicked a panicked glance at Samus, who looked like she wanted to move but couldn’t. “Actually,” she said, trying to put aside her annoyance, “I would prefer to–” Her Collar beeped–her lips moved on their own. “That sounds like a great idea!”

“Yay!” said Yuri, slipping a hand into her chest. “I promise nyou’ll enjoy it, nya!”

Zelda tried to speak, but her protest died in her throat.

A slim green wand emerged from Yuri’s cleavage, its tip sparkling with a terrible pink light. “Hold still!” Zzzap!

Zelda made one final attempt to scream–when the lightning struck her, she succeeded orgasmically. Throwing back her head, she wailed at the sky as her bikini melted into a puddle at her feet. As her naked body glistened in the light of Yuri’s wand, the molten cloth shivered and changed shape, becoming a vessel of hard clay, filled with dirt. Through the tremors of delight, Zelda stared at it in horror. The feeling of cool dirt on her feet… it was–

A fresh blast of erotic energy struck, making her body jerk like a marionette. She moaned, hugging herself and shivering as her legs slammed together and fused, skin turning a deep shade of green. As she struggled to pull free, they shriveled. She found herself sinking, down, down into the dirt.

Like moss, the green spread rapidly up her green, coating her torso and arms and face in a matter of moments. The only thing it left unchanged was her hair.

All of a sudden, Zelda thrust out her arms. Tingling, they flattened, her fingers spreading far, far apart, with sheets of light green matter formed between them. In seconds, she had only a pair of giant leaves.

A second later, Zelda’s chest struck the dirt. As she squirmed at the feeling of the cool dirt on her breasts, she felt a terrible pressure in her boobs and looked down to see them swelling, bulging with fresh fat till they threatened to spill out of her vessel. Behind them, her torso thinned into a spindly stem incapable even of supporting them. Eyes trembling, she tried to moan, but the only sound that came out of her lips was a loud, wet smacking.

As Zelda stared, lost in horror, her mouth stretched, and the rest of her facial features rapidly faded. Finally, her lips rounded into a thick, plump ‘O’, slick with saliva, and the princess felt an incredible desire to wrap them around something and suck.

Yuri loomed over her, a giantess. Her nipples looked like the most delicious things in the world.


Samus stared, rigid in horror, as the catgirl raised the potted plant to her breasts and guided a nipple into its mouth as if it were a baby. The plant–Zelda, though little of her remained–suckled hungrily, its lips producing a loud smacking with each suck.

“There,” said Yuri, stroking the plant’s hair, “nyow we can chat about plants, forever, nya. …I might have to handle the talking though.” She giggled and turned to Samus. “Oh! I forgot about nyou, nya. Um, do nyou wanna talk about plants too?”



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