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Hi my little fans! The Patreon has been going strong for a while! 4 short months and counting. I'm very thankful to all of you for the support. But now that we've been sailing for a little bit, I think its time for some changes.

First and most importantly, starting next month all of my Patrons are going to be able to vote on the monthly polls. I wanted to try having the polls be a bit more exclusive, but I'm also interested in seeing what type of content you guys all want from me. So starting with the next poll, please start voting on the monthly patron polls! Besides that, 1$ patrons will also be able to request to put stories from the previous poll back on next month's poll. I won't hound anybody for this reward. You must come to me with your rerequest, otherwise I will put new options on the poll. Any option that was previously on a poll that didn't win is rerequestable, regardless of how long ago the poll was. Nothing else about the first tier will change.

As for the 5$ tier, now this tier will be able to request new and original stories onto that month's patron poll, as long as I agree to it. I was already doing this before since I had no 10$ patrons, so it just seemed logical that I would extend this to the 5$ tier officially. This tier will also gain double voting power. And the discord rewards are the same

The 10$ tier will get triple voting power and will also be elligible to get a 2k + mini-fic with of any topic (that I find acceptable). Alternatively, they can now also choose  a ~5 panel feh sprite edit comic.

Finally, the 20$ tier will get a choice of either 2 2k+ mini fics, one 4k+ small fic, 2 5 panel feh sprite edit comics, 1 ~10 panel feh sprite edit comic or 1 2k minific and one 5 panel comic, along with quadruple voting power on polls.

So yeah, pretty excited changes. Let me know what you think about them and if you have any suggestions. Once again, thanks for all the support and I hope that you continue to support me for as long as you can <3


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