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Hey all! Happy November though I guess it's December now. Okay, so I'm gonna level with you. I was supposed to work on the CYOA story right. Well, I was totally super ready to get into that one buuuuut... A once in a lifetime opportunity surged that I just had to take advantage of.

If it wasn't apparent by the thumbnail, this picture is a collaborative piece with one of my favorite artists in the whole wide world, Franktonius! I love Frank cus he draws the sexy bods of course, but the main thing I enjoy is those really fucked high concept reality warp and identity play stuff that he does. This story is based on a poll idea I had a while back, and after talking to Frank about it they seemed to enjoy it a lot as well. We had a pretty satisfying brain stormin sesh and eventually came up with this. I had so much fun with this in fact, I wrote this whole ass novela in like 4 days lol. I've always wanted to do something with frank cus they're very cool, and since we were both really it was the perfect opportunity! Once they post the full picture, I'll make sure to include that as well. 

As for what's next.... As penance for my crimes, I'll do TWO polls for december and post two CYOA chapters. In terms of responsibilities I don't have that many (other than the oll poll stories draggin me down) but there's still a lot coming soon so look forward to that! Anyways, I've rambled enough. Thanks for the support as always. Hope you liked this one, and cheers!


Full Blown Marxism

Ummm… hate to say it but I think you forgot to attach the story to the post


oh my goooooooooood I'm stupid. It's been a while since this last happened. Sorry, the story has been attached now ;_;