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Howdy y'all! Hope you guys have been having a positively stimulating September! I've been doing pretty alright on my end. Well, if I've gotta be honest it's been a LOT of up and downs. However I'm still standing, and most importantly I feel like my writing's been pretty consistent for a while! How long that will last, who can really say haha. As long as it keeps going, I won't complain too much.

This piece was pretty fun to do for me personally. I don't do a lot of furry stuff in general. Mainly because I'm not big into furry myself, but it was nice to get out of my proverbial comfort zone. Not to say I'm not into it, I was pretty invested when writing this haha. I guess the thing is when it comes to me, the furry and transformation, or having a person who is normally human attain animal traits, is what really turns me on. Dunno how many more of these I'll do in the future, but I'm open to the idea!

As for what's next, I'm already cooking the next commission. My plan is to finish this next comm, do another comm and then get this month's cyoa finished. I have uhhh four more comms to get through after this one. Highly doubt I'll be able to do all of them, but I'm hoping for October I'll be responsibility free! Anyways, that's about all I got for today. Hope you enjoyed this one, and cheers!


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