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Hey everyone! First of all, I'd like to apologize for the delay with this story. I started writing this during the winter break, and I honestly struggled a lot to get it done. It's not that I hated the idea or anything. Rather, I feel like I was in a very specific mood when I first came up with this concept. But as time went on, my interests shifted, and coming back to this a couple of months later, I wasn't able to invest all of that past passion that I would have liked to. I feel like this is why I stopped doing the poll stuff. Time passed, things got delayed, and I just couldn't maintain the interest needed to complete such a project. I still haven't finished all of those due past pol fics btw lol. I'm sure if I just dropped them, people wouldn't mind, but I'm a man word.

All of this complaining is to say, I'm not super satisfied with how this one turned out. I don't mean to imply it's bad or anything, definitely not on the level of Cordelia's Harem lol. But I feel like I could have done better. As it stands, I think it's just okay. That being said, if you think this is a banger and really like it, then I'm happy! In the end, a lot of these quality and artistry things are bugs in my head, so if you got horny and busted to this one, then I feel like I did my job.

In terms of what comes next, I'm gonna work on a personal-ish project. I promised a friend if they commissioned a piece with Dorse Soleil + Lucina, I would write a related piece. And well... They did, so now it's my turn to hold up the bargain. You might have seen the picture if you're in my discord, if not I'll upload it along with the story anyways so no worries. It's been a while since I did Dorse, and the scenario is suuuper horny so, I'm excited to do it!

After that, I'm gonna try to have the next CYOA (farmhouse of heroes) ready for around the start of February, because I will once again start taking commissions! So yeah, get your ideas and your moneys ready :3c

Anyways, that's enough rambling from me. Hope you liked this one, and cheers!


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