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Hey y'all! Hope you guys have been doing okay. I'd like to apologize for taking so long to post this. I've actually had this ready for a while, and was supposed to post this last week, but I kinda got busy and did not. In general, my time has been cut short quite a lot. I have a couple of different ventures I'm trying to work on, not to mention my actual work which DRAINS most of my time. That makes it so that it can be kinda hard to write some days, and delays come by plenty.

Luckily, the next fic is almost done and it should be posted by next week. It's actually a commission, and not the CYOA. I know I tend to have this thing where I try to keep up a monthly reward, only for it to fail and it keeps getting pushed farther and farther... But it was kind of intentional this time! I promise! I was planning to skip next month's CYOA because I want to restructure the Patreon a bit, and it seems like a fine time to do so considering the next CYOA is probably the last chapter of the story (for now?). I'll make an official announcement later, hopefully before the month ends.

Anyways, let's talk about the fic itself! It was a pretty fun thing to do! Betya didn't expect me to write about Naruto, huh? I'm not super duper familiar with the source material, but I feel like I know enough to do a decent job. I like the concept in general, two fighting sister turning into horny, bratty boys. So I really gave it my all saucing this piece up. I hope you guys enjoy it, and cheers!


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