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aw yea baby. September's almost done but I somehow managed to squeeze another fic in there! This piece is honestly pretty interesting. It doesn't have any explicit NSFW, but I still found it very horny haha. I think the concept is pretty cool, and writing in first person was an interesting experience. I don't think I did the best in that sense, but overall I'm pretty satisfied with how this boy ended up going. So I hope you guys enjoy it too.

With this fic done, I got two more commissions to finalize, not to mention the CYOA. If you guys look at the date, it should be pretty obvious that I won't be able to finish the CYOA chapter for this month, apologies haha. I mentioned last time that I was gonna do some modifications on the CYOA system, so I think it's a good point to take a break for that actually. Before the end of this month, I'll make a more official post talking about what I'm planning. But for now, enjoy the horny (?)

As for what's next, once the two comms and cyoa are done, I'll be back to the poll stories I haven't finished. My goal is to fully rid myself of responsibilities before the end of the year. That way, I can maybe take comms again either in December or January next year. I also wanna do a month of prompts. like I've done the previous years. But I think it's smarter if I save that for when I have nothing else on my plate and finish all I have now. Anyways, that's all there is to it. Thank you guys for the support as always. Hope you enjoy this one, and cheers!
