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The pod shook, throwing RWBY from one side of its cramped quarters to the other. Ruby clung to Yang, while Weiss and Blake struggled to hold on to the smooth, plastic benches. Stars swirled past the viewscreen, spiraling, spiraling... Eyes wide in terror, Collar tight around her neck, Ruby Rose screamed.

Ding! A sudden sound cut through the clamor. “Thank you for escaping with Seigu™ Escape Pods!” said a pleasant, female voice. “Here at Seigu™ Escape Pods, we appreciate that escaping can be stressful, even for frequent escapers. As such, we’ve worked our hardest to create an enjoyable Escape Experience™ for everyone escaping with us! All of our state-of-the-art Pods™ are fitted with built-in kitchen units, so nyou can enjoy a delicious in-escape meal even as nyou flee a traumatic de-shipping!


Ruby squealed as another flash of turbulence slammed her face into Blake’s butt. Looking up with a groan, she saw something through the viewscreen. A desert island, floating in space, strangely beautiful…

…and growing larger with a terrible speed. “Yang!” She clung to her sister.

Ding! “Please brace for landing. ...For Maximum Fun™, Inertial Compensation has been disabled. We hope nyou enjoy the experience, nya.”

Ruby squeaked.

They struck the island with a thump that threw them all against the ceiling and then against the floor. As Ruby screamed, the pod bounced, slamming them into the roof again. They stuck there as it rolled, pinned by centrifugal force like four pairs of underwear in a washing machine.

Slowly, the pod rolled to a stop. Ruby squealed as she dropped. Smack!

As she lay there, groaning, the pod went Ding! again. “We have arrived at our destination! Welcome to Boobytrap Beach!” With a hiss, the door of the pod swung open. “Thank nyou for escaping with Seigu™ Escape Pods!”

Ruby groaned. “Ow…”

“Is everyone okay?” asked Yang, sweeping back her hair.

“I-I’m fine,” said Blake, rubbing her butt. “Weiss, are you–?”

Weiss winced. “I’m okay,” she said, dusting off her dress. “It takes more than that to phase a Schnee.”

“...Ruby?” asked Yang.

Ruby swallowed. “I-I-I’m okay,” she said, grabbing her wrist to keep her arms from trembling. Drawing in a deep breath, she turned her eyes to the pod’s hatch, which had come to a stop at an angle off the ground. “Where–where are we now?”

Blake grabbed the edge of the exit and pulled herself up, poking her head out like a submariner. “It looks like… we’re at the beach?”

Weiss screamed.

“What?” said Yang. “Since when don’t you like the–?”

“My dress!” cried Weiss, scrabbling at her gown. “It’s melting!”

Ruby gasped. It was true–Weiss’s dress looked like a popsicle left in the sun too long. Even as she watched, thick drops of liquid fabric dripped from its bodice.

“M-Mine too!” cried Blake, pawing at her own.

As Yang’s started to melt, she seized it and growled. “What now?!

Ruby heard a plop and looked down.

Her dress, the skimpy, burgundy, embarrassingly-revealing dress they’d forced her into on the ship, had started to run like candle wax. She stared, too shocked to react, as it dripped. Only as the straps snapped and the bodice fell to expose her chest did she finally cry out and cover herself.

Around her, the rest of her teammates did the same. “What’s happening?!” cried Weiss. “Are they going to make us do this naked?!”

It wasn’t only their dresses that were melting. Their heels and tights and underwear and jewelry–all were running like wax as well. Only the Collars around their necks were unaffected.

With a panicked squeal, Ruby scrambled to scoop the gooey substance up and coat herself, without success. The stuff slipped through her fingers like mercury, refusing to stay in place. The more it melted, the faster it moved, till it spiraled around her body in a stream of liquid fabric. An instant later, it split into two halves, one around her chest, and the other around her hips.

Ruby squealed as they closed in on her, clasping her breasts like a pair of hands and forcing their way between her buttcheeks. She squirmed and fought, but she couldn’t get it off.

Finally, the stuff stopped shifting. Heart pounding, reamed in sweat, Ruby looked down and found herself in a bikini.

A tight, red, skimpy bikini.

Whimpering, she tried to cover herself.

“H-How dare they?!” cried Weiss, staring in horror at her own skimpy two-piece. “Do they think we’re dolls?!”

“Hey, I’ll take this over the dress,” said Yang, adjusting the tiny cups of her top. “Especially if we’re on a desert island.”

“Agreed,” said Blake, tugging at the straps of her bottoms.

Weiss huffed.

As Ruby went to protest herself, she heard a purring sound from above. Looking up, she saw one of the eye-drones from the ship hovering over the open hatch. As she stared, its eye tightened into a slit.

It took her a second to realize what was happening. “Ai!” Covering herself, she flailed for something to throw at it, and–when she failed to find one–tried to leap and punch it out of the sky.

Before she had a chance, the drone floated up and out of reach. Red-faced, Ruby screwed up her eyes and moaned.

“What do we do now?” asked Blake. “Should we go and explore, or…?”

“What does it matter what we choose?” snapped Weiss. “Weren’t you listening?” She rapped the Collar around her neck with a satisfying ding. “They’re going to control us, Blake! We should just stay here. Let’s make them force us to leave.”

Blake frowned. “Are we sure that’s a good–?”

Ding! went the pod. “Self-destruct sequence activated. This Pod will explode in… 10… 9… 8…”

Weiss turned even whiter than normal.

“Move!” cried Yang.

“As nyou exit the Pod, please rate nyour Escape Experience™ on a scale of 1 to–”


The pod exploded the second they hit the sand. Ruby screamed as the shockwave hit her back, sending her flying through the air. She sailed several meters before striking the hot ground. It took several seconds of lying there groaning before she found the strength to sit up again.

Before her lay an X. Two sharp stripes of scarlet painted on the sand. A part of her wanted to reach out and touch it, but her huntress’s instincts flashed a bright, neon warning.

Forcing herself up, Ruby Rose looked around. They lay in the middle of a beautiful beach, its sand as fine as golden sugar. Seagulls squawked overhead, but when she looked up she couldn’t see any.

Ahead, in the distance, stood a little village of wooden huts on stilts. She thought she heard drumming on the wind, but it was too far away to tell.

To her right: the ocean lapped at the shore, thick with foam. Out to sea lay a patch of bubbles–when she squinted, she thought she saw something poking out of the water.

To her left: a vast pyramid, the largest structure she’d seen in her life. Beacon Academy couldn’t be half its height, let alone half as imposing.

Behind her, her teammates were picking themselves up, dusting the sand off, and grumbling. Behind them in turn lay the treeline of a verdant desert jungle, though the fruits dangling from its trunks looked too fleshy to be coconuts.

And around them…

Xs. X after X after X. Endless Xs surrounding them on all sides. Stark red Xs painted in their thousands, as if a hundred games of noughts-and-crosses had been fought here on the sand and half-erased. The spot their pod had landed on was just about the only spot the Xs didn’t mark.

“What… what do we do now?” asked Weiss.

As one, their Collars beeped.


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