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"Tharja has been trying to cast hex after hex in order to make Robin fall in love with her, but everything she tries keeps failing and failing. That is, until she finds a wand that allows her to easily obtain what she's always wanted to achieve. Unfortunately, the wand is a little bit more than Tharja bargained for, and she's going to find out about this the hard way."

Sup lads. Sorry this took so long to upload. Its been a rough couple of weeks for ya boy. A lot of very important stuff is happening in my life right now and I haven't really had the energy to put my all into it. I'm going to try my best going forward, and hopefully everything goes well. Maybe even keep up the one fic a week schedule. But things aren't going to change anytime soon, so don't expect anything. As for this fic, I don't really have much to say. It was harder for me to write than others, maybe because of what I'm going through, I don't know. Regardless, I hope you find this enjoyable! If everything goes well, I'll have another one ready by next week. Anyways, hope you enjoy this one and cheers!


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