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Hey everyone! Happy December to all, and I hope you guys have a wonderful Holiday! Just as promised in yesterday's poll, here is the first part of the next CYOA story. I once more would like to apologize for the delay with this story. I thought December would be a bit of a chill month for me, but I ended up working on a bunch of extra stuff I wasn't really expecting. My energy levels just aren't what they used to be haha. That or I just have too much stuff on my plate. I feel like if I didn't have anything else to do, I could easily knock out a buttload of writing without any effort but oh well.

Anyways, regarding this story it's a fun one! I mentioned it in the previous poll about the type of TF, but I did originally envision it as a scenario where only the person's genitals would transform but their gender identity would change. It is a tad bit similar to the raigh story, however I really like the concept and it's just different enough I feel like it's fine to do. Also, people did vote they'd prefer this to full on TG so I'm not gonna complain. 

Next part is gonna involve an unfortunate boy getting a pussy and becoming a girl, so look forward to that! I'm not exactly sure if I wanna continue the story after that, since I don't have any concrete ideas. A part of me just wants to leave it as a two part and done sort of deal, just so I can move on to some other projects I've kept in the back burner. Another part wants to go uhhh make another poll and let the people decide! I still have like 3 or 4 patreon poll stories due and I really wanna open comms again so ahhhh it's a tough decision. Unless there's a lot of interest, I think I'll most likely be moving onto a new cyoa instead of keeping with this one, but if you have any strong feelings either way lemme know!

As for what's next, I already mentioned I wanna do part 2 of this CYOA. I don't think I'll finish it this year, but if by some miracle I do that'd be pretty ebic. after that, I got a gift I gotta complete and then maybe a patreon story?? I also wanna open comms for February but idk if it'll actually happen Like a wise person once said: "So much to do, so much to see, so what's wrong with taking the back streets." I don't know what that means.

Anyways, hope you like this fic and thanks for the continued support!!! Cheers!!!!


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